Coccidia, Diarrhea, Prolapse... Please share your recovery stories, we are losing hope this will eve


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Young Cat
Dec 18, 2015
Arizona Transplant from Bay Area, California
We have a beautiful, sweet, feisty Torti named Zuul with a severe case of Coccidia (and related constant, leaky diarrhea and minor anal prolapse). She has been leaking poo all over herself, our house and us since a few days after we got her home. It has been a month of non-stop sickness and non-stop poo now. She is about 4 months old (22 weeks) and missing out on all the adorable kitten nonsense we want for her. 

Our other rescue kitten Tomo, (Nakatomi "Tomo" Mergatroid Ferguson) is doing well and helps keep her company but we are seriously at our wit's end.

We can't cuddle, sleep with her or play with her normally and all of our interactions with her involve us trying to get a towel under her before she covers us in more poo. We both now have outfits we wear when we want to let her snuggle us that basically are full body suits (hoodies and pants) that we clean after each time. Our house is in complete disarray and though we scrub and mop and carpet clean daily we can't ever seem to keep up or feel like the house is really clean. 

She screams like she is being killed when we try to even clean her heels off with a dry tissue (much less the sound she makes when we have to hold her anus in to train the muscle). She is sick to death of being held down and cleaned but there is no other way to do it. We use a rinseless shampoo to reduce her discomfort but at this point I think she is more mad than she is in pain from us washing her. If we don't wash her at least once a day, usually a lot more, her poo becomes caked all over her and is even worse. 

We do 3-5 loads of laundry a day and start and end every single day by cleaning up really stinky poo puddles. She has been to the vet more times than we can recall, we have no idea what the total we have spent is and while our vet is really good and specializes in cats only, we can't get any idea from them how long this may go on.  We are starting to wonder if she will ever get better and if not, how we will adjust.

We would love to hear about other people's experiences with severe coccidia and related infections and how long it took for your kitty to stop leaking and have normal stool. We just want to know that some other kitties out there went through this or something like it and made it out OK. We aren't really looking for medical/treatment advice per se but feel free to respond with any you may want to share. She is still purring and cuddling and eating and drinking and does not seem to be in any danger so we (mostly) aren't scared she will die from this. 

Please help give us some hope or at least some idea of what other kittens have gone through on their way to recovery. (To make matters worse, I just lost my 18 year old kitty to kidney disease in early October and my other 18 year old last year. I was completely unprepared for this level of medical need so soon from a new kitten)

Pictures of Tomo (grey tabby) and Zuul (Torti) - pictures from the first few days they were home when she wasn't doing as badly and hadn't had her prolapse yet.

Treatments so far... (ALL treatments directed by vet and well researched by vet and us)

21 day run of Albon

5 days Metronidazole

2 treatments of Ponzuril (3 days each, 5 days between runs)

Rx Clay at a high dose (3-4 scoops twice daily)

Probiotics twice daily

Additional vitamins (powder, twice daily)
Prescription wet and dry food for digestion (Currently Intestinal EN, will be moving to a hypoallergenic formula per the vet)

Broad spectrum antibiotic to deal with a secondary infection of unknown origin

Purse String surgery to correct prolapse (Stitch in on 12/7, Out on 12/14)
Pain medication after surgery (last dose is tomorrow unless vet gives us more)

Twice daily ointment and "pushing" to help continue to heal prolapse

Soft cone worn unless under direct supervision to keep her from licking and further inflaming her anus and surrounding areas.

Blood tests, fecal float tests and insanely detailed fecal tests that I don't even know the name of but cost a ton


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
So the fecal testing has confirmed it is coccidia correct?

If so, and it sounds like it has been, then ponazuril IS your answer.

It is amazing.

As I described in the post in the link above, ponazuril is the only med that actually kills the coccidia cysts, larvae/eggs.

I suspect that either it is too diluted or not given a long enough treatment period.

I have had to treat some cats for a longer period, up to 10 days even when diluted 5mls marquis paste to 12 mls of water.

