Cat With Severe Vomiting & Diarrhea, Lethargy, Fever: How Rapid Can Allergies Present?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hi everyone, I’ve looked through the forums and still not certain on the diagnosis (or lack of) and hoping for some feedback. My kitty is at the emergency vet hospital, after severe diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and a fever when admitted. They put him on antibiotics and fluids, an anti-nauseant, and something to calm him because he was growling at the techs :( . The fever is down but he doesn’t want to eat. He is interested in smelling the food, but then just seems nauseous and turns away. He gagged when I offered him a Temptations treat. They gave him Mertazapine to stimulate his appetite last night and he ate a little bit on his own, but then had diarrhea (I suspect he may have had diarrhea unnoticed, because his back end was very wet when I saw him and had mucus in the fur). He is still very withdrawn and not himself.

When they admitted him they did bloodwork which showed slightly elevated liver enzymes (Neutro-?), elevated white blood count, and some other things consistent with having not eaten (proteins and sugars off), but everything else seemed okay. He had a temp of 40, which went down overnight to 39.6, and has stayed below 39 since. He peed in the litter box yesterday evening.

He’s been in there for over 40 hours (last real meal was 60? hours ago), and not really improving (except the fever), and I’m just not sure if this is a “wait for him to get better” or “figure it out fast” scenario. The vet said it could be a food allergy and he might have IBS. I had changed from a raw-fed diet to a canned food (Merrick Purrfect Bistro chicken pate) while travelling, so he’d been on a new food for the previous 3-weeks (the first few days it was a mix of canned foods but then the last 10 days all Merrick). She said that an allergy could build up and suddenly manifest, but it was such an extreme response happening very rapidly – does that diagnosis make sense?

She reminded me he hadn’t been under their care for very long and he needed time to feel better.

If he doesn’t improve by today she wants to try him on steroids, which I think is okay for an emergency solution, but my understanding is it treats the symptom and not the condition. I’ve asked about a second round of blood tests to see if its improving but they don’t seem to think its necessary at this point. How long is too long to “wait and see”. I have a tendency to over-worry, and I don’t want to over-react and push the vet to do diagnostics that are unnecessary (which might be bad for Percy, thankfully I have insurance to cover anything needed).

Any advice would be really appreciated. I have a hard time trusting, after reading about pet food companies, the vaccination-industry, ill-informed vets, and etc. etc.

Some background:

Percy is a 14lb, 2 year-old neutered male, who is normally raw-fed (homemade). He is very outgoing and not stressed by new environments (he is just like a dog sniffing around, even in the vet office). He likes going for drives in the car but does NOT like flying in airplanes. He likes people, but is not a lap-cat, just likes to be nearby. He is very gentle and tolerant of “uncomfortable” situations (like washing his paws if he steps in something). He is not food-motivated but does love fresh raw fish and moose, and also loves most canned food (an occasional treat when I don't have the raw defrosted). He is leash trained and goes for a walk and a pee outside every morning/night but is never allowed offleash.

Recently I made a cross-country trip with him and decided it would be safest to switch to canned for the whole trip (~2-weeks, Merrick Purrfect Bistro chicken pate). I transitioned from the home-made diet to the canned for a few days, and we were off on our journey. He was in a new environment (campgrounds/rest stops/friends houses) every day, but he was not stressed or otherwise unhappy (still chasing bugs, climbing trees, playing hide-and-seek in the grass, peeing/pooping outside regularly etc). Percy was 100% great the whole trip until the last day (day 13) when he woke me up urgently needing to poop at 4 am. The next morning he seemed okay, but had no interest in breakfast and had another small poop with some liquid. We were travelling so I just put away his breakfast and decided to feed him at the next rest stop. Then he had diarrhea in the truck and vomited. I pulled over for a few mins and he was super unhappy looking. Then he needed to go again, so we stopped for about an hour and he had continual diarrhea/vomiting (just water by this point) and wouldn’t eat. I had to keep driving (we were only 3 hours from home) so I put him in the carrier where he slept for a bit until we got home, and then he had diarrhea and vomiting for 2 more hours and I took him to emergency.

He doesn’t have a history of GI upset, though he vomits every once in a while if I haven’t fed him soon enough in the morning (less than once a month). He’s also had 2 episodes of coughing (definitely coughing and not vomiting), but they were over 5 months apart (last was 6 months ago) and I brought it up with the vet who said it wasn’t a concern unless it became chronic. He had a little skin-tag/growth on his lower belly, but the vet also said it wasn’t a concern and it went away after a while. He sheds very little, and grooms himself fastidiously as only cats can. As a kitten he had a giardia and campo-bac (sp?) infection, but they cleared up no problem with treatment. He stepped in paint thinner 4 weeks ago - I washed it off thoroughly and he showed no adverse signs after. He pants when he is nervous/stressed, and pants when over-exerts himself (but again nothing the vet thought was unusual). I'm really worried about him, and honestly reading internet diagnoses isn't helping... :( any advice or even just someone else in a similar situation and knowing what happened would be really helpful. It's so hard to make a decision on his treatment when I don't know what's really wrong with him.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
You've described this to your vet?
In my opinion, I'm wondering if he came into contact with something bad/toxic on or just before day 13, or possibly the continual changes in water were too much for him. That coughing is of course a concern, but in any case hopefully your vet gets things squared away fast!!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
Oh I didn’t think of the water. Usually he gets the bottled water I drink, mixed into his food.

