Cbd Oil

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  • #22


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Feb 7, 2014
The kidney function good and no sign of kidney disease. All the test results are all within the reference range. The ALT which is the liver is good. The only thing that was a little high was her T4 which is her hyperthyroidism, but they said she doesn't have it. What happened is she eats like a pig and she would go around and eat everyone's food. She mostly ate soft food but she did get the dry. Then I noticed she was vomiting food up and it wasn't even chewed. So I bought a bowl that she would have to root for it and make her slow down. Well that still didn't work. She also was getting a lot of treats. So every time she would vomit there went her food she just ate. This got to be quit often during the day. Then she got diarrhea and she started pooping on the floor. What a mess that was. So I would try to eliminate some dry and cut back on the treats. She would get into the other cats food and ended up still getting the dry. I would give her chicken and as soon as she would get the dry it would start again. I knew she was loosing weight because she was vomiting up every thing she ate. I didn't realize how much until one day I took a good look at her and then I rushed her to the vets. This is where she had the blood work done and like I said everything was good. The vet said she has a food allergy. So we started with this food she gave me. My cat didn't really like it but she was hungry so she would eat anything. After she ate she would vomit. So I gave her some soft food so she had something in her stomach. So I called the vet and they were in the process of giving her a different kind of dry. As I was there waiting I mentioned this to one of the staff and they said then why are you feeding her dry. I said good question. So she went and mentioned it to the vet and she said I should not, (should not) be feeding her anything other then the food she gave me. I told her the cat would be dead by now if I did that. She would just vomit over and over after eating this food. How long could this go on. So I didn't take the food and I went to an emergency vet. This is where we did the GI panel. I did refuse some of the medicine that she wanted to give her because some of this stuff is terrible on animals. So I waited until the results came back and then we started this medicine. I didn't want to guess what was wrong I wanted to wait. She does good as long as she doesn't get dry and also if she doesn't like something she will vomit it up. This medicine made her eat and she gained weight back, that made me happy. She does pee and eat with this medicine. So we picked up all the dry food and she is limited on treats. Actually she didn't get any after I got the cbd treats. I just gave her 4 of those a day. She was doing good, and I was limiting her medicine. The vet told me she maybe could come off of this, we had to trial and error. And she was doing good. But this was just a start, and we had to make sure she was doing ok or she might just have to be on this the rest of her life. I didn't know how it was really going to go yet. I was hoping the cbd treats would help with the inflammation instead of the medicine. Now here is where the problem came into play. The other day she must of knocked a bowl of food off or I didn't put the lid on tight and when she knocked it off the lid came off. And she ate until she couldn't eat anymore. The vomiting started , the diarrhea started and the pooping on the floor. She had a blooded belly on her. She knew she was sick. This went on for four days. So I started her on some chicken, and then we got the medicine going. So for two days now she has been ok. I know she isn't up to par yet. But no vomit or diarrhea. So what was your cat Krista finally diagnosed with? And what did they prescribe for her? You said about another vet going over the records. That is a little touchy. Each vet doesn't like to comment on other vets. And when she went to the emergency they requested all the record from where she has been and they all wouldn't send the records. They don't like when you go somewhere else. These vets will end up costing you thousands of dollars if you let them. Here some medicine, if that doesn't work try this, oh that doesn't work try this. Maybe we should try this test and see, oh that didn't tell me what I wanted to know so lets do this test. Most vets don't have a lot of time to spend on you and I always have lots of questions. They kind of rush you threw if you don't want to do everything that they mention. I want to know what is the test, what will it tell, will it show the problem, how much does it cost, or lets do something else. Your wasting my money. I do love all my animals and will do anything for them, but just like people, the doctors will nickel and dime you to death. I have been threw that, over and over with animals. I do need to get her back to the vets for a check up but need to find a new vet. I thought I was going back to the emergency vet because they already know her problem but they said no they are an emergency and if she doesn't need that then I have to find another vet. I do have one in mind. Sorry this is so long but it gives you an idea on the problem.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
If liver looks good, kidney looks good, no mention of diabetes, then you’re probably done. You can probably treat this like IBD and pancreatitis which you already are. Ask the vet what else they are looking for?

