Cat Wanting Attention at Night


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2015
I have a nearly four year old kitty, who is very docile and quiet, and while she loves cuddles and affection, she generally keeps to herself and sleeps most of the time.

Both our cats sleep in the bedroom with us, and they have their "spots" that they always sleep in. We leave the door open so they can come and go. They sometimes play around together while hubby and I are reading in bed with our lamps on, but as soon as the lights go out they know it's bedtime, and straight away go to their favourite places and fall asleep.

About two weeks my older cat suddenly developed this strange behaviour. About five minutes after the lights go off she starts going round the bedroom scratching on the furniture. She's not damaging it - it's more that kind of "knocking" that they do for attention. She'll do it on the wardrobe, our chest of drawers, or any hard, flat surface that makes a noise.

Every time I sit up to see what she wants she stops. As soon as I lie back down she starts again. If I get out of bed she runs out of the room.

I've done everything I can think of to make her stop. I've tried ignoring her, but my husband has to get up early in the mornings so she's constantly waking him up. And she'll go on for a long time!

I've made sure she has food and fresh water, and her litter box is clean.

I know it's cold at the moment, and our house loses a lot of heat at night, so I've put a heating pad in her spot to keep her warm, but she's a Maine Coon so she's made for cold weather anyway (she rolls around in front of the freezer when the door is open!).

I've tried blocking out every bit of light possible so the bedroom is totally dark (we live in a remote area so we only get moonlight at night anyway).

But she keeps doing it every night, sometimes for an hour or two.

So far she only stops when I lose my patience and give her a telling off! Then she sulks in the living room for a bit and comes to bed quietly a little while later.

Some nights she even starts meowing loudly from other parts of the house (we live in a bungalow so the sound travels well to the bedroom). And she is not a loud cat. Normally the only noise she ever makes is chirping when we stroke her, and she tends to communicate with us in other ways than meowing. For her to meow is usually an emergency, e.g. she's stuck in something!

I don't want to shut her out of the bedroom, as then I'd have to shut them both out. And the noise they would make scratching on the door and yowling would far surpass what she is doing now!

Has anyone else had a similar problem? She has never done this before, so to start suddenly now is odd. I just want to know what she wants so I can help her, and we can get some sleep!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Is there something outside that is bothering her?

If it continues you will have to keep them both out of the bedroom at night. We had to do this with our two females. They got too rambunctious when we were sleeping. They soon stopped crying to come in when we did not respond.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Queensland, Australia
Are her daytime habits the same? Is she eating drinking toileting normally? A sudden change in behaviour could require a vet visit to rule out illness just in case. Another thought is a mouse or other rodent in the wall? My cat is locked out of the bedroom at night but she has never known any different so I think I agree with you that locking out may cause more disruptions.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Are her daytime habits the same? Is she eating drinking toileting normally? A sudden change in behaviour could require a vet visit to rule out illness just in case. Another thought is a mouse or other rodent in the wall? My cat is locked out of the bedroom at night but she has never known any different so I think I agree with you that locking out may cause more disruptions.
Good point. I can always hear mice scurrying around in the old walls of our house. We even had a bat inside this month. Ugh.


Tilly’s hooman maid
Super Cat
Apr 14, 2019
Boston ma
I’m dealing with yowling right now I literally have to go sleep on the couch so he can be with me