Cat upset over new dog... please help!


TCS Member
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Aug 3, 2011
This is my Daisy...

I love her to death, but she is the biggest spoiled brat of a cat I have ever had! Along with being an animal lover in general, I’ve always had cats- my whole life. This is the first time ever that I have actually contemplated the need to get rid of one of my animals, and it absolutely kills me. I’m hoping that someone here can offer me some sort of advice so that it does not come to that.

Here’s my story:

I got my Daisy (and her sister, Peach) when they were just kittens. I did not have one problem with either of them until we got a third cat. The third cat (Princess Toadstool) we rescued from a home where she was kept locked in a small cage 24/7 with about 5 other cats. Now, Toad had no problems adjusting because she was used to being around all sorts of other cats. Peach, is just the sweetest most laid back cat ever and could have cared less about a new cat in her home. Daisy, on the other hand was livid and in protest starting peeing on the carpet and couch and our bed. Like I said, I’m not new to this cat thing. It was either one of two things- a UTI or, to be blunt, she was pissed. She checked out fine at the vet which means her acting out is completely behavioral. In order to try and fix this, we started using some behavior correcting techniques we had read about such as putting foil all over everything she was peeing on and “retraining” her on litter box use. She improved by about 75% (I can only assume not the fill 100% because there was already cat urine smell saturated into things). Now, we lived in a 2 bedroom apartment… which with 3 cats isn’t the best situation. We recently moved (about 2 ½ months ago) into a much larger, 3 bedroom townhouse, and since the move she had been doing fantastic. New place, new carpet, new furniture (including a microfiber $2,000 couch set that replaced the couch set she constantly peed all over), more room. I also attribute her being less territorial due to the fact that all 3 cats moved together to the new home, versus a new cat coming into the original 2’s home.

So, all was going great. No more fights with the hubby about her peeing everywhere, no more disgusting cat urine smell, no more cleaning up. All was going well for a month and a half when we were given the opportunity to rescue a 2 year old dog from a kill shelter. Now, I knew that this was going to upset Daisy so I took all the precautions I could think of. First, we bought a dog gate so that while we aren’t home the dog gets locked in the kitchen. That lets the cats still have reign of the house so they don’t feel as if he stole their area and it lets the cats and dog interact through the gate and get to know each other. Surprisingly, Daisy did not start acting out right away. I made sure to give all of the cats plenty of attention so they didn’t feel neglected and let the dog and cats interact together with us when we were home. After a couple weeks, when I noticed that the cats and dog could all hang out in the same room comfortably, I started letting the dog out all day instead of locking him in the kitchen. It was then that Daisy started acting out again. The thing she would pee on were enough to annoy me (such as blankets and clothes on the floor) but nothing that couldn’t be washed. Well, last night I went to sit on my brand new couch and sat right in a fresh spot of cat pee. Let me tell you, I was not happy. Very angry, I decided to just go to bed. As I went to crawl into bed, I noticed that she had ALSO peed on my bed. Again, like I said… I am not the type to get rid of animals. In fact, just thinking about tossing her out makes me cry. I understand that she is acting out and upset over it, but on the other hand… the cat peeing all over everything is disgusting and inexcusable. I refuse to let my home become one of those homes that just reeks of pee because everything is destroyed because cats urinate on everything. She will be made an outdoor cat or given away well before I will ever let that happen. It frustrates me more because I take so much time with her to make her feel like I’m not ignoring her. I play with her all the time, I scoop the litter boxes (all 4 of them) TWO times a day because she is very picky, I even bought multiple cat toys including those climbing/clawing towers so that if she felt threatened or wanted to get away she could climb up there. I am absolutely at my wit’s end and I hope somebody can offer me some insight or some advice on what to do.

