Cat Still In Pain Following Cystostomy And Removal Of Bladder Stones


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 24, 2018
Hi there
I have had a terrible time with my little boy and was just looking to compare other peoples experiences and also any help and advice would be great.

About 6 weeks ago my cat suffered from a urinary blockage, following several trips to the vets for a new diagnosis of asthma. In hindsight I think a lot of his symptoms were overlooked by the vets, such as hunching over, crying in pain and laying out awkwardly, because of the asthmas diagnosis.
Anyway, I had to rush him into the emergency vets when he stopped peeing and they found crystals and infection once catheterised. He got sent home within 24 hours with antibiotics, meloxaid anti inflammatory and Royal Canin s/o diet.
Within 36 hours he had reblocked and this time they scanned his bladder and found stones. The vet performed a cystostomy to remove the stones, flush his urethra of crystals and scrape his bladder.
This was over a month ago now and the whole ordeal has been awful. He was initially in a lot of pain, incontinent and very weak, requiring hand feeding. Now his stitches are healed he has the cone off, but he is still only peeing small amounts, ranging from the size of a 50 pence piece to a bit smaller than an egg. The vet seems happy with this but what concerns me is the fact he is still in pain after all this time.
He is currently having meloxaid once a day, cystophan in food twice daily and bupracare 0.2ml pain relief twice daily, recently reduced from 3. He was also taking cerenia as an anti inflammatory but that was stopped last week.
It just seems to be peaks and troughs with him but he seems uncomfortable of in pain more than I am happy with. The vets are keen to reduce his medication but we attempted doing this 2 weeks ago and he was weeing less and very uncomfortable. I have noticed he looks more uncomfortable after having a bowel movement more than a wee also.
I am so worried as I expected it all to be resolved within a couple of weeks and he is still needing pain relief over a month after his op. I understand his bladder will take a while to heal and the crystals may reoccur until the food has chance to kick in. I am so worried that this is going to just be an reoccurring issue that will affect his quality of life. I don’t think I can put him through all that again.
I was just wondering about other people experiences of this were and if they had the same rollercoaster I have. Any help or advice would be wonderful :)


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm so so sorry you and your baby are going through this!!
I don't have experience with it, but after reading your post twice, I wanted to ask if you have a different vet you can talk to?
Hopefully someone with experience will weigh in for you.