Cat Spraying out of Frustration


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 11, 2018
I am hoping someone can shed some light on a potential solution. I have been dealing with my cat spraying for probably 3 years now. I'm not sure why it started but I do think it was related to her 4 feline roommates passing away within a few years of each other. The last 2 was within 1 week of each other.

It had seemed that with medication (piroxidiene) the issue had gotten better. There were a few set backs but overall better. Unitl recently. We moved and are living with my in-laws. She was settling in nicely but the last couple of days she started spraying again when I don't feed her at night. I give her wet food mainly because she has problems with hard stool sometimes. I did give her some dry the last few nights but her stool was a little on the hard side so I am hesitant about doing that. It seems the more I give in, the more she begs and when I don't give in, she sprays. Tonight was a great example. I did the usual routine. 7pm - give her a pill in a kitty treat then she gets a half a can of wet food. (For dinner, she gets half a can as well.) Then, she usually sits on my lap and then hops down to her bed. All was good. I went to take a shower and then my in-laws came home so once I got out of the shower, she was back up meowing at me for more food. I noticed her running back and forth from where her litter box is located currently. It is in the bedroom where my husband and I sleep. I had a feeling that she was going to spray but I had hoped not since I had just thoughly cleaned up the area from last night (which was the same scenario). I broke down and gave her some food which she vomitted up. It was then that I noticed she sprayed all over the wall. I cleaned it up the best I could but I don't want anyone to know. Especially my husband. He was ready to throw her out of the house before we moved but I put my foot down to say the least and I can't have her doing this at my in-laws. Our house is almost ready for us to move into. I was hoping all of this was behind us. I honestly do not know what to do. The area was cleaned with Nature's Miracle.

I just don't know what to do with her. I love her to pieces.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
noticed her running back and forth from where her litter box is located currently
She's trying really hard, the little sweetie've had her in to the vet (I'm not familiar with that med whether it's vet prescribed)? Is she overweight that you're not feeding her, or is it that shes not able to keep it down? Is the med upsetting her stomach? Can you talk to a different vet about the vomiting and spraying?

Try putting puppy pee pads on the wall.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 11, 2018
She has been to the vet. The med is an anti-anxiety medication which I know I misspelled. She is not overweight but it's difficult to leave wet food out for her and tonight's vomiting was a rarity. I think she scarfed her food down maybe due to her anxiety of potentially not getting food and then when I gave it to her she got overly excited (perhaps?). Maybe I'm not giving her enough food? She gets at least 2 cans of wet food (small cans) and then treats in the evening. Is that too little I wonder. She is around 11 lbs which is a good weight for her. I've been feeding her Purina Pro Plan poultry which she has been doing well on.

A little background on Lilly - she was found in a feral colony (definitly NOT feral herself) where the other cats would apparently bully her particularly with food. She ended up in a cat rescue that I volunteered at which is how I got her.

Although the puppy pads might be a good idea - I really don't want anyone to know what she is doing. Also, I heard somewhere that puppy pads put some kind of smell on them that will encourage peeing. So, this isn't what I want ;) .

Thank you for the suggestions.