Cats Fighting More

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  • #101


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Dec 8, 2013
Go and buy a cheap quilt the kind that's a couple of layers of fabric, not a duvet, a quilt. Put it on the water bed under the sheets. It should be thick enough to protect from kit's claws. We've had an airbed set up for about five years. Had SG for 6 years and the puppy for 6 months. We threw an old camping/army blanket on it. No punctures. If you've got an old army blanket use that, but remember to use two sheets. I've found those blankets a little itchy.
Well it does have a mattress pad on it. Then the sheets. And comforter if she lays on that part. She was kneading on it. Just makes me nervous. I do clip her nails. But just worried lol my luck hasn't been good lately.
She was crying and trying to get behind the bed. But has finally quieted down and is laying on dh side of the bed purring. :)
Should I only keep her down her when I need to. Bring her back up when I get up etc? I'm not sure she will want to be down her alone. Will time away from the bullies be good for everyone involved? Or cause more trouble cause they aren't allowed down here?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I'd let her decide when she wants to go down and when she wants to come upstairs. That's the only way she'll test her limits. It's the only way you'll know when she's getting more confident. If you never go to kindergarten, if you never speak to another person, you never have a chance to get over your fears.

We don't clip SG's claws, she remains in her full slice and dice glory.
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  • #103


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Dec 8, 2013
Well I needed sleep. So took her downstairs with me this morning. She wasnt as content today as she was yesterday. She cried and wouldn't lay down. If she was upstairs she would lay in one place. But didn't want to downstairs. I was hoping she have would realized how nice it was to not have others bullying her. But when it was time to come out for lunch. She would hide under the stereo. I don't want to feed her down there. As they get along during meals. And can usually keep an eye on them during the day. She seems more afraid today then yesterday.
I need to play with her more. But they sleep a lot or are eating. Then if some are awake. I hate to wake them by playing with the others.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Yeah, cats sleep a lot 12 -17 hours a day. That's one of the wonderful things about them. Still it was a logical plan and a good try.
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  • #105


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Dec 8, 2013
She is wanting to go down there more. Dh kicks her out though when he goes to bed. We got into a disagreement about their health. He doesnt think they will die from stress. But told him how they can get crystals. UTI etc. I should tell him we will be broke trying to care for them :(
I took her down there this morning and she was better. But about the same time she hid and I couldn't get her out.
I blocked under the bed so she can't get in there now.
It was hot in the house again today and they were acting up. Levi was chasing rockie and alli. I put on their cat DVD and not sure that worked or they finally settled down. Lunch went well and ev1 is sleeping. Mittens wanted downstairs but she still doesn't seem content. I'm trying to clean out. So she has more room. I have my crafts down there. As well as items I have been trying to sell or decide if I want to donate


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
When it would get to be over 80F mine would go to the basement and spend the day there. One did try to get in the fridge but he had long fur. He did actually pass out from the heat. If you notice right at the beginning when the cat sinks to the floor you can try this. Fill the kitchen sink with tepid/cold water. Put a towel in the sink. Scoop the cat up and submerge all but his head in the water. When he comes to let go and stand back.

Or you can put him in his carrier with a bottle of ice water. I freeze a couple of plastic bottles almost full of water. Then put him in the car and hit the a/c and rush him to the vet.

Heat exhaustion is a bad thing for cats and people.
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  • #107


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Dec 8, 2013
Im so sad. Yesterday was pretty good. Levi would be good, and lay down or sleep. today i took mittens downstairs with me. 2pm was lunch. by 3pm ev1 was behaving. Levi was walking around bored or looking for trouble. He just seems like he is unsettled maybe? Not sure if its just the kitten in him? he needs something to keep him busy. All the other cats nap after lunch. Even Lillian does. He does some days. Not today. I dont know how to play with him without disturbing the other cats.
I dont know if mittens was going from point a to point b. or if he scared her from where she was laying. But he was chasing her and we have hard wood floors. She was slipping all over :(
I dont know what is setting him off. They just ate lunch next to each other, but he does follow her and Rockie around while im preparing their food.
Im just sick with all the other stuff going on. Im lost at what to do.
I only gave him one treat today. Maybe they do work. I think i mentioned that before. But $15 a bag is getting expensive and are they healthy for every day?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Is the fighting worse the some hours before a storm comes through? I ask because if you can track that sort of thing, you'd know when to separate Levi. The weather can have a definite affect on cats and pre-storm is usually not good. Most calm down once it starts storming, but not all. They make thunder-shirts for cats. If Levi is affected by storms you might get one and see if it makes him calmer/nicer.

Starting the day before we get a storm Sweet Gum gets antsy. the closer the storm the less wise it is to pick her up. She freaks without warning. However, when the weather alert goes off, she jumps up to listen to the warning with me. Then, if we need to, she'll let me put her in her carrier for the trip to the downstairs.

She used to be able to walk down on her own, but she and Daisy haven't finished getting to know each other. It's absurd, just one or two more pushes and all will be well. Daisy is a mostly lab. Both have gained weight since Daisy came. sigh.
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  • #109


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Dec 8, 2013
No storms. I put him upstairs in the bedroom till just before dinner time. He was crying at the door when on went up there. He was ancy after dinner so gave him a new spring to play with. He finally tired himself out and came to visit and is even sleeping with the others.


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  • #110


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Dec 8, 2013
Levi fell asleep on my lap. Lil came over. He gave her a bath. He fell asleep next to ebony and oreo. Lil fell asleep between mittens and I. I had to get ready for bed. They woke up and I'm downstairs and he is going after mittens :/ so he is in the upstairs bedroom. Is it me or is this odd behavior?
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  • #111


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Dec 8, 2013
Just noticed Levi looking for mittens. After ev1 ate at 11pm. They were playing, running around. Mittens was in her usual spot on the counter. Where she feels safe. Until she thinks it's safe to go to the couch.
As soon as she jumped down. He comes looking. Looking at her spot on the couch and downstairs. I guess he couldn't see her on the couch, so he went down to the litter boxes.
He's trying to find her to go after her. I can't keep him away from her 24/7 :/. I dont know if I can break him of it. It's a struggle to get her more confident. :(
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  • #112


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Dec 8, 2013
Ok wanted to update. If anyone is still following. We got dds old room, cleaned out new carpet. Put the furniture back. Added some cat beds. So opened the gate and 4 of them went upstairs to check things out. Of course wasnt long before Lillian chased Rockie downstairs.
I know I wasn't expecting miracles and wonder if the room were will help things or cause more territorial issues? Should we had done something to the room before letting them up there?


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Nov 25, 2013
I'm still following, but unfortunately can't think of anything to suggest. :(