If she has a food she’s stable on, keep feeding that to her. If she has foods that trigger reactions, like dry, keep those away from her. If she gets into something, take it as a lesson, get smarter, and make sure it doesn’t happen again. You’re going to have to manage her flare-ups for the rest of her life now. The best way to do that is to prevent them in the first place. And the most important thing for pancreatitis is to keep their eating up. If that means drugs, so be it. Even my Krista gets an appetite stimulant and lots of patience and tricks and bribes (tuna water, dried tuna flakes, nutritional gel) to help her finish.

Educate yourself at ibdkitties.net. It will make it a lot easier to direct your treatment with the next vet you see. And you should see one to have B-12 and folate levels checked if the vomiting and diarrhea have been going for a while like it sounds like they have. The B-12 shots are safe, easy to administer at home, and will generally make a kitty feel a lot better.

Vets don’t own your cat’s records and they shouldn’t be territorial like that. Look for one who is willing to review the records and answer questions. You can even tell them that you recognize they are limited in providing recommendations and courses of treatment without seeing your cat, but they should at least be able to give you a lay person’s interpretation of what’s been done, what it means, and what options and treatments are available without having to recommend one over another.

I would also look into Vitality Science (Vitality Science | Natural Remedies For Dogs And Cats) for supplements that help in managing flare-ups and promoting self-healing. They have great customer service and even have affordable sample packs so you can see whether they will work for your cat and if your cat will even take them with food. You could email their customer service about the samples and whether they worked, didn’t work, cat wouldn’t take it, and get guidance to go from there. They are really very helpful both in product and in service.

In summary, go read ibdkitties.net. But a word of caution: prepare yourself before you read the case studies. There are some very frustrating and sad cases.
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  • #24


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Feb 7, 2014
I will read and look into what you have said. I do have a few other questions. What do you mean by (pancreatitis is to keep their eating up). From what I was told the medicine she is taking makes her eat. She does eat like a pig. Also when the blood work was done would the B-12 and folate levels be in that? What is folate levels anyhow. You can't put anything on her food, she won't eat it. I tried doing things like that. If it taste funny she won't eat it.
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  • #25


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Feb 7, 2014
I just looked in that one site and what would I be giving her? Something for gastro intestinal? I did purchase a few things from honest kitchen. Something for gastro intestinal, and also a bone broth. And I also purchase a goats milk I think it was. I talked to the people in the store and this is what they recommended for her. She didn't like either one, but I was putting some of the gastro intestinal in her syringe and was giving that to her when she got her medicine. I really hate to try things out on her to see what works and what doesn't. I just wish they could talk to tell me what hurts. I will look further into your sights. Thanks


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I just looked in that one site and what would I be giving her? Something for gastro intestinal? I did purchase a few things from honest kitchen. Something for gastro intestinal, and also a bone broth. And I also purchase a goats milk I think it was. I talked to the people in the store and this is what they recommended for her. She didn't like either one, but I was putting some of the gastro intestinal in her syringe and was giving that to her when she got her medicine. I really hate to try things out on her to see what works and what doesn't. I just wish they could talk to tell me what hurts. I will look further into your sights. Thanks
Krista doesn't like anything in her food either.

Here's how I do it.

She loves NaturVet Cat-Cal nutritional gel ("cat gel" or Krista Crack.) Which is great news because it's extra calories and nutrition for when she wasn't eating all her calories and nutrition. Now she does pretty well but I still keep it in as the "devil's bargain", the sugar that makes the medicine go down.

