Cats still can’t get along


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 13, 2021
Hello! I had posted about some issues with my kitties a few months ago and there’s been improvement but not enough.
my resident cat (8 y/o female) and new kitten (7 month old male) are accustomed to one another, they can eat in the same room and know one another’s smells, are not territorial over their food or favourite nap spots, but my kitten is bound and determined no matter what the cost, to chase and play with my older cat. The older cat is NOT at all interested and makes a major fuss and yells/hisses and hates it but the kitten cannot understand that it’s because she doesn’t like it and continues to do it each time he sees her walk by. It’s distressing for all of us, their tails do no get puffy and once they are separated they’re completely fine, they’ve also never drawn blood. It’s just really stressful and I feel badly for my resident cat and also the kitten!
currently we tend to keep the cats separated unless we are actively focused on working on their interactions. They both seem fine with spending time in separate rooms but it would be so nice for them to one day coexist relatively peacefully. Will my kitten grow out of this? Anyone with words of wisdom/reassurance/personal experience please reach out! Just looking for a community so I don’t feel alone in my kitty cat plights


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm thinking the "problem" is that your resident cat is a "grownup" and the kitten is a kid who has tons of energy and wants to play, play, play. That will probably get better as he ages, but a young adult cat will still have more energy than an 8 year old. Try to play with him as much as you can, to help him use up that energy.

Some members might suggest getting a 2nd kitten, as a play mate for him. That could work, but it could also backfire, and end up being 2 kittens bothering your older cat. But it is something to maybe consider.

I just did a site search for kitten and older cat, and these are the results. Maybe there might be something helpful in one of the threads.
Search Results for Query: kitten and older cat

Good luck. I hope eventually they'll be friends.:catlove: