Cat tail and hindquarters moving strangely


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 3, 2022
I have a healthy, active, neutered, male, 2 year old, indoor/outdoor, shorthair cat.

He loves to climb trees.
A month ago he climbed a tree very high, maybe 3-4 stories up, and I was worried about him being able to get down. So I went to put on boots to climb up and get him. Before I had finished tying the laces he came running into the house so I figured he must have got down by himself.

A day or two later I noticed he was curling his tail right around onto his back, instead of holding it vertically like he usually does. I thought it was strange but not concerning. Then the next day onwards, every now and then while walking he would squat his back legs for a few steps. It is hard to describe, but it is like a waddle. He only does it sometimes, it seems to happen more when he has got up from a rest, as if he is stiff. There is no other symptoms. He is pooind and weeing normally, eating, playing, sleeping, hunting mice, being his normal happy self.

I took him to the vet and she examined him thoroughly but found no sign of pain or injury. She first gave us anti parasitic in case his bum was itchy. She also gave us a weeks course of painkillers (metacam) to see if his behavior might be due to pain. After 5 days of painkillers there was no change. We took him back and she then gave us a 3 week course of "neuropainkillers" called gabapentin to see if it was a different kind of pain (I don't really understand the difference) but we are nearly at the end of the 3 week course and there is still no change.

We called up the owners of all his siblings to see if maybe there was a genetic thing going on but they are all fine.

I'm at a loss and I don't know how much I should worry. He seems perfectly happy and normal in every way but for the strange buckling/wobbling on his back legs and his curled up tail.

I am thinking of taking him to another vet for a second opinion. It would mean taking a bus to the next town over which he would hate! He really doesnt like other people, crowds or vets or being forced to take pills! I don't know if he fell from that tree or if it is even related to that it is the only thing I can think of. That it is a sprain or something.
Maybe I just need to give it more time and see if he heals by himself?
What would you suggest?

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
I would go and get a second opinion could you take a video of his walking and tail to show the new vet. With him having painkillers I would think 3 weeks in you would of seen some inprovement. Hope you get answers soon.