Cat Scared Of Other Cat After Fight With Dogs


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 31, 2018
One of my cats, Allegro, almost fought with my two dogs today. I thankfully got the dogs out to the yard before anyone got hurt, but my other cat Mika got the scare of her life. She stepped in to help Allegro I think, but once the dogs were out she got a huge hostile hiss from Allegro, and possibly a slap, they were under the couch and I couldn't see. Since then Mika has been hiding under a bed for the past hour :(
Allegro joined the family only a couple months ago, she and Mika are not quite on friendly terms yet, but they are ok unsupervised/can eat together/sleep in close proximity. I'm afraid this fight has broken the progress they'd made :/

Any advice on helping Mika to calm down and relax again? She's an adult 6 year old cat. Allegro is almost 1, and he got over the fight as soon as it was over. He's showing no hostility towards anyone. Mika comes out of the bed for a couple minutes to stalk Allegro from afar then she'll go back under the bed even though Allegro is just sleeping... :/

And how to repair relationship with with dogs? Mika gets along with them, but the dogs barely tolerated Allegro before this
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
A couple of months is not long at all in a cats world (or a dogs) I think everyone is doing wonderfully!there was a lot of stress and redirected aggression going on here, but it shouldn't set them back as soon as everyone settles down. I have had cats hide under a bed for weeks! The dogs and Mika will get used to Allegro, who is young and full of you know what. Females usually don't get along real well with anyone after they get older, but that is normal and they will form a bond and become family, full of fights and disagreements. Just watch everyone carefully for a few months, you don't want to take the chance of the dogs hurting Allegro. They may be kinda ignoring everyone, but they are well aware that there is a newcomer and they are on high alert.
Just keep feeding the two cats together to foster good feelings, try to get them to play close together, and give both lots of attention and reassurance that everything is alright and it will be fine. Dogs can be made to accept a new family member, it is tougher with cats. But in only a couple of months I think you have made wonderful progress, it just all takes time. Bless you for giving everyone a wonderful home!