Cats Are Wild Animals?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 29, 2018
I hope this ruffles each and every one of your feathers. Cat's are meant to be wild animals. That means outside/not neutered. My kitty, he's a little over a year old, he got dropped off on us by people who clearly didn't give 2 craps about him. We let him outside every day, he comes in every night, we feed him cat food, and he hunts his own food. He's got the biggest pair of gnads I've ever seen on a cat and constantly comes inside smelling like cat pee, strong, strong cat pee. There's a crazy cat lady at the other end of our road that's harassed me on more than one occasion about him not being fixed. She stole my cat, while i looked for him for 3 days, until my good for nothing roommate "just remembered" a lady came over 3 days before and said she had our cat. When I FINALLY found the "the lady who lived at the farm" (the 5th farm I searched near our house), because our good for nothing rommate didn't get any other information besides that from her, she told me she thought the cat was a stray because he wasn't fixed (which was a bold faced lie because she came to my house and told our roomate she had OUR cat), told me she was concerned for his safety because apparently there is a fox that lives around here, and then continued to try and lecture me about all the reasons why I should NOT not fix my cat. As a big freak you to her, and all you other "know-it-alls", my cats giant balls swing in the crisp cold breeze, as he tries to plant his seed in all the FIXED female cats in our area. have a good day ladies ✌


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
If cats are wild animals (they aren't), we shouldn't feed them or let them in our houses even part-time. Extra food and protection from predators are unnatural and mess up natural population control. If we artificially inflate their survival rates by giving them food and shelter, we have to do something else to control the population. The most humane way to do that is spay/neuter.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 29, 2018
Actually mine is. Bengals for the win tho!
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TCS Member
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Jan 29, 2018
Idk, I was bored last night
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TCS Member
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Jan 29, 2018
I actually plan to get my cat fixed, he's scheduled for next month because we finally have the financial stability to do that. Just like messing around with people. Insomnia and crap like that.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 2, 2016
Wow. A troll on a cat help site. You really are bored huh. FYL:lol:
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TCS Member
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Jan 29, 2018
I wouldn't consider myself a troll. I think this is the first time I've ever "trolled" anyone. Just saw a post from 09, figured I'd test out if people actually used this site, and clearly y'all do. But on a serious note, people should get their kitties fixed, I'm with ya 100% on that. And my kitty is wild, or at least he thinks he is, and the only reason I haven't fixed him yet was because the local low income vet didn't have openings for 6-8 months and we didn't have the money or the credit to get a care credit card for the procedure. Got this poor kitty dropped on me by my brother. It was supposed to be a, you watch him for a few days while we move into our house, kinda thing. And one week went by, they said nothing. Okay cool. Another week went by, they still said nothing. So we had a cat after our first bengal passed away. Stage 5 heart murmur. Really sad stuff. He was going into cardiac arrest and hiding from me. No one could watch my newborn until hours later and by the time I could get him to the vets there wasn't much they could do. Surgery chances were 8%, medicine was 4%, and last option was putting him down. But he passed away before they could charge me 1k to do it. Literally 300 later for oxygen and the visit. A big ... to the vets from my kitty, going out on his own terms. We lost him once before that. My hubby gave him CPR and brought him back. We had a calming collar on him (he used to pee on everything) and he managed to get it stuck in his mouth. With the heart murmur he got too worked up and it failed, I cut off the collar and he went limp in my hands, no breath, no heartbeat. My husband pushed me out the way, gave him mouth to mouth, blew him up like a balloon, chest compression, mouth to mouth again, and his eyes sprang open. Craziest thing I ever saw in my life. He lived another year or so, until our daughter was born, and that's when his heart finally gave up on him. We were devastated. We didn't want another cat. But Slate Maximus (The hubby named him) was dumped on us and I didn't have the heart to bring him to a shelter when the least we could do is feed him and give him a home where we actually gave a crap about him. I urged my brothers girlfriend not to get him as a kitten. The last time she had cats she left them both at the old apartment she moved out of. But they got two kittens anyway. One died mysteriously a couple months later. And this cat they hated. Once they got a puppy they cared less and less about him, trying to pawn him off on me, but I declined a million times. Until they found a way for me not to refuse. People suck.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 2, 2016
Indeed. People can suck. One of my cats is from a friend of mine who just decided she didn't like this cat anymore. I was living with her at the time and i came home one day from work and asked where the cat was. She said she had given her to a shelter. I was shocked.
As i was living in her house i asked if i could go get her back and take responsibility for her. She said no and that she didn't want the cat around anymore.

After a day or so i decided to go and get her back and at the same time i had to move out of the house. When i got to the shelter she was terrified. She was so stressed out that i could hardly recognize her.
I have no regrets about that whole situation. Finding a new place to live was hard and was significantly more expensive but it was worth it. This cat is so damn good natured, she is really beautiful and i have absolutely no idea how someone could give her away.

I hope you find the money to get your guy sorted. He will be better off for it.
Sorry to hear about your bengal. It is always hard to lose a pet but at least you have a new friend in your home now, even if he was forced on you.