Cats having a 6th sense!


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
OK, I have been reading about cats having a 6th sense and how they are able to 'see' ghosts, spirits and/or apparitions and actually interact with them. Why am I awake at 5:30 in the morning Googling my butt off about this? Because about an 2 1/2 hours ago, I was awakened by my two cats growling fiercely at 'nothing' and I haven't been able to go back to sleep.

I was comfortably asleep and I heard growling. Not the typical occasional growls that my cats emit when play-fighting - these were loud, deep, gurgling, and dominating growls! And it wasn't just one of them - they were both growling! I got up and saw them both sitting side-by-side intently staring at the door. They were actually in more of a semi-hunched sitting position with their heads low and slightly forward, ears back and I could see right away that Keeker (my black DSH) had his hackles up along his back. Their eyes were dilated and, even though I walked into the room and spoke to them, neither took immediate notice of my presence and kept staring and growling at the door.


I live on the third floor of an apartment building and outside my door is a long corridor that has an elevator at the center and emergency exit doors at either end. My first thought was that there was a medical emergency in one of the other apartments, because that is the only reason anyone would be out in the hall at 3 o'clock in the morning. 

Having been the victim of 'redirected aggression' in the past, I didn't want to spook the cats while they were in such an intense fixation, so I called out their names in a sharp, demanding voice to get their attention. They both turned, looked at me, looked back at the door and immediately turned and ran past me and went under the bed back in the bedroom. 

I went to the door and listened intently to see if I could hear anything, but it was completely silent. What to do? What to do? Right?  I went back to my bedroom and got my .38 out of my nightstand drawer (something I should have done before I came out the first time!). When I entered the bedroom, both cats were still under the bed and they were still growling --not as aggressively as they were, but steady, low growls. 

Anyway, I went back to the door and listened again. Still, nothing. Incase there WAS someone in the hall, I knocked on the door and said, "I've called the police. Who's out there?". No response! I went to get my cell phone and could still hear faint growls coming from under the bed. I called the non-emergency police number and explained what had been going on and that I was armed and my door was securely locked.

Dispatch proceeded to tell me that they had gotten another call from my building and officers were already on their way. The police arrived at my door before I hung up! When I checked the peephole and saw and heard them, I re-locked my gun and unlocked my door to let them in and saw that my nextdoor neighbor was out in the hall. Oh goody! My neighbor said that she had called ... are you ready for this? Because her cat was freaking out and woke her up!

In the meantime, there were police doing a floor-to-floor search of the building (checked for open/broken windows, unlocked security doors, maintenance closet, laundry room, rec room and kitchen), and all around outside and found nothing amiss!

My neighbor said her cat was loudly growling and hissing at her door and she knew something was wrong. None of our cats have ever shown this type of behavior before. As we were talking, the man at the end of the hall (6 doors down) came out to see what was going on. After hearing the story, he said, "Wow! Peanut (his Chihuahua) woke me up a few minutes after 3:00. I thought she had to pee because she kept whining at the door."

OK, so now two cats and a dog woke their owners up at approximately the same time for 'no known reason'.  Someone or some'thing' WAS in this building tonight and it wasn't friendly! The only conclusion I could come to was that it was some type of 'spirit'. The woman in the apartment right next to me passed away last week - could it have been her? Was it something else? Whatever it was... it is apparently gone because both my cats are up and about, playing and eating per usual! I think I'll be up for while!

Have any of your cats ever reacted to 'something' that 'wasn't there'? Do you believe cats (or dogs?) have a 6th sense and can detect things that humans can't? 
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Animals do have heightened senses because they still rely so heavily on them and their instincts.  Whether it's spiritual or not, I don't know, I tend to be a show me the proof type of person.  We still have that within us but our rational mind tends to drown it out.  I felt it once many many years ago.  It was late at night and I hadn't been watching a scary movie or reading a scary book.  I felt a sudden rush of fear and I knew someone was outside the house.  I was going around checking window locks and it continued for several minutes then went away as quickly as it started.  That had never happened before or since.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
Thanks Denice. I am one who strongly believes in the after-life because I have experienced it many times myself. But, from what I have been reading, cats seem to have a more acute awareness than humans do. 

I also know that my two cats are very sensitive, in that they detected on two separate occasions when I was having symptoms of A-Fib and woke me up. And back in June when my neighbor's husband passed away, they had been pacing through the apartment and staring at the bedroom wall (our bedroom walls adjoin) for several hours before he died. 

But, this is the only time that they have acted so aggressively with the guttural growling, posture and fixation. And I don't think it was any coincidence that my neighbor's cat and another neighbor's dog woke them at approximately the same time with such emphatic behavior.

And, IF it was a live intruder, I am very sure I would have heard footsteps, or the elevator or emergency/stairwell doors open and close, but I heard nothing but complete silence. It was really eerie! And three hours later, I am still wide awake while my two Boys are crashed out in la-la land like nothing happened!


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Thanks Denice. I am one who strongly believes in the after-life because I have experienced it many times myself. But, from what I have been reading, cats seem to have a more acute awareness than humans do. 

I also know that my two cats are very sensitive, in that they detected on two separate occasions when I was having symptoms of A-Fib and woke me up. And back in June when my neighbor's husband passed away, they had been pacing through the apartment and staring at the bedroom wall (our bedroom walls adjoin) for several hours before he died. 

But, this is the only time that they have acted so aggressively with the guttural growling, posture and fixation. And I don't think it was any coincidence that my neighbor's cat and another neighbor's dog woke them at approximately the same time with such emphatic behavior.

And, IF it was a live intruder, I am very sure I would have heard footsteps, or the elevator or emergency/stairwell doors open and close, but I heard nothing but complete silence. It was really eerie! And three hours later, I am still wide awake while my two Boys are crashed out in la-la land like nothing happened!
I believe just as strongly as you do and have experienced it also. 

I got Lilith and Sophie a little over 2 years after my DH passed away. Not long after they came to live with us, they started acting strangely - as if they were looking at someone or something I didn't see. I have no doubt that my DH stopped by to introduce himself. He was an animal lover to the core. The girls were not upset at all by the "presence" . In fact it was almost as if they were "playing" with someone. 

I think he approves that they are taking care of me 

I'm glad that everything turned out OK and that you are all safe. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 7, 2015
2 THAT is creepy!!!

Every once in awhile, my Cats have sat watching one spot on the wall for a looong time. Always the same spot. Nothing is ever there. Before buying this house an elderly woman died here...makes me wonder now, if she was a Cat lover and drops in to get some Kittie attention!