Cats Kittens & Vets


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2018
I rescuse mama cats that others has tossed out. Or just cats who have been thrown away to starve because they are no longer wanted. I'm on disability and I have had to wait until my money comes in and I use what I have to get these cats healthy. I have been doing this since my 20s first along with my husband now that he passed my daughter helps.
A lot of time I'm able to use natural things but there is times I need stronger stuff like an antibiotic. Vets don't want to help these live souls without no less than $100 or more upfront. Or THEY will let the cat/kitten die. They don't care their in it for the money only. I have NEVER come across a vet willing to help for the love of an animal. I recently had a kitten with an upper respiratory infection. Thankfully the others didn't catch it but I have kept him away from the babies. Have had to go online just to be able to find out what kind of meds were still out there I can buy without a vet. Poor vets are so scared people are not going to use them that they have pushed to make it illegal to get most things for our pets. NO it is not for pet safety its for greed only. I found a med that is slowly helping this kitten so we were there. But because of ignorance the vet I was using nearly cost my 2 year old male cat his life. 2 weeks later I had to take him to a different vet. He was in heart failure. I had to pay nearly $300 up front for treatment to save his life or kill him. There was no choice for me. After words they put him on a medication twice a day(he said would be life long). 3 months later back at vet for bladder failure and possible kidney failure. All caused by the medication the vet put him on. 4 days stay at vet and later both of us a total nervous wreck $ 700. Again pay or let him die. This trip was THEIR fault second vet said so. But they want their money. At this time this second bill hasn't been paid. I'm really thinking of suing them for this one. They were at fault for his second health issue yet wants me to pay them to save him after they caused it. I swear that vet dud this on purpose. Yes we do need our vets but a good one like a doctor's is very hard to find.


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2018
I am so sorry to hear that you had such a negative experience with veterinarians. Is there any other clinic in your area you can try visiting?

Once I had terrible experience in one of top-rated clinics as the vet told me that my mixed-breed dog is vomiting because "those mixes eat anything they find and throw up" and even refused to examine him. However, I've also had the most positive experiences in other clinics where vets were more concerned about animals than the pricing. Not only they did not charge for a sick kitten found on the street but they have also helped to find him new home!