I have a small tray, about the size of a 3 oz can but square. In this tray, I start with Super Pet Enzymes (digestive enzymes), Pet Flora (probiotic), and a small amount of olive oil (0.5 ml to 0.75 ml.) I mix these into a tight slurry and push that slurry to one side of the tray. This is where the oil is helpful. It keeps it in place against that edge rather than letting it expand to the whole tray. On top/in front of that slurry, I lay down a strip of the cat gel as a dam to keep the slurry in place. It's also good if the gel sits on top of the slurry so that she can't take the gel without taking a good mouthful of slurry. In front of the cat gel, I pour in a small amount of tuna water, and maybe a piece of loose tuna. The tuna water brings her to the tray. Then she smells the gel. By the time she has a mouthful of gel, she wants to object to the supplements, but c'mon, it's cat gel! She loves the stuff! I'm amazed that this trick still works with her and that she ends up eating about 90% of the slurry this way. I don't push her to finish that tray once she's finished the gel.

With this protocol, I get "medicine" in her and she gets to eat unadulterated food after. We don't argue about finishing food to get her medicine now. Instead we argue about finishing food because it is her medicine. I keep track of her calories and where they are coming from and set daily calorie goals. With pancreatitis, there is a lot of nausea and inappetance (not wanting to eat.) So I have an appetite stimulant (mirtazapine) and an anti-nausea/anti-emetic (CBD oil) and a slew of tricks to make her food more appetizing and how to encourage her to keep eating.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I just looked in that one site and what would I be giving her? Something for gastro intestinal? I did purchase a few things from honest kitchen. Something for gastro intestinal, and also a bone broth. And I also purchase a goats milk I think it was. I talked to the people in the store and this is what they recommended for her. She didn't like either one, but I was putting some of the gastro intestinal in her syringe and was giving that to her when she got her medicine. I really hate to try things out on her to see what works and what doesn't. I just wish they could talk to tell me what hurts. I will look further into your sights. Thanks
I started with the TRDV protocol and ended up adding Super Pet Enzymes and Pet Flora as well.

When I was stabilizing her, I was using the following:

Comfort Plus to "seal her and heal her" The slippery elm bark in this is soothing as are the clays that help dry things up and pull toxins out. It is my belief that this one was the one that made her stools go from slick and black (bloody) to well-formed and the correct color (no more bleeding.)

Luxolite I don't know if I buy all the energy/toxins claims associated with this one. I know she used to vocalize after using the litterbox and when I added this to her stack, those vocalizations stopped. It was soothing to her somehow. It's also one I'll give to her after vomiting.

Pet Flora I use this to dial back the smell. It will never win an award, but her bombs no longer bomb out the entire apartment. Too much of this can give her diarrhea so experiment with the right amount.

Super Pet Enzymes Digestive enzymes. I knew she could use these but it wasn't until this past week when I added salmon mousse to her diet that's possibly not being digested. For a day after I added it, she looked miserable after eating. Once I got feedback from the litterbox, pale, slick, and smelling a bit like the undigested mousse, I increased the amount of digestive enzymes I added to her med stack and her post-meal discomfort went away.

Now that we're more or less in maintenance mode, I only use the Flora and Enzymes. If she has diarrhea, I'll add Comfort Plus and Luxolite until her stools return to normal (a day or two) and for a few days after that. I also make sure she's getting the flora on those days since she's losing it out the back.

I will tell you this. It was very frustrating at first trying to figure out what each did and if they were working. I'd say pick one, like Comfort Plus if you have a flare-up to manage, or Flora if she's stable. Start small for a few days and slowly increase the dose every few days and see how it affects her. If you build a stack of supplements she gets every day like I do, you can experiment with lowering one or removing it and seeing how that affects her. All the supplements have a very wide safety margin.

Now when she has a flare-up, I'm confident I can get it under control in a day or two. Knowing how to use these holistic supplements to heal her has given me the confidence to face the rest of this journey with her. Her spirit and resilience is amazing even through her worst of days. So it's up to me to step up and keep showing up for her as long as she keeps showing up for me.
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  • #28


