Chatty And Her Kittens.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
When Chatty as I call her she is the little chatter box. first came to me I was taking pictures of the moon outside, I caught a glimpse of her sitting at the corner of my house, so of course I did the awww kitty kitty and she came running to me and climbed up me giving me all kinds of kitty kisses and purrs I was just like WOW. When all of a sudden between 4-6 toms came around looking for her. OH MY and she started to shake in fear I ran them off and I didn't think she was a stray or feral because she was to sweet, clean and smelled like perfume so I sat her back down needless to say she ran into my house. I don't have any cats or dogs so I had nothing to give her, til I remembered I had some tuna salad in the fridge that I rinsed off giving her a little of that and some water. I took pictures of her to show others look what I found or she found me. I looked at the PET FBI site and craigslist and other local sites for lost animals. I continued to look, asked neighbors, checked local stores etc. My one neighbor informed me that YES she was a stray he'd seen her around the past few months, my other old neighbor who i'm still in contact with said that she was the churches beside my house cat they had as a mouser, when that church was sold the new owners threw her out into the wild. . . keeping thoughts and comments to self. I don't mind she has a new home with me <3 her. Well she did not appear to be preg. . . 4 kittens later all adorable that I love but they need forever homes. I can't afford it and I won't throw them out but I am thinking I might keep one? But got this picture today of little fur babies of cuteness and Chatty is such an excellent mama kitty too.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How old are the kittens now? They need to stay with mom for 12-16 weeks. How many kittens are there?

Do you have plans to spay mom?

Do you have any friends or relatives who are interested in adopting any of the kittens?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
The kittens will be a month old on Christmas Day, there are 4 of them and they are all adorable love them, yes I plan on getting Chatty spayed and am always extra careful opening doors. It's so sad to because papa kitty will come around back to visit her and they just stare at each other.

She has gotten out a few times but I've always got her to come back with no problems. Last time I followed her and was calling her name not chasing her, because I understand wanting to get out a bit and have a little ME time too. But she came running back to me and jumped in my arms purring, she is so sweet. I've never yelled at her always calm and patient. Love her.

She is an amazing mama and the kittens are healthy and actually pretty well behaved. They listen to me for the most part. I have a few potential good homes lined up but I'll keep them until I can find good homes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Just to be extra clear, chatty can already get pregnant again. It’s not safe for her to have any me time outside. You can, of course, let her have time to run around the house.

Have you considered using a humane trap to catch the male cat and have him neutered?

The kittens are still learning, and will be for some time. It’s good that you can be patient.

Please be sure to keep them with Mom until 12 weeks at least, and to make sure their new homes will spay/neuter and never declaw.

They are a lovely family, and lucky to have found you!
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Just to be extra clear, chatty can already get pregnant again. It’s not safe for her to have any me time outside. You can, of course, let her have time to run around the house.

Have you considered using a humane trap to catch the male cat and have him neutered?

The kittens are still learning, and will be for some time. It’s good that you can be patient.

Please be sure to keep them with Mom until 12 weeks at least, and to make sure their new homes will spay/neuter and never declaw.

They are a lovely family, and lucky to have found you!

I'm the lucky one to, to have found Chatty never expected the 4 extra but as far as kittens go they are pretty top notch minding so I got lucky again. I know she can get pregnant again, I don't let Chatty out of my site even if she does get out, I go into super calm PANIC mode forever worried.

Oh I will make sure that the new homes spay/neuter for sure. I'm totally against declawing, I know when I was in high school a guy I was seeing brought me a kitty when I was sick, he found her in a trash bag while he was at work. She was beautiful I named her Purrsia aka the attack cat.
She would climb up the curtains in the living room and pounce on anyone that wasn't one of the family so my mother took her and had her declawed. As stupid as this sounds she used a 5 or 10 gallon aquarium I had in my room as a litter box I was using it as a planter before I had her, so we just stuck with that changed to kitty litter of course, but I was ripping up newspaper to put in the box for when she came back home and stupid teenage me left it at the foot of my bed on the floor to finish tearing up newspaper. School, work, etc I was tired. Got a phone call while I was sleeping and had to get to my father so I crawled out of bed towards the end tripped up in the Glass aquarium instead of falling face first into it, i pushed my self back and pretty much fell through it and wound up getting cut with glass on my rear, it shattered, I screamed bawling crawling out into the hall where my parents saved me. I was totally against declawing to begin with but lesson learned don't ever use an aquarium or leave it on the floor to fall through. NO DECLAWING ALWAYS, and spay and neuter always. But regardless of friends or people I know who say they will take a kitty, still screening for homes.

