Cats pads paws are peeling and itchy


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2015
The problems and issues with my cat are too long and to many details so I will get right to the problem at hand. Have already spent $1300.00+ with the vet in a 3 month period so now I am going to have to rely on google search to help. Is it possible that she could be allergic to the litter, the new lightweight type? Her front pads look like they are peeling and she aggressively tries to lick them but she is wearing a cone and is just licking the cone while her paw is rubbing the cone. Could she have a food allergy and this is the side affect? Is there cat food over the counter for cats with food allergies to try instead of going back to the vet and over paying for that d/d food that they were trying to sell me? Any suggestions/help are greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Here's one limited ingrediet food you can try to see if it is food-related: It comes in both canned and dry.

It wouldn't hurt to try a different litter, either. Maybe a natural litter like pine or wheat or even paper based.

There are creams you can rub onto the paw pads to keep them from cracking and peeling. Here's one:

Have you seen a veterinary dermatologist? He/she may be able to figure out what is wrong with your cat's peeling paws. If you're in the US and a few other countries, you can find one here:

How long has your cat had the peeling paw pads? Could it be a chemical burn caused by stepping in a household cleaner or other substance?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2015
Thank you so much for this info.

I noticed it 3 weeks ago when I picked her up to check out a couple of sores, one on chest and left leg. Put her in the carrier and on the way to the vet she popped her cone off and went crazy chewing her paws and the 2 sores. By the time I got to the vet she had chewed all of these areas raw and bloody. The vet took clippings of hair around the sores to check for RingWorm but said she believed it was an allergy. Vet said she had an ear infection and gave her an antibiotic and steroid shot. Sent us home with Tresaderm eardrops (3-5 drops twice/day) Chloroxylenol scrub to scrub sores on chest and leg and then apply Neo Predef powder on the sores to dry them up and then to make a solution of Chloroxylenol scrub, warm water, and a small amount of white sugar to soak her pads in and to give her a 1/4 tablet of Claritin to help with itching. We did this for 2 weeks, supposed to be twice a day, but she would just cry when you would pick her up because she knew what was coming so we started doing it only once a day. In 2 weeks we brought her back for a recheck and her paws looked great and only one sore on chest remained and it had healed to a small spot. The vet even said that it looked so much better. She also said that the culture was positive for RingWorm so she had us to purchase a liquid Griseofulvin to give her 4.5ml twice a day and she showed me how to give it to her in the side of her mouth to keep her from Aspirating and said that she needed to eat a Fatty Food just before giving her the liquid med so I purchased a AllerG-3 omega 3 oil to mix with can food. So this visit was almost $200.00 making our total expenses with this cats vet visits in 3 months $1300.00. CRAZY!!! That night I had my daughter help me with the Fatty Food and 4.5ml of liquid meds. Now I know what Aspirating is. I thought she was dying. I am so sick of torturing this cat. It is just crazy. We have 2 dogs, 2 other cats (3total) and a guinea pig and there are 5 humans in this house and she is the only one with RINGWORM??? I finally called my niece, a vet tech in another town, and she agreed with me that we are just torturing her and to not do anything else to her for a few days and see what happens. She is better a tiny spot left on her chest and then we noticed that one paw had a couple of pads peeling and she was aggressively trying to lick it through her cone. We decided to take her cone off to see what would happen and of course she starting licking and chewing on that paw and made it raw. My niece suggested putting Lotriman on it since it is for fungal/fungus. i will start this tonight and see what happens over the next week.

Thank you LTS3. My niece said that they have been hearing complaints about the Lightweight litter so she suggested that I change it so I did that today.

I would like to change food too but would like to know what the allergy is. So if she doesn't get better in the next week or so I will check into food changes.

I know I can't keep giving this vet my money and the cat is still in a cone. So I am now Googling/searching the WWW in hopes of getting the right help.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and give me new info.