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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
The vets other suggestion was a probiotic, and a antioxidant. I know you do the probiotic Pet Flora but do you do an antioxidant? All the things you are giving Krista, are they all supplements you can buy in a store? Do you give anything that comes from the vet? She still isn't feeling well, I can tell, her name is Bella. She has diarrhea still. But things are heading in the right direction, I hope. Where do I get the mirtazapine? Today she doesn't really want to eat. She will go take a few bites and leave. I sometimes have 5 bowls of food down to get her to eat something when she doesn't feel well. So this comfort plus is that good for her smelly poo? No matter if she feels good or not it stinks. She doesn't have any blood or other issues, she just has diarrhea and it smells. And the cbd oil I have been trying to get. I bought the treats instead of the oil. Does the oil have a bad taste to it? She won't touch it if it does. I saw and I think it was on this site that a person bought chicken flavored cbd oil. But no one else has heard of it. I am trying to find that site, but so far no good. Plus people also say watch where you buy things. I had ordered my treats from HolistaPet. So is there a place that you feel safe that I can get the oil? First I need to know if your Krista has any problem taking the cbd oil Does she like it?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I'm not sure why an antioxidant. Are you sure that's what she recommended?

For pancreatitis flare-up, you'll likely need:

1. anti-emetic : shut down the vomiting, that's what Cerenia is for. Krista doesn't tolerate Cerenia well so we use CBD oil that we get from a dispensary. It's not available anywhere else except California dispensaries. It is sourced from marijuana rather than hemp so it cannot be transported across state lines. You should keep using Cerenia for Bella if she's tolerating it well as it has anti-inflammatory action specifically for pancreatitis.

2. anti-nausea: CBD should work for this but I'm not really sure if it is. Zofran (ondansetron) is the one most people use. The vets never offered this one and I'm trying to make do with minimal prescriptions.

3. appetite stimulant: Weight loss is counterproductive. So is hepatic lipidosis. I give Krista mirtazapine. There are side effects to mirtazapine and some cats do better with cyproheptadine. Mirtazapine is what the second vet offered me and we've worked out a dose to minimize "the crazies." Mirtazapine has earned a nickname, "meowzapine" because it floods them with serotonin and causes them to vocalize quite a bit. Krista gets a small enough dose that she'll peak around 6 to 12 hours in and when she does, she starts meowing, she purrs her head off, and she wants to be held and comforted and petted until the peak passes. Or she wants to devour whatever I put in front of her. It sounds adorable but it's probably somewhat distressing to her. I try to work from home on her mirtz days. She gets it every other day.

4. anti-inflammatory: If Bella is tolerating the pred, stick with that. I really have no way of knowing whether the CBD Krista gets is helping here. I assume because her poos returned to normal and she hasn't been vomiting, the IBD is controlled and the inflammation, if any, is probably minimal. The blood work we will do in a couple of weeks to monitor the B-12 treatment will tell us if there is still inflammation.

5. analgesia/pain-relief: I only know of Buprenex (buprenorphine) which is an opioid and contraindicated with CBD, e.g. CBD would enhance the narcotic affect of buprenorphine resulting in a deeper sedation for a longer period of time. Counterproductive to keeping my kitty eating.

Krista has one other issue that makes eating difficult and why I'm using the mirtz. She had some teeth removed earlier this year due to resorptive lesions. The most recent vet said those areas look irritated so she has something up with her mouth or her teeth. I can see this when she shakes her head while eating. Poor girl. I'm trying to get her through the pancreatitis treatment first. If she needs a dental procedure, the antibiotic they will give her afterwards will make her gut and the litter box a disaster for a week so that's not what she needs right now.