Thank you for your insight and concern and Merry Christmas


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Just to be extra clear, chatty can already get pregnant again. It’s not safe for her to have any me time outside. You can, of course, let her have time to run around the house.

Have you considered using a humane trap to catch the male cat and have him neutered?

The kittens are still learning, and will be for some time. It’s good that you can be patient.

Please be sure to keep them with Mom until 12 weeks at least, and to make sure their new homes will spay/neuter and never declaw.

They are a lovely family, and lucky to have found you!


The kittens are adorable! :)
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017

The kittens are adorable! :)
Just to be extra clear, chatty can already get pregnant again. It’s not safe for her to have any me time outside. You can, of course, let her have time to run around the house.

Have you considered using a humane trap to catch the male cat and have him neutered?

The kittens are still learning, and will be for some time. It’s good that you can be patient.

Please be sure to keep them with Mom until 12 weeks at least, and to make sure their new homes will spay/neuter and never declaw.

They are a lovely family, and lucky to have found you!

I can try to contact someone to see about getting him neutered, wish I could afford it, but money is tight as it is right now taking care of Chatty and her babies proper and sitting enough money aside to get her spayed, first and foremost before I worry about getting the DADDY fixed.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Guess the standard answer for the male is there are rescue groups who may have funds to help depending where you live. We have a one woman feral cat warrior who operates Spare Cat Rescue in a nearby community. Somehow she manages to give out vouchers to the vet for reduced neuter/spay. Hopefully something like that exists. Check with the area vets or shelters... they will know.
Always amazing to me how intuitive cats are: they know who they will belong to even before you do....
Thanks for being there for her and the kittens.

Keep us posted

Keep the faith
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Guess the standard answer for the male is there are rescue groups who may have funds to help depending where you live. We have a one woman feral cat warrior who operates Spare Cat Rescue in a nearby community. Somehow she manages to give out vouchers to the vet for reduced neuter/spay. Hopefully something like that exists. Check with the area vets or shelters... they will know.
Always amazing to me how intuitive cats are: they know who they will belong to even before you do....
Thanks for being there for her and the kittens.

Keep us posted

Keep the faith
I actually tried to contact a lady that lives near me that they did a local news story on, because she rescues stray and feral cats getting them fed, fixed and finding homes I guess. I left her my name and number with pretty much the same story i'm saying here and asking for help via contacts etc and I haven't heard back from her yet. Maybe because of the holidays or something I can try again. Another great person I met actually at the grocery store come to find out after I got chatty and the kittens, my brother is actually helping me out trying to find a place I can afford to get Chatty spayed and lo and behold it was the lady I met while grocery shopping that runs the clinic she is a vet and runs this clinic, not mentioning it bc i don't think it's allowed, but I can show this I suppose and it's not far from me either. " @ S/N
Clinic, our mission is to provide high quality spay and neuter services, microchipping, and vaccinations at the lowest possible cost."


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Well about meeting the woman who turned out to be the vet, etc. nothing happens by accident, right? These little guys needed a champion and wow... there you were!!!

Just enjoy the love they return for now.... it will work out for your best and theirs.

Keep the faith, as you are

By the way...beautiful family....
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do and give it right back to them and thank you so much! It's kitty Karma and this woman was so nice too can't wait to talk to her and see her again, and love love love all of these guys they are so much fun. Someone finally had a misplaced turd, i just gathered them all around and said now you guys I showed you where your supposed to go potty. and put the turd in the little box and I said it goes there. Removed poop and put them all in the box one at a time. I have more then one place for them but this was near where i found the poop. Hope they get the deal now. . . .


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Wow, I would love to have had a video of that lesson!

I'm sure there will be many more teaching opportunities.

Be sure to kiss each one before you tuck them in tonight. Sleep well.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Wow, I would love to have had a video of that lesson!

I'm sure there will be many more teaching opportunities.

Be sure to kiss each one before you tuck them in tonight. Sleep well.

