Cat with chronic runny nose and lip licking for over a month.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 25, 2023
Sorry for the long read.

Hello, this past month has been pretty rough on me and my cat. About a month ago from now my cat started licking his lips and sneezed in my face and got clear snot all over me, which I thought was weird. I thought maybe he got a cold, so I gave it a week. He kept licking his lips and his throat sounded... phlegm-y? Not sure how to describe it, but very wet. I gave it another week before he stopped drinking water, slept more, and just overall started having less energy. I took him to the vet, and they looked around his mouth and noticed he had mild gingivitis and tartar on a molar. He also had an ear infection in both ears, so I was prescribed Clavamox and Tresaderm.

4 days into treatment before he shows mild improvement in energy, started drinking water again, but the lip licking and sneezing never gave away, though he didn't do it as often, which I thought was a good sign. Still slept a lot. Once we reach almost a week into treatment, he starts licking his lips excessively again. Then his energy drops again, stops drinking water, and then suddenly he can't keep food down. I take him back and he was given an antibiotic shot, Cerenia, fluids, bloodwork and fecal test were done. We get results back and he has Giardia, and elevated liver enzymes, nothing else.

He has gotten his appetite back, no vomiting, drinking water again, but he's still off. He's constantly laying in "loaf" position and shifting his legs underneath him like he can't get comfortable (which started around when he started vomiting). He's still sneezing, licking his lips, swallowing, still has a slight runny nose in only one nostril, and his throat still sounds wet. He started licking his legs too, he'll suddenly wake up and start licking them. He started making a noise earlier today when he was purring that sounded like this. Not sure if this would be a URI since he's had it before but it didn't look like this, and he responded to Clavamox then. I thought it could possibly be a tooth infection but wouldn't it have showed up in his bloodwork? I'm planning on calling my vet and see if I can get a seperate round of antibiotics, maybe he's grown resistant to Clavamox? He's currently sleeping on me and his breathing sounds a bit loud. I just want him to get better :(


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Oh I'm sorry. Giardia is awful. I've posted the VCA digital panflit for it. They recommend a different antibiotic for it. I would ask my vet to change antibiotic yes.

*Just a note, it's the bacteria (in this case giardia) that becomes resistant to the antibiotic, not the being (in this case your cat) that becomes resistant to the antibiotic.

Giardia in Cats | VCA Animal Hospital

Please also ensure at this time to wash your cats food and water bowls daily to reduce reinfection.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It sounds like he has allergies too. Especially with the sneezing and clear discharge. I give my cats DMG, which you can get on the internet almost anywhere, it really helps to build up their immune system. I give mine mixed in a little Delectable Lickables, in the stew flavors, a lickable cat treat. You might call your vet and see if you can give a human allergy pill and in what dosage. Get a pill splitter at your pharmacy.