The mirtazapine I got from a vet. The CBD I get from a dispensary. The flora and enzymes I get from Vitality Science along with other supplements. The only things I get from the store is food, treat tuna, tuna flakes, and the nutritional gel.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
The vets other suggestion was a probiotic, and a antioxidant. I know you do the probiotic Pet Flora but do you do an antioxidant? All the things you are giving Krista, are they all supplements you can buy in a store? Do you give anything that comes from the vet? She still isn't feeling well, I can tell, her name is Bella. She has diarrhea still. But things are heading in the right direction, I hope. Where do I get the mirtazapine? Today she doesn't really want to eat. She will go take a few bites and leave. I sometimes have 5 bowls of food down to get her to eat something when she doesn't feel well. So this comfort plus is that good for her smelly poo? No matter if she feels good or not it stinks. She doesn't have any blood or other issues, she just has diarrhea and it smells. And the cbd oil I have been trying to get. I bought the treats instead of the oil. Does the oil have a bad taste to it? She won't touch it if it does. I saw and I think it was on this site that a person bought chicken flavored cbd oil. But no one else has heard of it. I am trying to find that site, but so far no good. Plus people also say watch where you buy things. I had ordered my treats from HolistaPet. So is there a place that you feel safe that I can get the oil? First I need to know if your Krista has any problem taking the cbd oil Does she like it?
For Bella, I don't recommend CBD until you have tried more proven alternatives or have a damn good reason why you're not trying them. You may not get a result you're looking for or you may never know if you're getting a result. And all the while you are experimenting here, Bella could be benefiting from something more proven.

Does she like boiled chicken or treat tuna (the tuna packed in water with nothing else, "for supplemental or intermittent feeding only.")? If so, you can try to get her eating with only this. You can't keep them on this for very long because it's not nutritionally complete but a week probably wouldn't hurt if that's what it takes to stabilize her and get her eating again. When she eats boiled chicken, does she still have diarrhea? Is there a food she's stable on? If so, keep her on that. Control the IBD first. If there isn't a food she's stable on, look at something like Tiki Cat which has just meat in meat broth plus the vitamins and minerals. No peas, pea protein, tapioca starch, spinach, cranberries, carrots, or any other junk that doesn't belong in her gut. Find a protein she's stable on and keep her on that long enough to heal her up. She may have diarrhea because any one of those five foods you're putting out is not agreeing with her. You need to make it simple enough for you to deduce what works and doesn't work for her.

The flora won't magically make her poo smell like roses. It's still going to smell like poo. But when it smells really foul, that's a sign that either she's not digesting or minimally digesting the food and/or her gut microbiome is really off. The digestive enzymes will help with the digestion and the flora will help balance the microbiome. The gut flora (the microbiome) is also responsible for secondary digestion of certain foods. If the flora is out of balance, that secondary digestion is incomplete or non-existent.

The Comfort Plus will help dry her up as will pumpkin but only if the food is agreeing with her. If there are ingredients she is intolerant to, then those need to be removed first. This is why I recommend taking her back to a simple protein-only diet to see which proteins she does okay with. Then you can try a Tiki Cat flavor with only that protein. You can stage that in until she's eating only Tiki Cat, or mostly Tiki Cat (or whatever nutritionally complete food that contains just that protein.) I still give Krista a couple of grams of treat tuna per ounce of Tiki Cat. Even when she doesn't feel like eating anything else, she will still eat treat tuna or treat salmon. So if she's really not eating her food and nothing else is working, I'll give her a small snack of just tuna and a glob of cat gel with enzymes and try again later.
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  • #31


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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
This is what was written in the vets notes. (probiotics and antioxidants). She eats fancy feast. Might not be the best but I have tried all kinds of food and it ended up costing me lots and she won't eat it, but not sure if I tried Tiki cat. If it is meat she might eat it. She is eating but not like she did before she got into the food. So I am hoping this passes, but I do want to get her on some supplements. The diarrhea comes and goes. But now that you mentioned it I will have to remember what I fed her when this happens. She does tolerate her medicine ok. I was giving it to her every other day and she was doing good. But if she gets into any dry then it sets her back. Its hard when you have two other cats. I walk away thinking she is behind me and she is eating something she shouldn't. I just made her boiled chicken and she loves to eat it, but she had diarrhea. So not sure if it was the chicken or because she was having an issue with the dry food. Probably the dry. She always thinks she isn't getting what the other cats get. Two of them eat from the same area, the other one I feed her when I go into the bathroom and off and on all day in the bedroom. Bella is a strange one. She will eat till she busts. Back and forth to the food bowl. Always wanting treats, which she doesn't get anymore but she will try. She will cry and follow you around. She will eat any piece of string, leaf or whatever she finds like she hasn't eaten in weeks. Can't figure her out. She came from a shelter, and had to share food, but she has been here for 9 years and you think she would quit. Some times she climb all over you and won't leave you alone. I would like to try the probiotics. And I'm thinking the comfort plus, and you said you get that from Vitality Science? I read you said something about the B12, and checking for inflammation. Can they do blood work that will tell me if she has inflammation? Regular blood work. I had to fast her for 12 hours and that was so horrible for her, when we did the GI panel. She was chewing on my hand and what ever she could find. She does have to go see a vet soon and I will discuss some of this with them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I don't know what the vet is thinking with antioxidant. I don't know that would do anything for IBD.

