Cat Spay Incision. Please Help Me.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
I’ve been caring for this stray cat for about 4 years. I still live with my parents so they never allowed her to live in the house. She’s had about 5 liters of kittens and I got a second job and convinced my parents to let me adopt her. By the time I took her to a clinic for spay she was pregnant again and the doctors performed an abortion and spay. On her. I didn’t like it but I couldn’t house the kittens and I also didn’t like the idea of placing them in a shelter that’s already over populated as it is. Today is day 5 since the procedure and she’s doing very well. Her appetite is up. She’s peeing and pooping. Drinking water. Hates the cone. (She would not tolerate it at all after she came home from the clinic. She kept running around and jumping to try and get it off. I was afraid she’d rip her stitches so I left it off the first day and kept an eye on her. Anyways her incision to me looks strange. I fed online that some cats may get bruising but i can’t find a photo online to use as a reference. The sides of her incision are a brownish red. And it feels warm but i honestly can’t tell the difference between her incision warmth and her body warmth. She’s acting fine. She trembles when I touch it but I figured she’s in pain since it’s only been a few days since the procedure. She also refuse pain medication. Would not take it no matter what I did. So please help. The clinic I went to is an hour away from me. Of course I’d take her back if I needed to but I just wanted to get a second opinion. I tend to over think stuff. Please help me.



Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OK...that isn't the best angle, but from what I can see, the incision looks all right. They all look a bit difference, but I am NOT seeing undue swelling, or oozing. The brownish-red crust is actually more normal than not. From what I can tell, your girl is fine. And you're right, since you can't get pain meds into her, she IS sore, and will tremble when touched on the incision site.

SHOULD her appetite drop, if she stops drinking water or if she has a change in litter habits, or if the incision becomes significantly redder, or starts to swell or ooze, TAKE HER IN. Otherwise, take a deep breath, because she will pick up on your anxiety.

Welcome to TCS! We enjoy all of our members, but I personally am especially happy to welcome one who has taken a cat off the streets and into a loving home.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
Thank you so much for responding!! I took a better photo when I got home. I managed to get her to roll over a little better. I had left for work and when I got back she managed to get the cone off >.<. So it’s a little pinker than it was earlier today. I assume cause she’s been licking it. Does the new photo still look okay in your opinion? And I’ve noticed her eating habits change when I started getting more strict about the cone. She can reach her bowls but she just doesn’t want to. I took it off then she immediately began eating and drinking water. I feel so bad cause she looks so miserable with it on. Online it said that cats would eventually adapt so I tried to be strict on the 3rd day and she layed in bed with me all day (it was my day off) didn’t move at all to do anything. I couldn’t take it and took it off for a few minutes and she immediately went to go eat TT^TT so now I’m guessing the best move is to just keep taking it off and putting it back on? Sorry I know I’m a lot. I just really care for her and want her to be happy since she finally a member of the family.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
It really doesn't look that bad. Does she have stitches on the outside? I don't see any and that is unusual. I have never used a cone with a spay or neuter. Licking is ok to an extent. She is eating and drinking. Sometimes you have to just SHOVE those pain meds down their throats. But if it has been a few days she may be ok. Can you spread her little belly apart a bit more to get a clear shot of the actual full incision?


Alpha Cat
Jan 13, 2014
It's important that she eats and gets enough water, especially since she's healing. So if it means removing the cone in order for her to eat, then do so. Do you have a set feeding schedule? If so, stick to it and remove the cone when it's dinner time. If you are feeding dry only, it's a little difficult to make sure she drinks because cats drink when they feel like it, and if she refuses to drink with the cone, it can make it tough to make sure she is getting enough water. If that's the situation, keep an eye on the litterbox to make sure she is peeing enough and try frequent trips to the water bowl. If you are feeding wet food, she should be fine with water intake. If feeding a combination of wet and dry, maybe stick with the wet only until the cone can come off permanently.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
Jasminelopeze Jasminelopeze What is the pain med you were given ?

They were tramadol tablets. The clinic gave me 2 and said to give her 1/4 twice Dailey for two days. I tried gently shoving it in her mouth, putting it in her food, crushing it in her food, she would just lick around it.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
It's important that she eats and gets enough water, especially since she's healing. So if it means removing the cone in order for her to eat, then do so. Do you have a set feeding schedule? If so, stick to it and remove the cone when it's dinner time. If you are feeding dry only, it's a little difficult to make sure she drinks because cats drink when they feel like it, and if she refuses to drink with the cone, it can make it tough to make sure she is getting enough water. If that's the situation, keep an eye on the litterbox to make sure she is peeing enough and try frequent trips to the water bowl. If you are feeding wet food, she should be fine with water intake. If feeding a combination of wet and dry, maybe stick with the wet only until the cone can come off permanently.
I’ve been doing a combination of wet and dry food. But if that’s the case I’ll give her more wet than dry. She’s always drinking water every time I remove the cone.