My questions are… Have any of you experienced this with your cat, what did you do to correct it –and- did it actually stop completely? Like I said, she checked out at the vet. Not only that, but when I shut her in the spare room for ‘time outs’ when she urinates on things, she uses the litter boxes 100% of the time. Also, is allowing her to become an outdoor cat an option? She is about 3 years old and has never been an outdoor cat, but we do have  fenced in back yard. I’m thinking that letting her go outside while Im supervising her may help her get over some of her territory issues? But, I also have neighbors that I would not put it past to do cruel things to her and Im afraid of her getting out of our yard and never seeing her again L

Other than advice on some possible fixes for her behavior, my other question is…. Is there hope for my couch and/or bed?? I know that when cats pee on something, the smell is almost impossible to get out. Like I said, our couch is brand spanking new. We do not have the option to just go out and spend another 2 grand on another couch and unfortunately, I can absolutely not tolerate her going on the couch again. If she does, that’s most likely it for her. I have never not had a cat pee on something and then never pee on that spot again. Pleaseeee tell me that some of you have had success in getting the urine smell out and having the cat not pee in that spot ever again. And if so, what did you use to treat it? There is stuff at my local pet store called “Pee Out” or something along the lines of that. It is supposed to neutralize the enzymes that cause the smell and make the cat want to pee there. Does that stuff actually work? I also know that there is spray made that is supposed to defer cats from wanting to pee on things. Does that actually work? This morning, just as a quick clean, I dumped a little hot water mixed with laundry detergent into the couch where she peed (my cushions do not come off for cleaning, just my luck) and scrubbed the spot as well as I could. But I know that is not enough.

I’m so sorry that was so long! But I’m hoping that someone can give me some advice. I love my pets to death and it would kill me to get rid of any of them. At the same time, I will not allow my house to become their personal litter box. Please help! L
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p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Contrary to belief, she is not peeing because she is spiteful or pissed off.  She is more than likely confused a cat that does not like change so much.  A dog is a big change.  It is possible that the dog is chasing her while you are not there.  The dog would see it as playing but Daisy would see it as bullying.  My best advice is to keep the dog behind the gate and try to only let him out when you can see how he interacts with Daisy.  Daisy is trying to tell you that something is wrong in her world and the only way she knows to get that point across is to pee all over everything. 

I wouldn't put her outside.  She's never been, she would likely freak and get into trouble or get hurt or killed.  Putting her in "time out" does not register with her, either. She doesn't understand why she is being punished.  Enzyme cleaners do work.  But, I would also shampoo the carpets and walls, too.  If she smells anything, she will do it again.  Maybe get some more litterboxes and place them where she pees the most on the floors? 

Also, do you have some cat trees?  A place she can get up high and away from the dog or whatever is threatening her?  It could go a long way in helping her feel less helpless and stressed.  I'd get a couple and have an escape route for her... Off the ground with cat shelves or something too high for the dog to reach. 


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Since the cat was in your home and your life, you should keep the cat and give up the dog.  "Getting rid" of a cat because some new animal moved into the home is not a good reason to surrender a cat.  Putting her outside when she's been an indoor only cat her whole life is not an option either.  You need to comfort your cat, take it to the vet to rule out a stress-induced urinary tract infection, and start using some anti-anxiety remedies such as Feliway or Rescue Remedy.  Your cat's world has been turned totally upside down and cats don't do chaos and change well.  They are creatures of habit and routine.  As previously mentioned your cat isn't peeing because she's mad or doing it out of spite.  She is doing it because she is stressed and doesn't understand what's going on.  You might also want to look into some of the natural calming remedies from Jackson Galaxy's site, Spirit Essences.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Sorry for the double post but also try feliway diffusers.  Put at least 2-3 upstairs and downstairs.  Or just one calming collar for her could do the same thing.  The big thing to remember is your cat does not like change and you need to decide if it is worth it to stress out your cat and costs you possible furntiure in the future.  Also, this was her home first and you were her family first....   Can the dog not go outside during the day when you are at work?  I don't know how large it is?  But it seems like that is a better solution than putting a cat that's never been outside out.   
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Aug 3, 2011
Well, the reason I assumed she was angry is because she is not getting the attention she used to and I know cats tend to act out in situations like that. But just to clarify, since we moved into the new place she has not been peeing on things like she did in our old apt (no carpets or anything) except for last night on our new couch and bed. Now, instead of peeing she has been pooping right next to the litterboxes (about 2-3 times a week). But she’s always been weird about the litter boxes and will not go in them if another cat has (which is why I now have 4 litter boxes that I clean twice a day). And to be honest, I’m not super worried about that. It’s annoying, but Id rather her poop than pee because that is a lot easier to clean up. She did not start peeing again inside (and we’ve had the dog for about a month and been in the new place for 2.5 months) until last night. I find the timing ironic, because I had also just started letting the dog roam and not be locked up.