This is the standard dilution.

However once I came across a vet who said not to dilute it so much, and I started diluting it with less water then the paste, I had not had to run long treatments like prior since.

If your vet is not willing to request a more potent compound, then you will need a longer period of treatment.

Let me ask this, since treatments, have you had a follow up fecal test done? Did it still show cysts? 

During the period of giving ponazuril, shortly after the 3 days treating was her poop firming up well?

I ask because it's possible that the coccidia is gone now, but she has a sensitivity to her food. This happens too, and will make you think it's still coccidia that is causing the diarrhea.

Food sensitivities are common with liquid diarrhea like she has.

What does it smell like? Is there any blood seen in her stool now?

Is it mucousy?

The best and most painless way to clean her is a sink of warm water, allowing her sore butt and legs to feel soothed.

As long as the poop gets on her skin, it will continue to cause rawness which feels like a skin burn, which is why she carries on the way she does.

Possibly when the water first hits her sore areas she will be mad, but then it fades. Just like if you have ever had a cut or a burn and take a shower, at first it hurts like mad, but then seems to adapt.

Do not rub or wipe, allow her to soak in the warm water long enough to loosen the poop off of her.

While under water, but after she soaks for a few minutes is when you can gently push her butt in, but honestly, once her poop gets normal her butt will no longer protrude on it's own without being pushed in.

Please tell me what she is eating. 
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Young Cat
Dec 18, 2015
Arizona Transplant from Bay Area, California
@catwoman707- Thank you for your reply and all the info, please see my responses below.

Have you seen kitties get better after this sort of issue? How long did it take?

So the fecal testing has confirmed it is coccidia correct?

>> Yes, positive tests and coccidia poop has a very distinct odor. She has another test next week to see if the Coccidia is gone. 

Let me ask this, since treatments, have you had a follow up fecal test done? Did it still show cysts? 

During the period of giving ponazuril, shortly after the 3 days treating was her poop firming up well?

>>  Her poop has bever been firm and actually got really watery after the Ponazuril. It went from a "6" on the scale to a "7" after the Ponazuril. My vet was pretty agressive with the med and really likes it but I don't know what the dilution was. 

I ask because it's possible that the coccidia is gone now, but she has a sensitivity to her food. This happens too, and will make you think it's still coccidia that is causing the diarrhea.

Food sensitivities are common with liquid diarrhea like she has.

>> That was our thought too or some other allergy.

What does it smell like? Is there any blood seen in her stool now?

Is it mucousy?

>> It has been mucus-like the whole time but only bloody occasionally. It now smells like normal poop, not like Coccidia.

The best and most painless way to clean her is a sink of warm water, allowing her sore butt and legs to feel soothed.

As long as the poop gets on her skin, it will continue to cause rawness which feels like a skin burn, which is why she carries on the way she does.

>> We were doing this but the vet was concerned that the water might make her skin even more raw. Now we use the no rinse shampoo and blot it off her and only bathe her when she gets too messy for spot cleaning. 

While under water, but after she soaks for a few minutes is when you can gently push her butt in, but honestly, once her poop gets normal her butt will no longer protrude on it's own without being pushed in.

>> It was prolapsed before her purse string surgery but is getting a lot better now. 

Please tell me what she is eating.

>> She is on EN Gastroenteric wet and Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal Fiber Response (long name!) dry. The vet wants us to transition her to a hypoallergenic food starting Monday. 


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
There is a decent chance that the coccidia is actually gone now, so the test this week should show this as long as it is the more sensitive PCR test rather than a standard fecal float in which the cysts will sometimes hide and cause a negative result when actually there are cysts still present.

My personal opinion on the food change is not so much a hypoallergenic food but a very limited ingredient food of one protein source.

Blue Buffalo limited ingredient diet turkey is a good choice.

Nature's Variety Instinct limited is another. Also Natural Balance limited green pea and duck, but some cats don't care for the taste of that one.

Have you by chance been told by your vet that you may need to give her turkey only baby food for a few days?