SureFeed Microchip Small Dog & Cat Feeder, White

Get one of those and an extra microchip. Only the two who are allowed to eat dry should wear the chip on their collar. Bella gets locked out. It's that or they all go on a no-dry diet or only supervised. For Bella's sake, take away her opportunities for mischief. She's better at it than you are.

Even if you got one for each cat, that would be cheaper than some of the vet visits you've had to pay for. And then you get to rule over their diets individually with an iron fist.

B-12 is a fasting test. It is however a very safe treatment as any excess B-12 is harmlessly excreted in urine. If you don't want to fast Bella, you can just ask to start her without the test. That's what I did for my Krista because she was in bad shape when the vet was asking me to fast her. Now she's an entirely different cat. Pretty much herself again, a little weaker for the wasting but she's coming back to life again. You'll buy a bottle of B-12, a bag of needles, and Sharps disposal from the vet, and a vet tech will show you how to administer the shots. They are subcutaneous (under the skin, not in a vein) so they aren't as scary as it sounds. It's a lot easier to give Krista a B-12 shot than a pill. I set down a small amount of tuna to distract her, tent the skin around the scruff, she feels a little prick, and we're done before she can even complain.

From Vitality Science, I started with the TRDV. I barely use the GI Distress because it has to be diluted and then Krista has no desire or patience for a mL of liquid forced upon her. It also has to be given separate from the powders e.g. between meals when Krista wants to sleep. If you wanted to try a couple, I would start with Comfort Plus and Pet Flora. Comfort Plus is like a super-set of all of them but obviously in smaller amounts than if you added just Pet Flora to the medicine tray. What I really use Comfort Plus for is the slippery elm bark which soothes the gut and diatomaceous earth which helps dry up loose stools. If you have a really stubborn case of diarrhea, their Lithothanium (seaweed supplement) works really well too. Maybe too well. I usually end up stopping her up for a day when I use the Lithothanium and Comfort Plus together. I recommend Pet Flora (probiotic) for much the same reason as B-12. Her flora has been running out of her for so long, it's not a bad idea to help re-grow the environment. But too much of the Pet Flora can cause diarrhea so you'll have to play with the dose.

You also need to give diet changes a chance to adjust. The exception is if she's not eating. If she's not eating, get her eating first. Then you can concurrently treat her for the diarrhea that inevitably comes with a sudden diet change. While you're trying to stabilize her IBD and also get familiar with the supplements, I recommend you restrict her to one kind of food. Boredom is a better fate than bowel disease. Once she's stabililized, you can slowly reintroduce other foods. This also gives you a chance to evaluate how Bella handles them. You will likely have to give her a week to adjust so if you are staging new food into her diet, expect loose stools at first that should slowly clear up over a few days. If they don't, then that food likely won't ever agree with her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
That feeder is really cool. If your cats are already microchipped, e.g. the chip in their ear to identify them and you if they ever escape, then this feeder can scan and read the chips they already have. They don't even need to wear a special collar.

Get three of those. Program to each cat. It won't take them long to figure out they only get one to eat from and which one is theirs. Now you can absolutely control what each one eats. No more getting into the dry for Bella unless you stored it wrong.


TCS Member
Sep 18, 2018
But she also recommended CT scan, ultrasound. I needed time to think, so we did start her on her medication. And why I get mad is because they tell me about a test and then we do it and then they say well it doesn't really tell me all I need to know. Then why didn't we do the one we need in the first place. Because they can get more money out of me. That's when I really have second thoughts on some of these vets. The first vet told me..
Been there, done that and got the T-Shirt.