I will def start locking the dog back up when we aren’t home and hope that helps. My biggest worry now is my couch and trying to find something to get the smell out so she is not tempted to go there again.

And yes, I do have cat trees. I got that idea from a cat show….. Cat from Hell I think? Haha. Not only do we have cat trees, but our whole living room is stuff that she can jump on to get away. The couch set, our computer chairs and desks, book shelves, cat trees, etc. But also in addition to that, the cats have the WHOLE upstairs to themselves. The dog does not go upstairs. So if she feels threatened, she can always go up there. I even leave my bedroom door open now so that they can all escape in there and feel safe, and I’ve always closed it. So basically, I’m putting a lot of effort into making her feel safe and she is acting out. It’s very frustrating.

Also…. She and the other 2 cats are very used to the dog now, so I don’t understand why she’d still feel threatened. They hang out next to eat other, eat around each other, play around each other… I mean, they certainly aren’t to the point where they cuddle, but they tolerate each other?
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Aug 3, 2011
Since the cat was in your home and your life, you should keep the cat and give up the dog.  "Getting rid" of a cat because some new animal moved into the home is not a good reason to surrender a cat.  Putting her outside when she's been an indoor only cat her whole life is not an option either.  You need to comfort your cat, take it to the vet to rule out a stress-induced urinary tract infection, and start using some anti-anxiety remedies such as Feliway or Rescue Remedy.  Your cat's world has been turned totally upside down and cats don't do chaos and change well.  They are creatures of habit and routine.  As previously mentioned your cat isn't peeing because she's mad or doing it out of spite.  She is doing it because she is stressed and doesn't understand what's going on.  You might also want to look into some of the natural calming remedies from Jackson Galaxy's site, Spirit Essences.
Oh, I totally agree. I would never get rid of the cat because of that. But the dog has been in our lives for over a month now, and I wouldn’t get rid of him the same way I wouldn’t get rid of her. But, like I said before….. the reason this is so confusing is because not only did I did bring her to the vet and it’s not a medical issue- but we’ve had the dog for a month and a half and the cat is *just now* starting to pee on things. So, at this point she does understand what's going on and it’s not stress anymore. Had she started doing this as soon as we got the dog it would make total sense. But she is used to the dog at this point, hangs out/eats/plays around the dog, etc etc… The only thing left for me to assume is that she is upset because she isn’t get as much attention as she used to. 
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Aug 3, 2011
Sorry for the double post but also try feliway diffusers.  Put at least 2-3 upstairs and downstairs.  Or just one calming collar for her could do the same thing.  The big thing to remember is your cat does not like change and you need to decide if it is worth it to stress out your cat and costs you possible furntiure in the future.  Also, this was her home first and you were her family first....   Can the dog not go outside during the day when you are at work?  I don't know how large it is?  But it seems like that is a better solution than putting a cat that's never been outside out.   
Oh my gosh, Im sorry for my double post as well, I did not see the other reply or your second reply until I had already posted!