LOL I'm sure there will be plenty of them i'll be sure to try to video it next time. OH MY our old cat when I was growing up Mr Kitty he was destined to us too, but he was idk just opening his eyes and was infested with fleas a lady brought him in where my mother worked and said do you know anyone that wants a kitten, I found him abandoned and I can't keep him because I have German Sheppards. Well turned out school was out for the day so my brother and I happened to be up there so we both said MOMMMM please can we keep him he is so tiny and so cute. My mom was just like oh geeze yes he is very cute. We had just recently lost a cat who was feral that happened to bring her kittens to hide in our garage, my brother found the one kitten and was like can we keep it, my mom said yes and they where all in the back yard the next day and Mommy kitty came running out of the woods behind our house and took the kitty. My brother was like WHAT he was pretty young then. The next day we found the kitten again and 3 others in our garage and mommy would come around and we'd leave food out for her and we eventually kept her finding Good homes for the kittens, but we had her for about 4 or 5 years my mom and her bf found her dead in the back yard on my birthday the bf just wanted to bury her and say she must have run away or something but my mom was like NO, you have to let her see so he wrapped her in a blankie bc it was summer and didn't want bugs or anything getting to her, when I came home the showed me and i screamed and bawled and this little boy that lived next door to us at the time whose father happened to be an orxin man said he killed her? still don't know to this day but I wanted to kill this kid we will never know i don't even know what happened to him or where they moved don't really care. but anyways we wound up taking this poor little kitty home and it's like my mom said we are going to have to give this poor baby a flea bath if that doesn't kill him the fleas will they are eating him up. Mister was a survivor miss him so. But when we first brought him home and me and him where hanging out i swear to whatever god he let out a little bark while we where playing, I told everyone and they where like your crazy. . . . HAAAAAA when we where all out back this blue jay kept swooping him and he let out the little bark i was telling everyone about and i was like mind telling me whose crazy now. lol but we had him for well over 19/20 years or longer he was an amazing cat and he ran the house too. When we got three dogs while we had him, and he let them know up front this is my house don't mess with me. and it was great because they all looked out for each other, if anything was messing with one they had to take on all of them.
and I know this is going to be a great up coming year too Santa stopped by my house tonight
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Oh you sleep well tonight too, and always do give em kisses before tucking them in and do the Waltons goodnight before I get to bed. and Good morning babies


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
How rude of me not to ever Thank You proper I apologize but Thank You and I hope your having a great Christmas
:loveeyes: :hellosmiley::hithere:You are such a wonderful person for rescuing these lovely kittys:rock:
Love your Christmas card. Momma has such a peaceful and content look on her face, she knows they are all safe with you watching out for them.Priceless :redheartpump:
The photo would look great in the 'Show me your belly!!!' thread.
Belated :celebrate::bday::party::party2:
and :santa: Happy Christmas :deer::evergreen: and a Merry New Year :jester::party3::party:to you and your crew and trudy1 trudy1 too! :bunnydance::bliss:
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Well about meeting the woman who turned out to be the vet, etc. nothing happens by accident, right? These little guys needed a champion and wow... there you were!!!

Just enjoy the love they return for now.... it will work out for your best and theirs.

Keep the faith, as you are

By the way...beautiful family....
We happily work with folks who trap feral cats to get them spayed or neutered as well!
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Wow, I would love to have had a video of that lesson!

I'm sure there will be many more teaching opportunities.

Be sure to kiss each one before you tuck them in tonight. Sleep well.
written 12/26/2017 I thought it posted oops

Welp, gave another lesson today, guess the first one didn't totally work. . lol As I was carrying things in from shopping today I was walking by where they have there food and water and noticed hiss eating. I said hi baby and caught a glimpse at a kitty turd, sat stuff down and noticed hiss was trying to just pee on the floor I picked her up and picked up the poo with a napkin and was like NO we don't do that here we do it here and put her in the little litter box soon to have the others run over and want to party or whatever. . lol.

Actually while out shopping today I got a wet/dry shop vac which I've been meaning to get anyways, it will help clean up areas I can't get too with kittys for sure, pee pads for training i have them under the boxes I sat up, some more litter, food and some plastic paint liners for a painter tray I think they will work perfect and cheap they will be super easy for them to get in and out of (has like area where they can wipe their little paws off with to getting in and out and you can just toss them when they need it. Plus it let me set up different boxes in other areas of the house too. I hope it works. So proud of kitties too I want to say it was any of them could have done it but someone has been peeing in the box in the bathroom so YEAH happy about that.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 15, 2017
Woke up this morning and Chatty was sleeping on the end of my bed she could see her babies, and the kittens where all sleeping together on the floor near the doorway. As I got up I said Good Morning to everyone and they quickly jumped to their feet and headed out the bedroom door, towards the kitchen, with kittens at my feet saying good morning. I followed and had a Super Amazing surprise Ehwaz was using their litter box, Hi came over next and used it too, followed by the others. I did a little happy kitty claps and saying YES, very good and thanked them.

Then it was a race to mama and the food/water bowls I have laying out for them. Today is going to be a great day even if it is cold. Thank You kitties!