Cat question???


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Hi I have a question it been a while since I’ve been on it . Been busy . The thing is I was traveling a little with my esa cat it’s a long story lol but we just got home today and needed to buy her a new harness. Since her old one got stolen recently… well I went to PetSmart and I basically threw her on my shoulders like I always have done . And walked in the store with her like that sitting on my shoulders. Being a good little princess well while I was picking out a harness and trying them on her . To see which one fitted perfectly for her tiny size . A couple came up to us asking me how I get her to sit on my shoulders like that . So I went into story and ect well later I went to check out and another couple came over . Asking about her since I was putting on her harness before buying lmao and I offer to let them pet her . Well the women was able to but as soon as the guy tried too pet her . She went and attacked him and I saw the look on there faces like she’s a vicious cat . But she’s my baby and I know how sweet she really is lmao so I was wondering why does she let certain people pet her . But will attacks others that try and I was told that she’s trying to protect me . But I don’t understand why ? I know I’ve had her since she was 6 weeks old but still I don’t get why she does what she does . She’s a sweet little cat but she was recently spayed if you look at my past posts .

has anyone ever had a cat that is like that ? And any opinions would be great and thanks


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
By "attack", what did she actually do? Hiss, swat, and/or bite?
If she is reacting this way to having others pet her, it would be in your best interest IMO to tell people that no, please don't pet her, and leave it at that. And enforce it if rude people insist that "it's OK because they looove cats". The last thing you want is her to bite or scratch the wrong person who turns it into a lawsuit.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Mar 6, 2023
Most animals can be unpredictable. Sometimes animals just don't like something about a person - be it their appearance, their smell, how they approach or touch, etc. It could be anything. So like iPappy iPappy said, it's probably better to just err on the side of caution. Unfortunately, there are some litigious people out there.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Well they scratch and bites , not enough to draw blood but enough to be like hey I don’t want you touching me sort of thing . But that’s my opinion and I do tell them that she might bite. I feel this way if I tell her that and I warn you and you still do it . And she bites you that’s on you cause you was already told . Some people like I said can pet her plus she just got fix and she been on a grey hound with me for 5 days due to delayed and ect so she been in her carrier . Idk if that the issue but like I said someone told me she’s protective of me ? Have you ever heard of that . Also I don’t know why people think if something is extremely cute that it won’t bite ?
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Well thank you both for the info and heads up . I will definitely take your word and advice. But even some people are just so idk dumb and still wanna pet . I’ve never done that with no one’s pet lmao not trying to get attack . Idk why they do it . Maybe they think cause she’s on my shoulder or so attached to me that . They will be so friendly or something. I don’t get people lol I don’t think I ever will . Also why doesn’t she like when people come near me for ?
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
But why is she so different with me for ? I can hand wrestle with her and ect and I’ve watched her a lot and she knows she could really hurt me bad but doesn’t ? Is it because I’ve read hand raise her ? Cause I really thought I understood her but guess I’m always learning something new .


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Jun 1, 2022
IME hand raised cats are a little different than litter raised cats, and don't always know their own strength. Their claw and bite behaviors are less inhibited with others that they consider their "parents" and unless they are hand raised, and placed with another litter to learn proper cat-speak, it can be inhibited for life. There's nothing wrong with them (I've had a few of them over the years), but they do require different handling.
TBH I don't see this behavior as her protecting you. I see it as her being a cat who decides who pets her, and when. In some ways she might be asking for your protection and not the other way around. If you're going to have her as an ESA, it's JMO that you need to advocate for her so she doesn't have the opportunity to scratch people who decide they need to pet her.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Gotcha and you’re right . I wasn’t even doing nothing just putting her harness on and they thought she was a stuff cat which I don’t understand how tf you can think she’s not real lol I’m done letting people pet her but the thing is I was staying in shelter I got woke up . And was told my cat got out of her carrier .and I thought he was lying cause I put her in her carrier before I laid down . Well I got up and found her out of her carrier and he told me something interesting. That a women there was trying to claim the my cat was hers . But the guards knew different, I wonder if she did try and take her and that made her afraid . And nothing wanting to trust anyone so she became the way she is now but idk


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Apr 29, 2022
Though I understand the sentiment that "it's on you if I warned", there's no proof you warned but there will be proof of injury.

I give you two examples:
We had a beagle who uses to escape. We did a lot to keep him in the gated yard but it still happened sometimes.
He was good in that he would follow his usual walking route and come home. That's always where we would find him, sometimes he made it home first and would wait for you on the step.

One escape, parents accused him of biting their daughter. They had no would photos as proof. She confessed to me at grade school that she had not been bitten, her parents had lied. If she hadn't, our dog would have been put to sleep by the city.

Another time, another neighbour told authorities our dog had gotten out and attacked her small dog. She had medical bills, photos etc as "proof". Our dog hadn't been out, we had put chicken wire under the fence and not let out unsupervised.

We think, her friend's dog had hurt her dog during play. Since she had "proof" but it was he-said she-said re what dog did it, our dog was not put to sleep but was put on a dangerous dog list.
Ironically, had it been our other dog, we likely would have believed the bite story. We had to put her in a room when we had guests apart from family.

So again, I urge you for your cat's sake to not allow people to pet her. Especially since you'll be in stores and there will be video proof if she does bite/scratch someone.

There are many reasons why this might happen from overstimulation to smell of the person..fear of the person's voice, height, or smell. You can't be sure and shouldn't continue to put her at risk.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Thanks for the advice and you are right I’m not gonna let no one pet her cause . When I was outta state at a dollar store . I let her roam around the store the bosses there didn’t care . Cause they wasn’t busy and she wasn’t doing nothing . Well I got robbed of my wallet so I was in and out and ect . Well some guy said to me to get my cat cause she’s apparently going around attacking ppl . Which I know for a fact was a straight lie but I didn’t have no proof . She will only attack if you approach her or mess with her . If you leave her be then she will just leave you alone . So I know and I understand, it’s a he said she said type thing . She only bites if you reach out to pet her . I don’t know why people won’t say she attacks when . Just cause she’s a cute cat doesn’t mean she won’t bite . Then when they do pet her and they get rejected then they get mad