The dog is locked in the kitchen while I am at work. I do that on purpose because I want the cats to feel safe, yet also be able to get to know the dog through the gate. I decided to randomly let him out for a day which is when she started peeing again. I have started to lock him back in while Im not home now.... but my concern at this point is that there is now pee smell in my couch. And if she peed there once, is it safe to assume that she will now do it forever?

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Well, something is going on when you are not around... Either your new dog or one of the cats is upsetting her. Or she is sick.  I'd take her to the vet just to be sure again.  Look into Feliway or something like that.  Cats don't get upset because they aren't getting the attention they once were.  She is trying to tell you something is wrong.  You stated earlier that things were fine until you let the dog have free run, too... Well, it makes sense that something is going on when you're not around.  Dogs and cats have different languages.  They need time to understand eachother.  But having them unsupervised even if they seem to get along when you are around is asking for disaster.  But, take her to the vet first to rule out medical issues again and then the other stuff.  I hope that helps.

Use the enzyme cleaner.  It will get rid of the smell and she won't even smell it. 
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  • #9


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Aug 3, 2011
She was just at the vet recently. And besides the tests they ran I know it's not a UTI or anything else. When she is all by herself in a room, she does not mess on anything. No poop out of the litter box and no pee. 

I will def not let the dog out any more. It was a stupid mistake on my part. I feel bad having to lock him in the kitchen, but it is what it is and if it will help them not feel threatened, it's for the best.

Thanks for advance with the enzyme cleaner. I hope it works. I had my doubts because friends with cats have told me their stories of using it and it not being successful and the cat still going in those areas.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Well, she clearly feels safe in seclusion.  Does she have an area, a special place that she considers her own?  Maybe if you help her make one, it could help.  As for the dog... If you feel bad keeping him in seclusion, why can he not go in the yard during the day?  You said it was fenced in, correct?  I know you're frustrated but a cat that does not like change does this unfortunately...

The enzymes cleaners are successful.  Try Nature's Miracle or some other more well known ones.  It works at my place.  But, do the walls and furniture near where she pees too... Is she can smell it anywhere, she will go back.  But not only that, it has to do with habit.  So, I would get 1 more litterbox per cat.  The rule of thumb is 1 box per cat but I have 2.  Sometimes cats are picky and like to use one for #1 and another for #2 and if another cat has gone in it, they won't use it.  Put 1 or 2 in her new area you establish just for her. 
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  • #11


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Aug 3, 2011
Well, I can't say she has her 'own' space because we have 3 cats. But they all have the *entire* house when the dog is locked in the kitchen while we're at work, and when he is out they have the whole upstairs. I've even started letting them into my room, which I never did before, so that they'd have a little 'safe haven' if they needed to run away. And our yard is fenced in, but the gate to the backyard is fairly low and our dog is a jumper (which is just my luck! Haha) so I don't feel comfortable with that. I mean, he's got a huge kitchen but for some reason I still feel bad keeping him shut in it. I guess the reason why is I just want them to all get along so that none of them suffer, which I know will come with time and its only been just over a month that we've had the dog.

I agree about the habit thing. I already have 4 litter boxes though for 3 cats and honestly, don’t even know where I'd put another one. And Daisy is verrryyyy picky, which is part of the problem. It seems like she will not go in a litter box period if another cat has gone in it. I had thought about getting an automatic one (because following them around scooping them every single time one of them goes in one of them, is just not an option) but Im worried if I do that, the litter box will just scare her (from the noise of it cleaning) and that will make things worse.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Well, it doesn't have to be a big area, not even a whole room... But just a little chunk of the home she can see as her spot is all.  I understand about wanting them all to get along.  Just give it time.  It's still new.  Take it slow... Get some diffusers and let them take effect.  Clean with the enzyme cleaners.  See if that helps.  Maybe give her extra reassurances when the dog is out and running.  Just don't push her and get upset with her.  She can sense you are upset but she doesn't know why... She just knows she is trying to tell you something and you are getting mad at her instead.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Aug 3, 2011
Thanks for the help! :)