Constipation from food switching?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2019
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well in quarantine. I posted here a while ago and got some great advice, now I’m back again with more questions...
My Luna is 7 years old, she my first cat and I have had her for 9 months. She had been eating Whiskas dry food her previous life so I kept her on it.
She was having some problems with her spay surgery so I didn’t try to change her food to something better quality until now. For a week now I’ve been slowly mixing Instinct ultimate protein dry food into her diet, we were at about 70% new food last night.
I noticed then she was straining to poop, I heard her crying and digging but nothing was in the litter box. Half an hour later she did poop a tiny amount but it was outside of the litter box and all over the place like a trail. The poop was dry and semi-hard. She then started licking her butthole aggressively while whining, tried going to the litter box again, then threw up. She continued to eat and drink, but lethargic and sleepy.

I took her to the vet just now because she hasn't peed or pooped in 20 hours and I was paranoid. They did x-ray and found an acceptable amount of poop. I think they did something with her anal gland which she has been furiously licking since we got home. The vet said laxatives not necessary but gave me some Royal Canine weight management kibbles that's supposed to be high fiber. If she doesn't poop by tomorrow then he'll prescribe laxatives.

Is this all because of my attempt to switch her to better food??? I've read added protein may be a factor? I keep seeing on here high protein low carb food is better and that what I was trying to do. She’s very picky and absolutely would not eat any wet food I tried to put down, even if I mix it with her dry food. She has perfected the sniff, glare and walk away sequence. Now that switching kibbles has failed...I’m not so sure what to do. Should I make fiber a priority now instead of protein? Should I just stick to Whiskas since she's been eating it with no problem?

All the long term remedies I've seen for constipation seems impossible because she's just so picky. There's no wet food to mix meds/pumpkin into. She's not interested in any form of treats or pill pockets. She wouldn't eat anything off my hand or in her bowl that's not her food. If I mix treats/enrichments in her bowl she just sniffs it and refuses the entire meal. Are there options for putting in her water that she wouldn't notice?

Sorry for the rambling post. I just really hope to get some input on this poopy situation.:frown:

Thank you!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Bless your heart, you did everything right :)

The only thing I can think of might be, once she's back to normal, is to slow the transition down even further, in other words a small bit of the new food in the bowl for a week, then a bit more in the bowl the next week.

You could try a different brand, maybe Merrick or Blue Wilderness?


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
One thing that may help is increasing her water intake. Tricky with a cat, I know. BUT...if her water bowl is next to her food dish, try moving it several feet away. Cats instinctively know that water that is too near a food source may be contaminated. I moved Hekitty's water bowl just THREE FEET from her food dish and her intake increased dramatically. I now have a water bowl in every room we spend time in.

Try going back to the Whiskas, and see if that fixes the issue. Look, I have a girl who is now 12 years old, has NEVER eaten anything but Little Friskies kibbles, because she will starve rather than eat something different, and who is as healthy as a horse thus far. A very wise person once told me, "The VERY BEST cat food is the one that your cat actually will actually eat," and we'll add to that, "and does well on."
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2019
One thing that may help is increasing her water intake. Tricky with a cat, I know. BUT...if her water bowl is next to her food dish, try moving it several feet away. Cats instinctively know that water that is too near a food source may be contaminated. I moved Hekitty's water bowl just THREE FEET from her food dish and her intake increased dramatically. I now have a water bowl in every room we spend time in.

Try going back to the Whiskas, and see if that fixes the issue. Look, I have a girl who is now 12 years old, has NEVER eaten anything but Little Friskies kibbles, because she will starve rather than eat something different, and who is as healthy as a horse thus far. A very wise person once told me, "The VERY BEST cat food is the one that your cat actually will actually eat," and we'll add to that, "and does well on."
Thank you! I will add another water bowl right away.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2019
And a belated follow up, finally we have regular bowel movement!!!! Can’t believe I’m typing this sentence with this much joy...
She apparently needs me to watch her to go to the litter box, screw privacy like normal cats 😂😂