CHF cat seems to be relapsing


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2012

  I was on here last October and I'm back tonight in July.  My cat has CHF and asthma.  I haven't dared to do steroids for the asthma yet because of his heart disease.  He had an episode with rapid breathing again last week for the first time in several months.  Rather than rush him to the ER as I have in the past, I was up during the night giving him extra doses of lasix, which is the same thing they do at the ER.  He responded well after 24 hrs.  Today all was well except he caught a baby squirrel.  He has no teeth so I was able to get him away from it and it ran off.  He came in the house and was breathing hard, but relaxed after a short time.  Tonight after dinner he started having bad coughing/wheezing spasms.  He usually has up to 3 or 4 a day, he had 3 in about an hour.  His breathing became very rapid.  I gave him an extra dose of lasix and he ran out the door and now won't come near me.  I don't know what to do.  He hates to go to the vet, and he senses that is what I am trying to do.  The only thing open is the ER and they are an hour across town. He doesn't travel well, and I've been so scared this would happen again when my regular vet is closed.  My regular vet is only 5 min. away.  I'm so afraid something will happen to him outdoors tonight and I will be helpless to help him!  I am beside myself and have no one to talk to.  My husband and I separated 7 months ago, and my friends are all at work or out of town.  I feel really alone and just don't know what to do.  I guess I'm just looking for some support, this has become so out of control.  He was a ferral cat and still reverts back to his outdoor instincts when he doesn't feel well or when he's afraid.  I don't want him to be alone, but I also don't want him to panic being shoved into his carrier and driven an hour away.  That's not even a choice right now as he won't come near me.  He knows I'm trying to catch him.  I feel so unbelievably helpless!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 4, 2013
Victoria, Australia
So sorry to hear you and your cat have been having these troubles. Recently, my Dad's dog became suddenly ill one night and there was nothing my Dad could do except sit up all night with his dog until the vet opened in the morning. There were no ER's near where he lives. That  was a very panicky night with his dog barely able to breathe. It turned out his dog had developed a condition of his larynx and it was the beginning of the end unfortunately. But I know from talking to Dad throughout that time that having a pet who is very sick can be very isolating because people often don't realise how attached we are to our pets. I would suggest phoning someone you are close to if that's possible, just for some emotional support. If I've understood properly, going out looking for your cat is not really an option since he is scared of going to the vet and you don't want him to avoid you? I know this is a very anxious time, but can you try doing something that is relaxing for you while you wait for your cat to come home? People often say that cats pick up on their humans emotions, so if you can remain as calm as possible that will help both you and your cat. Does your vet do home visits? Just thinking that when your cat comes home, you could call the vet first thing and explain the situation and see if they can come to you. Sending you lots of good wishes
Keep us posted.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Having been through several bouts of CHF with our last cat, I know that feeling of helplessness. It's fortunate that you got a dose of Lasix into him before he took off. Hopefully he'll calm down enough in a little while to come back inside or let you pick him up. Please keep us posted. Mega :vibes:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2012
Thanks my-boy-jasper and jcat.  It just helps having someone who understands and shares the compassion that we as pet owners have with our pets.  My cat seemed to be feeling quite a bit better this morning, so I set his food outside as I always do with his meds in it.  He only ate about half of it, hung out on the porch for a while then took off again.  He hasn't been back to eat which is not like him.  His breathing was better but not 100% normal.  I just don't know what to do.  He will stress so hard if I try to cram him into his carrier.  He is more afraid of that than anything else in his life.  I did get the number of a mobile vet but not sure they will be very available or responsive if I need them on a Sunday.  Also, he would have to be in the house first and he's not.  I just can't stand thinking he's outside possibly suffering alone, and I also can't stand the thought that his last experience might be getting crammed into the carrier and hauled an hour across town to the emergency clinic.  I was hoping he would do well enough today and through one more night that I could get him to my regular vet.  I can't concentrate on work or anything and I have my own business to run with no one to help me.  This is so stressful, I feel like the anxiety is just out of control.  I don't know how to make any decisions feeling I will ultimately make the wrong one.