Cats getting bored because they cannot go outside


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Hi there. I have 2 cats, a mother and het 7-month old kitten. They're inside cats ofr a couple of reasons, the main one being we live right on a corner of quite a busy road. When I first got them the plan was to let them in and out by leaving my window open, but because of the road thing and more significantly the fact that we've had a couple of attempted (but thankfully failed) break-ins, having any of the windows open is a no-go. 

 So they have to stay inside. But they were strays before I had them - they remember being outisde, and they want that freedom back. They spend a lot of time staring wistfully out the window, and try to get out when you come in and out the doors. I feel terrible, even though it's for their own good. Here it's standard to have inside-outside cats, and like I said, they remember having the freedom to play and explore outside. 

 They're also under-stimulated. I don't play with them as much as I should, but even if I played with them more it wouldn't be enough. I'm a working student who lives close enough to their family to have to visit 4 times a week. So I'm out of the house a lot, and combined with some health problems, I'm exhausted when I'm home. 

 I built them a cat tree, it's really nice, much nicer than a store-bought one of the same price. I have some cat grass and I've got them various toys. And they have each other to play with. But they're getting bored to the point where they're being destructive. Mama is gradually chewing a hole in my couch and the baby is chewing the carpet on the cat tree. I don't know what else to do to entertain them; I'm on something of a limited budget and I'm constantly exhausted. It kills me knowing my cats aren't happy. 

 It's only till the end of the year. Then I'll be moving to somewhere safer where they can go in and out as they please. But you can't explain that to a cat. 

 What should I do? I need kitty entertainment tips! Should I risk letting them outside during the day? 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Renting a house. So I can't alter the house in any way; there's no cat flap and I daren't ask for one to be put in, because we're only supposed to have one cat. :X 

I'm not going to rule that out entirely though. How would I go about constructing a cat enclosure? Again, I can't have the doors or windows open constantly because of the attempted break-ins, but I could let them into the enclosure when I'm home? Would I have to connect it to the house or could I make some kind of glorified chicken run in the garden? 


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
You do what ever suits you best. You can have a run connected to the house say by a window that you can leave open ( only when you are at home of course ) Cats can then go in and out as they please.

Or you can build a stand a lone run in the garden - that you can carry the cats outside to.

One tip if you do decide to build a run is to make it as big and high as you possible can. Otherwise afterwards you will only wish you had - then you end up extending it. This is from personal experience :lol3:


TCS Member
May 18, 2014
How bout a leash and harness? Also a cat tent and a run can be set up relatively cheaply to let them outdoors a bit.