Cbd Oil And Seizures (post Liver Shunt Surgery)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 7, 2018
Hi everyone! My cat Rooster has a very rare medical condition. He was born with a liver shunt, which is a blood vessel that should be leading to the liver so his blood can be filtered but the blood vessel was on the outside of his liver instead. This meant that not all of his blood was being filtered regularly. He smelled bad, was nauseous all of the time, drooled and developed urine crystals when he was a kitten and had a lot of blood in his urine. He was a candidate for surgery to close off the liver shunt. A specialist in Atlanta did the surgery and said that the blood vessel/liver shunt was the largest she'd ever seen in a cat (he was only around 5 months old when we he got the surgery). The clamp that they used to close off the shunt was one they would use for a large dog.

One of the issues that some liver shunt cats can develop post surgery is seizures. Rooster almost immediately started to have very bad and regular seizure activity and spent 2 weeks in the ICU at the specialist vet hospital while they were getting his seizures under control. He finally ended up on 3 different seizure meds and was able to come home. Over about 6 months we weaned him off of all of the seizure meds and he was seizure free for close to a year.

A little over a year ago, he had his first seizure after weaning off the meds. He started having more seizures again so we started him back on Zonisamide. That worked well for close to a year but he's started to have more frequent seizures again. We are now at a point that it looks like he's going to need to add in a 2nd seizure medicine.

I've started him on CBD oil but I'm having a hard time finding information on the amount of oil to use to control seizures. My vet doesn't really believe that the CBD oil will be helpful and the homeopathic vet I contacted doesn't have any experience with using it in cats with seizures (apparently seizures in cats is pretty rare and seizures stemming from a post liver shunt surgery is even more rare). I'm posting in the hope that someone on here has had some experience with this. Thanks!



TCS Member
Mar 16, 2018
Poor baby:( depending on where you got the CBD oil from, the shop owner may be able to tell you some information on it. The shop I get mine from gives her dogs CBD treats based on their weight and how much is in each treat so if you bought it from a shop, the owner may have more information... sending love to your kitty


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Gosh, I really don't have any more ideas other than what samilinn963 samilinn963 already suggested, but just wanted to say what a wonderful cat parent you are to continue to look for alternative ways to help Rooster control his seizures. I know CBD oil supposedly works wonders for children who have uncontrollable seizures, so hopefully you will be able to find a dosage that works for him.



TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 2, 2018
Hi, yes my holistic vet and his tech recommended CBD Hemp Oil for my cat who had seizures. In addition to the SQIV she was getting. I didn’t try it because the SQ IV stopped the seizures. But it was recommended and the tech said it stopped her pitbull dog from having seizures. Dog vs. cat, I know. Sorry, that’s all the information I can provide.