What I have realized, when it comes to medicine overall (animals and humans), generally speaking, we waste thousands on 'diagnosis' and little on actual cure or cause. Worst of all is the realization that almost nothing can be actually cured and it's just about putting [insert condition] into remission or giving people the bad news of being terminal.

I visited a VET for 10 years and not once did they mention, your cat's yearly hairball episodes may actually be the onset of something else - like IBD. I just so happen to see a new younger VET, who gave me the bad news of what it could be. Heck, I had barely even heard of IBD and I have IBS. We've run ~$2k of tests to date, jumping from VET to ER VET / Internal Medicine expert, yet I still have no definitive answer.

Even if they did say, yep it's X, almost everything on the market today is just a bandaid. Dr's don't know the cause let alone the cure of most diseases. It's as if their training is predominately to 'figure out' the condition. I've seen doctors who pat themselves on the back for figuring out a cause, only to send you on your way with basically a good luck with that.

We're not a business or an insurance company, this money we pay them to figure out what is wrong with a pet, is coming out of our own pocket. I think this is being exploited by some VETs.

When it comes to pets, they like to guilt-trip us into pay for all of these tests and when they yield no result, it's on to the next. I get that healthcare is extremely challenging but they also need to understand that we're not a Billionaire.

I also now realize that doctors have no official manual, so they're basically winging it. It's why I can go to 10 doctors and will get 10 different so-called treatment plans, sometimes one contradicting the other doctor.

Here is a great read on what we're saying:
How to say no to your vet.

Long rant but you're not the only one who has been a victim of this BS. Heck, I've seen people be exploited like this too, where the doctors are extracting every cancer treatment they can, right up until a person passes. Of course, not once did they say what any of this will achieve.

That being said, there are still VETs out there who just love animals. It's just a matter of finding them and using your own diligence. Also, no point in fighting with these VETS over this, as then they won't pay any attention to your pet, which is what matters after all.
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  • #35


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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
E&S you are totally right. My dog was sick and needed an operation and I asked them if they could just give me an estimate, ball park on what it would cost. They told me some people finance there house for there animals. I wasn't real happy with that answer. Here's another story you might light. I went in to this pet store that sells the better foods. The women that was working in there told me she went to school to be a vet. I asked her why she isn't one. She said she doesn't like how the vets do things. I would have about 5 bottles of stuff sitting on the counter that we couldn't use. Because we were trying something else. Now tell me that isn't a waste of my money. Also they diagnosed my cat with a food allergy. She would of been dead by now if I would of listened to them. Nice vet took a lot of time with her but said she had allergy's. Now I told them she gets sick when she eats dry food, so that is what they prescribe. Went somewhere else and here we go again, I had to pay another office visit and whatever they wanted to do.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Vets are in a bit of a bind. If they don’t come to a diagnosis and just begin treatment, if they miss something, we’re going to be pissed at them just the same (or maybe more) than them being overly dilligent.

I would like them to spend more time on education and less time ordering test after test. Or they could have advice vets who can offer a review of the records and an explanation of results and options without pressuring for any one option or treatment.

Or they could share their decision trees with us ahead of time rather than saying, “we’ll do this test and see the result and then we’ll probably order more tests after that.”

Now I know better. I can say, “what are we looking for and if we find it how do we treat it and can we treat it on suspicion if I don’t want to pay for confirmation?”

But you know who riles me up more than vets? The pet food industry. Feline IBD is their fault and their grain free or limited ingredient or prescription diets they offer as an answer are just more species-inappropriate garbage.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
That feeder is really cool. If your cats are already microchipped, e.g. the chip in their ear to identify them and you if they ever escape, then this feeder can scan and read the chips they already have. They don't even need to wear a special collar.