Or cooked white rice and lamb combo is also good.

The purpose for this is to stop all other foods and feed one thing that is very easily digested to allow her system to settle down and stop thinking it needs to react as it has been.

This is NOT uncommon with longer term diarrhea cats either, day after day they are continuing to react to the same food, so the only way to really get the message across to their little bodies is simply to stop all food completely, only giving like I said either turkey baby food which is my preference and only one single ingredient, or rice and lamb, 2 ingredients.

However not knowing what might be the trigger/allergen, I'd stick with the turkey baby food.

By day 3 she should have better poop. 

If it does improve, you will slowly get her on the limited ingredient food mentioned above, adding a spoon of pure pumpkin daily or even twice a day, many love it so that is easy.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 18, 2015
Arizona Transplant from Bay Area, California
@catwoman707 - I have asked a few times about food but didn't get a firm response either way. I also think the coccidia might be gone but since her digestion has been so screwed up for so long her gut flora might just be totally out of whack. I want new tests (last one was PCR) and new bloodwork ro see if the unknown secondary infection is gone.

The digestive diet she is on is pretty simple but I agree with you that gong as plain as possible is a good call. Is there any reason I shouldn't just puree turkey or chicken meat for her and toss in the vitamins ad probiotics? I even wonder if i should stop those for a few days and see if she improves.

Thank you did your time on this, it really helps to write it out and to see that others have similar instincts about next steps as we do.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I have heard nothing but good things about Nature's Variety Limited Ingredient canned food. If you are giving her baby food, make sure there is no garlic or onions in it. It should only be meat, I heard lamb is very easy to digest. Let us know how the little girl is doing.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 18, 2015
Arizona Transplant from Bay Area, California
She was perky yesterday and purring while playing with a string. She's still leaving drips and puddles everywhere but seems less like a sick kitty if that makes sense.
Currently she is purr-snoozing on my neck after a wash and snuggling with Tomo. No idea why she still likes and trusts us after all we have to do to her but super grateful that she does.



TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
@catwoman707 - I have asked a few times about food but didn't get a firm response either way. I also think the coccidia might be gone but since her digestion has been so screwed up for so long her gut flora might just be totally out of whack. I want new tests (last one was PCR) and new bloodwork ro see if the unknown secondary infection is gone.

The digestive diet she is on is pretty simple but I agree with you that gong as plain as possible is a good call. Is there any reason I shouldn't just puree turkey or chicken meat for her and toss in the vitamins ad probiotics? I even wonder if i should stop those for a few days and see if she improves.

Thank you did your time on this, it really helps to write it out and to see that others have similar instincts about next steps as we do.
Aw she is just darling, what a sweet pic!

If the food she has been on does not actually state 'limited ingredient' then it will still have loads of possible allergens included.

Sometimes vets will get so focused on one thing, treat and treat and feel a bit lost, that it takes an outsider looking in to spot the thing that is right in front of the vet, it happens plenty, as they're human and as we all know, humans error. 

Yes you certainly can cook your own turkey for her. I do not recommend chicken because it is known to be a common allergen for cats, I know, hard to understand that one......

Even Jenny-O lean ground turkey meat cooked. If she will eat it enough to keep her going for a few days then you sure can just do that.

You don't want to take any risk at all of causing HP (hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease) by her not getting enough calories, meaning she must get at least half of what her normal caloric intake is. 80 cals minimum is probably enough, but be sure not to go under that, and more is best if possible.

If you cook the turkey, you can add a few cals to it by frying it in real butter, not alot but maybe enough that will add a teaspoon per day. It will also help give some enticing flavor since turkey meat is very plain.

I don't think it's necessary to add vitamins to it since it's only for a few days. Unless you are thinking if she eats it well to keep her on this only for a while, which you can do, just need to add U-Stew to it to make it nutritionally complete for a cat. It makes a gravy too so she might like that.

Yes, she def. needs her flora balanced out, I don't recall which probiotic she has been taking?