Alpha Cat
Jan 13, 2014
I’ve been doing a combination of wet and dry food. But if that’s the case I’ll give her more wet than dry. She’s always drinking water every time I remove the cone.
If she drinks whenever she eats dry, or whenever you remove the cone, then you are probably fine feeding her just like you are. Not taking away one of her foods may help relieve the stress of recovery too. So I'd keep doing what you're doing until the cone comes off for good. If you get concerned that she isn't getting enough water, just go heavier on the wet food and lighter on the dry.

Sounds like she's doing pretty well.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
It's important that she eats and gets enough water, especially since she's healing. So if it means removing the cone in order for her to eat, then do so. Do you have a set feeding schedule? If so, stick to it and remove the cone when it's dinner time. If you are feeding dry only, it's a little difficult to make sure she drinks because cats drink when they feel like it, and if she refuses to drink with the cone, it can make it tough to make sure she is getting enough water. If that's the situation, keep an eye on the litterbox to make sure she is peeing enough and try frequent trips to the water bowl. If you are feeding wet food, she should be fine with water intake. If feeding a combination of wet and dry, maybe stick with the wet only until the cone can come off permanently.
I also work two jobs so I’m normal not home for 8 hours of everyday but I give her wet food before I leave in the morning. Then I come back I’ll take off the cone for a bit and she’ll usually have some dry food and water. Or I’ll give her a treat and it spark her appetite to eat dry food. Then at night I give her this like, blendable treat thing. It was something I got from the store in case she wouldn’t eat and she really likes them.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
If she drinks whenever she eats dry, or whenever you remove the cone, then you are probably fine feeding her just like you are. Not taking away one of her foods may help relieve the stress of recovery too. So I'd keep doing what you're doing until the cone comes off for good. If you get concerned that she isn't getting enough water, just go heavier on the wet food and lighter on the dry.

Sounds like she's doing pretty well.
Okay. Sorry to be annoying but does the incision look normal to? I keep googling incision photos and I couldn’t find any that looked similar to hers /: so I got scared.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Sorry to be annoying but does the incision look normal to?
It's not as neatly done as some incisions I've seen, but it doesn't look too bad. The way to tell if they have an infection is by touch, it will feel notably hotter than the surrounding area, and by sniffing. If it smells bad it's a sign that something isn't right.

Could you send the pictures you've taken to the vet who spayed her and ask their opinion? They won't charge you anything just for looking at the pictures and it will put your mind at rest.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
NEVER "shove"(meaning: force) any liquid down any cat's throat!
Meaning no cat will just happily take a pill, you have to PLACE it in their throat, is that better wording?? Or use a pill popper to "POP" it down their throat. Liquid is better squirted on the side of their mouth.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Oh, the incision does look a bit messy, but I'm still not seeing undue swelling or oozing, or real redness. Pink is pretty normal.

And there isn't a cat alive who likes those cones. Did you think about a onesie for her? Although within a few days, it won't matter.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
Oh, the incision does look a bit messy, but I'm still not seeing undue swelling or oozing, or real redness. Pink is pretty normal.
And there isn't a cat alive who likes those cones. Did you think about a onesie for her? Although within a few days, it won't matter.
It's not as neatly done as some incisions I've seen, but it doesn't look too bad. The way to tell if they have an infection is by touch, it will feel notably hotter than the surrounding area, and by sniffing. If it smells bad it's a sign that something isn't right.

Could you send the pictures you've taken to the vet who spayed her and ask their opinion? They won't charge you anything just for looking at the pictures and it will put your mind at rest.

I think I’m just gonna take her back in. She snuck in a lick yesterday after eating and it looks like the top part might be slightly opened. There is a slight smell but it’s been very humid in my area and my parents keep turning off the AC. I have my own portable one in my room but they’ll let her out and the whole house is humid. So (idk if this is dumb) idk if it’s cause the incision may be infected or cause since her loose skin stays together all that time, she’s sweating? And someone told me that the brown crust is normal? Am I over reacting?? Cause other than the incision looking bad she’s acting fine. She’s still eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, purring and grooming herself when she gets the chance. She’s gaining weight. And when I touch the incision it doesn’t feel that much warmer than the rest of her body. She used to tremble the first few day (since she was refusing pain medication) and now she’s not even doing that anymore when I touch it. Am I going crazy? ): She hated being at the clinic and I’d feel bad to put her through all that if the problem is just me. I took two photos with and without flash.


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
That sounds like a good idea. No cat likes going to the vet, but if you catch any potential problems sooner rather than later it will be a lot easier to treat.

Hope everything goes well.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 19, 2019
Hi all!
Little update. So I decided to take her back to the clinic and they concluded that her incision was slightly open for the very top part and it was only the skin that was slightly opened, not any of the sutures from underneath. And that there was a small infection but it was caught early so she was given some antibiotics. Her incision was cleaned up by the doctor and there was some discharge that came out throughout the day after we came home but 2 days into the antibiotics and the odor is no longer present anymore. Yay! I’m going to leave the cone on her still and the rest of the incision looked good. Thank you to everyone who gave their input. It meant a lot.