Chronic eye infection


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Hello everyone. I have not been around for awhile, too busy with my 11 current cats and fosters, not to mention other activities, but I would like to share a problem and ask advice. About 5 months ago I found a stray kitten on the roadside, far from any houses. Not unusual, except that this kitten was in a state I have rarely seen in 50 years of catcare. In fact I did not know it was a kitten at first. When I did realise this ball of matted long hair was a small friendly kitten and got her immediately to a vet, we realised that she has all the features of a highly inbred Persian. We had to shave her to give her an antibiotic injection, the fur was so badly matted. She had closed crusty eyes, dirt stuck all over and every parasite under the sun. She was skeletal under the matts and the vet reckoned she was within hours of death. Roll forward a few months and she is the sweetest natured cat, loves everyone and is in general good health. But she shows all the signs of severe inbreeding and I wonder if that is why she was abandoned. Her eyes and nose are extremely flat with very deep creases, her mouth is so small that she can hardly eat even kitten food and she has great difficulty in cleaning herself. And she has chronic eye infections. So far 5 courses of oral antibiotics, eye drops and various ointments have failed to solve the problem. A few days of clean eyes and then it starts again. She is already high maintenance, needs thorough brushing and cleaning every day, as well as help with food. She is obviously going to be unadoptable but I don't mind as she is totally adorable. I called her Yoda as that is who she resembled when she was shaved! I attach some pictures, but would welcome and ideas or advice for treatment. She deserves the best I can give her.
Arrival state 1.jpg
shaved cat.jpg
Sept 2020.jpg
CU Oct 2020.jpg
Arrival state 1.jpg
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Sept 2020.jpg
CU Oct 2020.jpg

British Girls

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 2, 2018
I used to have a doll-faced Persian, and it would periodically get blocked tear ducts. Persians have to have their faces cleaned once, sometimes twice a day, depending on the cat. Other than that, I don't really know how to stop a cat from having severe recurring eye infections...


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
First, thank you so much for rescuing Yoda and giving her the care she so desperately needed. It sounds like she has returned your thoughtfulness with unconditional love. :hearthrob: Second, her eye problems could be a symptom of an underlying health issue. For that reason, I would strongly suggest taking her to a veterinary ophthalmology specialist. One of our past Persians scratched his cornea and our vet recommended this type of specialist. Our present Persian had a similar beginning in life to Yoda but just like your girl he is extremely loving and affectionate. Not the same health problems but we have had to dip into our savings many times.

It appears that Yoda probably came from a backyard breeder but regardless it's a blessing you found her on the roadside that day. I thought this Article about eye problems in cats might have some helpful information for you:
Eye Problems In Cats: What Every Owner Needs To Know – TheCatSite Articles
Please keep us updated on Yoga's progress. :alright:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Thanks. Yes I have an opthalmologist. She has been tested negative for herpes. My vet is not yet convinced it is necessary but I shall try to persuade her to refer me. Poor little Yoda is so good when I clean her eyes and put drops in. She just sits and purrs. She is such a super little cat, and yes, I think she may have come from a BYB though how anyone who even pretends to call themselves a breeder could abandon a kitten in an isolated village is beyond me. She is totally unable to fend for herself.
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