Cat With Sneezing And Tics/seizures


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 26, 2015
My cat Rocky is 4 years 4 months and on Presnosole 1/2 pill every other day for irritable bowl/colitis. ( I adopted him two years ago after my cat Birdie died) He can only eat venison or rabbit at this time (he can eat some cheese or a squirt of whipped cream for a treat).He eats the canned Royal Canin Rabbit and Pea prescription. He seemed to get a cold and was having multiple sneezes. I took him to the vet and she said to get son Lysine. That night he started having twitches of his head, like tics. As the night went on it was more like a small seizure. His head jerked back a few times (sometimes to the side) and plopped. Still going this morning. He is also shaking his head, licking his lips and rubbing his nose. The ticks are worse when he has a multiple sneeze. He is very tired. He is eating like normal (alot). I took him to the vet today, Saturday. We think there may be some link between the sneezing. The vet said he may need to see a neurologist but the neurologist is not in on Sat. He does not think it is an emergency because Rocky is eating and walking OK. We discussed a mild anti-seizure med and a stronger one that would need to be compounded. We chose the lighter med because I won't be able to see if he gets better if he is too doped up. He gave me some gabapentin. I'm so worried. Esp after he sneezes his head kind of takes a few jerks back and then kind of flops. He seems dazed. He can still jump up on the counter because he went after a can of food I forgot to put back in the fridge. But he just lay in a cat bed on the sofa all day (except to eat) He wants to snuggle and he tried to play with his 3-tier ball toy but gave up. One time he seemed to have a bit of a seizure when he was rubbing his face his paw extended and his foot moved in a fast jerky movement like he was scratching instead of cleaning. The Gabapentin does not seem to be helping (unless it would have gotten worse) Any ideas? I couldn't get insurance for him because I found out after I brought him home that his med. history disqualified him. (The previous owner took him to the vet for bloody stools and diarrhea.) Any virus or cold that could give him these jerks or tics or little seizures?


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
That sounds very scary. I am so sorry he, and you, are going through this. I would definitely see the neurologist as soon as possible. I know that infections can cause seizures which could also extend to the sneezing and pawing at his face. Something in the head or sinus would make a certain amount of sense. You may want to ask for some blood work incase it is something random like diabetes but the specialist should be able to help in that regard.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.