Cat suddenly gets picky


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2007
I'm a little concerned about my cat because he suddenly started getting very picky yesterday.  Here are the details:

-For about 10 days, I have only been feeding the cats canned food (they used to eat a combination of canned and dry) because my other cat had tooth extractions.  He didn't seem to mind because he's always liked his canned food very much. He eats Pro Plan.  Usually he eagerly eats his food and then tries to eat my other cat's share too.

-Yesterday morning, I  fed him and he just smelled it and walked away. I figured he might just not like the kind I gave him

-Yesterday evening, he did the same thing with a different flavor. I got concerned and put it on a different dish. He did eat some of it, so I felt better

-This morning, same thing- smelled it and just looked at me.  I was concerned so I put tuna water and tuna on the same plate...he ate that and then had some of the cat food

-In the afternoon, I gave him a little more tuna and he actually didn't want it. This was shocking to me

-Just now, I tried to give him more canned food. He smelled it and then started asking for something different (by pawing at the cupboard, meowing, circling my legs).  I added a little tuna and he did eat some 

I tried giving him a few treats and dry food...he ate the treats and had a couple bites of dry food (and then didnt want anymore)

He isn't throwing up..there are no other behavior changes...I haven't noticed any elimination issues.  

I'm not majorly scared at this point because he has eaten some stuff, but it is just really really weird for him.  Does this sound like something cats occasionally do, or do people immediately think medical problem? I am thinking I will buy some different kinds of canned food to try and just keep an eye on it and consult the vet if this continues.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2010
Nova Scotia
I wouldn't worry just yet. Might just be an upset tummy. My cat goes through that for a day or 2 at times. Try some different brands/flavors of canned food and see if that gets him eating again. They do sometimes get bored of one type of food.

If after that he is still refusing to eat, then maybe call the vet and just ask what they think. 
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just mike

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 11, 2011
Saint Louis, MO
If he is acting normally otherwise I would keep an eye on him but not get real worried yet.  My cats will do this with their food sometimes.  Usually it is only the wet they refuse.  I feed about 80% wet to a 20% dry diet.  Wet is Nutro Natural Choice formulas.  I also add other premium brands to give them a different taste and texture.  They will get picky sometimes with the wet if I feed them Nutro all of the time.  That's when I throw in a different brand.  They have never shown a disinterest in their kibble, which is Nutro Max Indoor Roasted Chicken. 

Mix the variety up a little and see if he's interested in something different.  His tummy may just be upset or perhaps he's got a hairball ready to come up.  I would keep an eye on him and if it keeps up, and you are real worried about it, a vet visit might me necessary.  Good Luck
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2007
Thanks!  I tend to be neurotic when it comes to the cats' health.  So when the cat rejects food, I immediately start predicting that the cat will continue to reject food, then won't even eat tuna, and therefore he will refuse to eat anything, and then we'll have to worry about fatty liver, etc... So...that is catastrophizing at it's finest. But anyway....I will do that - keep and eye on him and then try some other brands


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
It's is certainly justified to worry about fatty liver.  I've been through that, and as you say, it's catastrophic.  And it's true that cat's sometimes simply get bored with food, and even though they may be really hungry, they won't eat what's right in front of them.  Who can figure them out, right?  But, if you get desperate, you can always give them some of their kibble again, can't you?  I have one boy who ate kibble immediately after tooth extractions, because he refused all wet foods, and he had to eat something!   And now that same boy is almost 17 and I am converting all my babies to raw, but he is still eating kibble at the same time, just to keep some weight on in the process
(since he's still not fond of wet food, but he likes chunks of raw meat)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 16, 2012
I think they tend to get this way when the seasons change, I've noticed that with mine. I think it's wonderful you're that attentive with them, some people would just say who cares, let them starve (which of course is dangerous). I wonder if the big rise in pollen count is having an effect? It's certainly doing me no favors and I've had to start up the L-lysine with my two because of irritated eyes and a little bit sneezing. They do this every year when allergy season starts. I keep a close eye on them, as you are with yours. I'm sure if you notice anything out of the ordinary that warrants a vet visit, you sound like you'd be right on top of it. Maybe try a little Lysine yourself and see if that would help?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2007
I think it was a false alarm! I thought for sure I was going to end up at the vet at some point because of something like a respiratory infection, crystals (I kept following him until I saw him pee in the, or he ingested something....I think I read the other health threads too much for my sanity.  I caught him in  the cupboard this morning, eating dry food right out of the bag...and he has been fine with eating ever since.  That is really something, though, that he is gonna be 5 years old next month and that was the first time I noticed him not eat.

I did notice that he had a little bit of a watery eye,and my other kitty has intermittent conjunctivitis, so I will probably put him on l-lysine like you suggested, finnlacey