He’s at the emergency vet clinic because I brought him in Labour Day night and they were the only ones open. We don’t really have an official vet, I’ve just taken advantage of check-up times and when he was in for the neuter to ask all the questions re:coughing, skin growths. But I relayed everything to the Emerg. Doc.

I agree that poisoning seemed like a possibility but the vet said it’d be so hard to diagnose that. She seems to be thinking it is inflammation/IBS. She didn’t do any thing to treat a poisoning, maybe because his white blood cell count was up? She also said the rapid onset could still be a result of a longer-term issue, but that seems counterintuitive to me.

She’s supposed to call me for a full update this afternoon. He hasn’t had any improvement besides “licking some gravy” off his food :(


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
:vibes::alright:. :redheartpump:
Would your vet be open to consulting with another vet?
I'm not a vet, but it's possible that the excitement, different waterand environments, or even none of these things, --that the cough is/was a symptom of something that is cropping up now just because of who knows why?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
Didn't the ER vet do fecal exam(s) with your kitty's poo?

Did you pass along your Percy's background, esp. being an outdoor kitty? Being an outdoor cat and especially one having spent so much time outdoors recently, my first thought is to check for one or more of a variety of worms. They can produce many of the symptoms you describe, diarhhea, vomiting, lethargy, etc., some would include symptoms of coughing.
(Regarding coughing, has the vet done the Baermann test to check for lung worms?)
Lungworms in Cats | petMD

I'm not sure why they jumped right to IBS as a possibility if they haven't ruled out worms or parasites yet. Plus, with how sick he is, I'm hoping he is getting fluids while they try to figure it out!
:vibes: :vibes: :alright:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
Percy is home! And seems a million times better. Started purring the minute he got out of the carrier <3 . He still hasn’t eaten more than a tiny piece of food, but is definitely hungry. Maybe his throat is sore?

There was no diagnosis beyond “could be anything”. I just need to watch him and make sure he eats and doesn’t have any worsening symptoms. I agree that a fecal exam would be a more obivous test, maybe because he was only passing water there wasn’t anything left to test? I gave the full history, so they knew outside environment changes were a possibility. Plus we have a dog who licks him (they’re friends).

He has metronidazole and some probiotics to get him back on track internally (got the speech about raw food risks from the vet, though she was more informing me than lecturing me). Ironically he was all on canned when he got sick, so we know for sure it wasn’t raw that caused it.

They also shaved around his neck which was strange- anyone know why they do that?


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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
Ps- thanks for the information about lungworms. I didn’t know about them and he has eaten mice in the past. I will ask about it!
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hi Everyone, just an update and I thought I'd share what I discovered yesterday about Merrick Purrfect Bistro - Chicken Pate. I started a new thread in the nutrition section, but since it's relevant to these posts I'll put the conclusion here too.

Two days ago, I was looking at the 1/3 of a case of canned Merrick I had left, and thought - maybe I can see if he will eat this again, so it doesn't go to waste. I trialed him with 1/2 a can (~3oz). Within 1.5 hours he had pure liquid diarrhea. He seemed fine otherwise, and has been fine since. I give him canned food as a treat occasionally, different brands but always grain/filler free and good quality, and he has never had a problem with any of them.

Now, I'm not a vet, but I am a scientist, and that kind of cause-effect seems pretty clear. I will never feed my cat Merrick again. It's not worth the risk.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 22, 2018
Sounds like a reasonable conclusion. Hopefully you will not have a reoccurance of this!

My boy was hospitalised for 3 nights back in Summer for severe gastroenteritis. He got better but I never did find the cause.

They also shaved around his neck which was strange- anyone know why they do that?
Not sure if you found the answer here but they shave the neck for blood tests - this seems to be the easiest place to get a good sample.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
It's so scary when they get sick and you can't figure out why :( I hope you can solve your mystery too.

Thanks re: the neck shave. They had both sides shaved, which I was sad about. I thought maybe to take his pulse. Took forever to grow back, but he seems to have evened out now, just in time for winter!

IMG_7096 (2).jpg


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 22, 2018
It's so scary when they get sick and you can't figure out why :( I hope you can solve your mystery too.

Thanks re: the neck shave. They had both sides shaved, which I was sad about. I thought maybe to take his pulse. Took forever to grow back, but he seems to have evened out now, just in time for winter!

View attachment 265474
I don't think I'll ever solve my mystery. I'm fairly convinced it was a bug that our new kitten brought in a couple months before as she had some minor gastro symptoms at the time. They are both indoor cats on commercial wet food so no idea where else they could've picked anything else up!

Odd that they shaved both sides - maybe they shaved one side and couldn't find a good site so shaved the other? My boy came back with a shaved neck from blood tests, shaved leg where they had the IV fluids going in and a shaved butt so they could try and keep his back end vaguely clean (VERY serious diarrhoea - apparently he leaked when being picked up :bawling2:). He did look very sorry for himself when I brought him home and he smelled really bad but this was 4 months ago now and his fur is all back and he's back to his bright eyes self!


Love that snow pic of your kitty! Could be a Christmas card :lol:!