Plain yogurt will also get her some of the good bacteria back in her system too.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 18, 2015
Arizona Transplant from Bay Area, California
Yes, she def. needs her flora balanced out, I don't recall which probiotic she has been taking?

Plain yogurt will also get her some of the good bacteria back in her system too.
She is on Rx Biotic powder. She was on fortiflora for awhile.

My boyfriend is taking her to the vet tomorrow and I am going to ask him to see what she thinks of this plan:

Take her off all food additives for 2-3 days (probiotic, Rx Clay, vitamins) and feed her turkey babyfood and nothing else. (Or some other super simple ingredient food, maybe rice too for carbs?)

One at a time, add back the additives but keep the food simple. Give 48 hours between additives to see if there is a change or not. I am hoping that the 2-3 days of simple food firm her up. 

Then we can add back the probiotic and vitamin and see how it goes. 

I will want to do another stool sample if simple food doesn't help and might need to do bloodwork to see if the other infection she had went away.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 18, 2015
Arizona Transplant from Bay Area, California

Vet visit today and Zuul officially has the worst case of Coccidia the vet has ever seen. Yay! She's above average! (sigh)

Cysts were present in the very fresh sample she so kindly provided the vet during her exam.

The gameplan is:

Moved her to a limited ingredient food

Discontinuing the clay for now, keeping vitamins and probiotic

Round 3 of Ponzuril to start soon (7 days after the last round ended) - @catwoman707 - if you were still curious, the label says 100MG/ML Suspension 20 ml. Dose is .85ML once a day

She is still prolapsed some so we are to continue the ointment and "pushing" gently when we can but there has been improvement. 

Wish us luck! Still hoping for some stories of kittens that got through this OK...


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 22, 2015
i've been through coccidia hell with a whole litter of 4 foster babies--which my cats caught. it was awful. we went thru all the meds you listed plus over the counter supplements for diarrhea, plain pumpkin, probiotics etc...i finally started giving them a tiny bit of immodium and that's the only thing that slowed it down. within a few days, it was over but it took close to 3 months and cost a fortune! we also used medicated tucks pads on their raw tushies. they squirmed at first but they really did help..i know how frustrating it is to constantly clean up poo but your kitty will get better. right now you need to find the right food. try adding plain pumpkin to her food and a tiny bit of immodium. you can ask your vet about the immodium. my cats did fine with it..


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA

Vet visit today and Zuul officially has the worst case of Coccidia the vet has ever seen. Yay! She's above average! (sigh)

Cysts were present in the very fresh sample she so kindly provided the vet during her exam.

The gameplan is:

Moved her to a limited ingredient food

Discontinuing the clay for now, keeping vitamins and probiotic

Round 3 of Ponzuril to start soon (7 days after the last round ended) - @catwoman707 - if you were still curious, the label says 100MG/ML Suspension 20 ml. Dose is .85ML once a day

She is still prolapsed some so we are to continue the ointment and "pushing" gently when we can but there has been improvement. 

Wish us luck! Still hoping for some stories of kittens that got through this OK...
To me this is actually a good update.

Now you know it's not a food issue at least, as that can be torture sometimes, like a needle in a haystack even.

The plan now sounds appropriate. 20 mls will be a good longer treatment plan, which should do the trick, even if it is diluted more. I would say this should be the end to all of it soon and her poor little butt can get back to normal!

I have also heard of others using tucks. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 18, 2015
Arizona Transplant from Bay Area, California
zed xyzed zed xyzed and catwoman707 catwoman707 Zuul is nearly better! She is being treated with some new antibiotics and diet for colon problems (per ultrasound). She is actually pooping in the box and it is soft but it is actual poo! She has a ton of energy and her skin issues and inflammation are gone!
Took 2 months but I think in another month or so she will be 100%
Thanks to you both and everyone here for your support.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
That is fantastic news!! I am so happy for you  and Zuul. If you don't mind me asking what is the name of the new drug she is taking.  Did she have the 3rd round of Ponzuril? and if so how long was the treatment?

BTW she is adorable  
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