Cats Fighting and Play Issues


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 7, 2021
Hi All - I've posted in here before with some questions about my cats. Things have recently developed and become more complicated. I have two cats, Toby (8 years old) and Archie (7 years old). About 1 year ago, Toby had a tail injury where his tail was caught in the door. Ever since, he has been having episodes of overgrooming and hyperactivity where he has severe zoomies around the house. He also developed tail chasing behavior. We tried pain medications, sedatives, pheromones, calming supplements, none of which worked - over time, we were able to calm his issues relatively well by doing interactive feeders, more enrichment in the home, clicker training, and play time every morning before I went to work. He also has significant separation anxiety, and humps his crinkle bag/caterwauls every time we leave the home.

We went on vacation over Christmas, and left them with a sitter who did minimal play time with them - when we returned from vacation, Toby seemed much more calm and like his normal self (pre-tail injury). I resumed their normal routine of play in the mornings, clicker training in the evenings, and Toby started to get worse, with more vocalization, zoomies, and hyperactivity episodes. He also started meowing loudly any time he was in the litterbox (he has been doing this for months, so no medical issues). I went out of town and left the two cats with my husband 1.5 weeks ago - he did minimal interaction/play with them, and when I came home, Toby seemed much better and calmer again. This led me to believe perhaps the morning play time was what was making them anxious/hyperactive. The past 1.5 weeks, I have held off on playing with them in the mornings. For about 1 week, this helped things a lot - both cats were much calmer and there was less humping and vocalization. However, yesterday, I played with them briefly for about 5 minutes with a string - afterwards, they got into a huge fight and chased each other around the apartment. They did the same thing this morning, and were following me all over meowing and wanting to play.

I feel very torn on how to interact with them - initially, not playing with them anymore helped - however, now I feel guilty not playing with them and I feel like they have pent up energy that they don't know what to do with, and may be channeling that energy into fighting. Have any of you ever had issues with play with cats, especially multiple cats?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
If the cat with the tail injury is zooming and ending his run by grooming his tail then perhaps it is causing him pain. But if both cats are having more bouts of zoomies and chasing each other through the house, I would just chalk it up to normal changes in activity levels and let them go. Being hyperactive at time doesn’t equate to anxiety unless the cat is running and hiding. Otherwise it just pretty normal cat activity, especially when you have two. I would most definitely increase your play with them using a wand or a laser so they can wear off some of their energy and build in more enrichment with puzzle type toys, cat TV or bird feeders.

It would also be helpful if you could post a video of their interactions and fighting.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 7, 2021
If the cat with the tail injury is zooming and ending his run by grooming his tail then perhaps it is causing him pain. But if both cats are having more bouts of zoomies and chasing each other through the house, I would just chalk it up to normal changes in activity levels and let them go. Being hyperactive at time doesn’t equate to anxiety unless the cat is running and hiding. Otherwise it just pretty normal cat activity, especially when you have two. I would most definitely increase your play with them using a wand or a laser so they can wear off some of their energy and build in more enrichment with puzzle type toys, cat TV or bird feeders.

It would also be helpful if you could post a video of their interactions and fighting.
I will try to get a video! Thank you for the help. I am mostly concerned about when the zoomies lead to fighting, as it has been happening over the past 1-2 days. I have also been home the past 3-4 days as I am a teacher and on spring break - that may be changing their behavior.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2020
It could be the change in situation (you home more) plus getting overstimulated with play…or just cats being cats. I only have two cats, and luckily they have different toys/games they prefer so they get separate play time. Could it be they just get excited playing with you they (one or the other or both) don’t know what to do with their emotions? Or get a little jealous/competitive over time with you?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 16, 2020
Also I’m assuming they’ve had a checkup somewhere along the lines to make sure hyperactivity, grooming and vocalization aren’t thyroid related
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 7, 2021
Yep! No health issues, bloodwork has been totally normal. I definitely think jealousy is part of it. I also didn't do much play time with them pre-tail injury (we did this to keep him distracted/not develop an OCD behavior), so I think playing is new for them and overstimulates them. I think it has also somewhat changed their social structure a bit (i.e. given the previously shy cat a bit more confidence).