Get three of those. Program to each cat. It won't take them long to figure out they only get one to eat from and which one is theirs. Now you can absolutely control what each one eats. No more getting into the dry for Bella unless you stored it wrong.
I kind of don't see this happening. I priced them and they are to expensive for me. Our eating schedule is going to stay the same as its been. Bella and Charley have soft food and eat in the same place and Sophie has hard food and some soft food but she is feed the hard food separate by me in an enclosed room. We just had a bad mishap by Bella somehow getting the dry food bowl open. She wants this food bad so she will try everything. She use to chew a hole in the bag of food. She will knocked the container down the steps thinking it will come open. She is slick. My cats would never let me put collars on and they aren't microchipped. I have gone back threw our conversations and wrote everything down I want to know and ask a vet and also check out for myself. But right now I am getting Bella on the right track again. She is doing good. I might not even need a vet, sometimes I think I can do better for her then have a vet poke at her and charge me a ton of money. I do love my animals and would do anything for them, but if only the vets can tell you what is wrong and stop guessing and give you medicine that will work the first time around. I would gladly pay. But most of these vets just want to keep running test after test. This is hard on an animal especially if they are sick already. My cats are terrified to go to the vets, and to have them poke at them is twice as bad. Well things like I said are going ok at this moment. So I am going to watch her and see where we are going to go from here. Thank you for all your information and sights for me to read. I am going to look into them. Again, I appreciate it.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Vets are in a bit of a bind. If they don’t come to a diagnosis and just begin treatment, if they miss something, we’re going to be pissed at them just the same (or maybe more) than them being overly dilligent.

I would like them to spend more time on education and less time ordering test after test. Or they could have advice vets who can offer a review of the records and an explanation of results and options without pressuring for any one option or treatment.

Or they could share their decision trees with us ahead of time rather than saying, “we’ll do this test and see the result and then we’ll probably order more tests after that.”

Now I know better. I can say, “what are we looking for and if we find it how do we treat it and can we treat it on suspicion if I don’t want to pay for confirmation?”

But you know who riles me up more than vets? The pet food industry. Feline IBD is their fault and their grain free or limited ingredient or prescription diets they offer as an answer are just more species-inappropriate garbage.
Here is something you might like to hear. I had taken Bella to the vets, and I think it was for having diarrhea and they tested her stool. About a day or two later she peed on the floor and I called them to ask them if they could give me something. They told me they couldn't prescribe anything until they see her and know what is wrong. But she was just there. Ok so we took her in and they wanted to get a urine sample. I heard her cry and they must of hurt her, so whatever they did made me mad. But she wasn't giving them a drop. So they sent me home with a baggie size full of litter, that will hold the pee so they can test it. This cat is not going to pee in this little bit of litter. It wasn't going to happen. I know my cat. So I called them the next day to tell them she didn't pee, so they said, that is ok they will prescribe this medicine so come and pick it up. I said to her I thought you couldn't prescribe medicine unless you know the problem, so how can you give her medicine when you haven't tested her pee. Oh different story now. Well we kind of know what could be wrong. Now you know why I don't like vets.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I get it. If you do nothing else with a vet from here, I still recommend the B-12 shots. You buy the supplies. It cost me $76. The vet tech gave me a free demo on how to give the shots. There’s also a YouTube video on it. I give Krista a shot Monday morning, at home, no vet visit, and she’s done before she can even complain. I give her a treat afterwards and she’s like, “whats this for?” So much easier than giving her a pill! I do believe the B-12 was the missing piece that took Krista so long to turn the corner and finally get better. And it won’t cause Bella any harm to do the shots if she doesn’t need them. She’ll just pee out the B-12 she doesn’t need. But I’m going to assume that she does need the B-12 if she had chronic diarrhea bad enough to lose weight.


TCS Member
Sep 18, 2018
But you know who riles me up more than vets? The pet food industry. Feline IBD is their fault and their grain free or limited ingredient or prescription diets they offer as an answer are just more species-inappropriate garbage.
That is exactly where all of these problems start.

It's Not Pet Food, It's a Waste Disposal System

85 million people own pets in America and we spend over $70 Billion on them. People need to band together and demand this practise end.