Cats are finally eating 100% commercial raw alone....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
Remember, cats are as individual as people.  Everyone ends up futzing for a while until they find something that works for their cats. 
This is so true... and a great thought to end the year with!

Also, since @mzalisakay mentioned it... we're about to start on the tooth brushing adventure with our cats: they had lots of buildup on their teeth for cats of their age (under two) and have already had to have cleanings. Ouch. They're getting antibiotics for Bartonella, which can make tooth problems worse. We're hoping that works -- or at least helps -- but we're going to have to work tooth brushing in, too. I bought a CET kit at the vet's and they do love the seafood-flavor toothpaste, so I'm hoping that's a good start. Fingers crossed!

And fingers crossed to everyone on finding good ways to feed their cats as individuals. It's not always easy!

And, of course, happy new year! (She says with her glass of wine!

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Brushing teeth is difficult. I don't brush Remy's as he only has 4 left and will get them out as soon as he recovers from his illness. Desmond and Milo are 2 and I do not want to go through what I have been through with Remy ever again so I brush. I admit I only do it about 4 nights a week which is not ideal but it is a pain.If I manage to brush at least their fang teeth before I finish I consider it a success.

 I give them gizzards, venison chunks etc. to chew on and hope that is helpful. I have found a vet who does cleanings for only $250 so I am going to do that in the spring. She is an hour from here but they savings makes the drive worthwhile. Around here a cleaning ( including the blood test before hand) runs between $900 and $1000. That can break the bank. The vet I found does such discount cleanings because she badly wants to decrease the number of cats that are put down for dental issues and she told me that it has made a difference in her practice.

I have tried to reason with the cats but they still have attitude at brushing time.

Happy New Year all!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 16, 2013
My cats developed gingivitis early, like by age 1, so I've had to put a lot of effort into brushing.  I guess that's why I've been wanting to be a bit lazier about their diet.  I do give them things like gizzards and meat chunks occasionally, but I've continued to have a lot of problems with them scarfing down the chunks and then throwing them back up - despite all the excellent tips on this board.  I could probably work more on that but like I said...had to choose my battles.

The training method described in the Cornell tooth brushing video did not work for me.  Instead, I clicker trained my cats to accept the brush.  I'd show them the toothbrush, say "Brush", touch it to the side of their mouth just between their lips, then click & treat.  After a few of these sessions I also pulled their lips back like I would if I were brushing.  Then I progressed to brushing a couple of strokes, and would only click if they let me do it without squirming away or pawing at the brush.  Now, my older cat is so easy it's ridiculous, he even pulls his upper lip up for me when I say "Brush".  My younger cat has been more resistant so each session still requires several treats, but at least I don't have to chase him around the room anymore.  Also, I've been using Petzlife gel.  It works very well, but the stuff is not very palatable to cats.  I had to transition them to it from the flavored toothpastes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
Thank you, sophie1, for that description! I have to admit I'm kind of dreading this toothbrushing adventure so am very grateful for a Plan B in case Cornell doesn't work for them! Antibiotics are done in another five days or so, so I'm going to start giving them regular tastes of toothpaste soon...

The big question, though, is this: Can you tell that the brushing helps? (Of course I ask that unsure if all the antibiotics help our two! I sure hope so, considering the hassle to medicate them!)
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 28, 2014
@Maureen Bradley, when you say Remy, I get so confused because that is my son's name :)

Well, they don't like the anchovy fish for omega-3's and they don't like chicken feet for chewing. Will try hearts and gizzards next. Hearts would be chewy muscle meat that can count towards aiding the cleanliness of teeth, right? I only looked at the package, haven't poked it to see what the consistency would be like. If all fails, do you think cut up chicken breasts would work? I know one cat likes that, but not the other.

But at least the raw eggs worked out. I did add a bit of pumpkin just in case the raw egg gave them loose stools. I am checking the stools in the litter box tonight to see if they're doing okay. Anybody have any reference of ...okay poop colors? I don't know if mine are too light or okay or what. They are on commercial raw so not like I could fix the ratio of bone in their diet but would adding pumpkin help with that? Or more meat? I just read so much that eventually my brain dumps all the information in the end and I can't remember squat, LOL. 

@LisaHE  - I am dreading the tooth brushing adventure too! That's why I'm hoping I can just feed them something they love and have that do the work for me, lol.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
mzalisakay, I would love it if a dab of enzymatic toothpaste would do the work for me! :lol3: After your post, I got out the toothpaste, brought the cats into the bathroom, and had them taste the stuff. The cat with the worse mouth loves it and would lap it out of the spoon... the other cat, though, is very skeptical...
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 28, 2014
Any advice on how to trick them into liking chicken feet? I just rolled it in wet food and left it there. They ate around it. I'm not sure I can chop it up but I can sure try. I just gave them the whole thing rather than chunks.
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 28, 2014
mzalisakay, I would love it if a dab of enzymatic toothpaste would do the work for me!
After your post, I got out the toothpaste, brought the cats into the bathroom, and had them taste the stuff. The cat with the worse mouth loves it and would lap it out of the spoon... the other cat, though, is very skeptical...
Oh! I will have to do that then.. well.. maybe if I can't trick them into eating chunks of meat LOL. I admit, I'm pretty lazy haha. I tried checking their state of teeth to see how bad they may be, but they weren't cooperating at that time.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 25, 2014
San Francisco Bay Area
Any advice on how to trick them into liking chicken feet? I just rolled it in wet food and left it there. They ate around it. I'm not sure I can chop it up but I can sure try. I just gave them the whole thing rather than chunks.
mine don't eat chicken feet without a chicken attached, but will devour a whole day-old chick, feet and all. 

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
  • Msaliskay- Remy is also the name of my vets son! I can't take credit for naming him. I adopted him at the age of 6 and he came with the name.
  • As far as Pumpkin is concerned I thought that Pumpkin was given only if a cat was constipated?
  • I feed a lot of food for the cats to chew. Usually hearts and chucks of venison but sometimes gizzards and chunks of chicken or turkey.
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 28, 2014
@roguethecat  I'm trying to find day old chicks and looking around. I'm not even sure how to approach that haha. Do I just give them the whole chick or do I have to do anything/remove anything? I'm not sure if they would even go for it ... 

@Maureen Bradley  Crazy! Remy is not a common name. I came across one other kid with the name and she happened to be a girl, lol. It's common in France of course. Not so here in the states. It's a nice name though :) Yeah, I cheated on pumpkin. Thought I could add to prevent probs but then read AFTERWARDS that it shouldn't be added UNTIL there's a problem. Love how some sites contradict each other, :-\

Anyways, I will try hearts and gizzards next. *sighs* Such picky cats lol. Wish me luck haha.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 25, 2014
San Francisco Bay Area
@roguethecat  I'm trying to find day old chicks and looking around. I'm not even sure how to approach that haha. Do I just give them the whole chick or do I have to do anything/remove anything? I'm not sure if they would even go for it ... 
I'm getting mine at Rodentpro. They are inexpensive, a by-product of egg factories, and hopefully humanely killed. I just thaw them in the fridge and put them out on a plate. Unfortunately (for me), they rarely get eaten on that plate, because Oberon insists on dragging them around. Sometimes a wing or foot is left over, and I re-freeze that with the other leftovers to use when I make ground food.

If you're trying them out for the first time, they most likely will get dragged and tossed over the whole place with wild growling. If you don't get that, try cutting it in half (be prepared for lots of yolk leaking out).