Cat possibly sensing disability, and being very upset over it?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 30, 2013
Calgary, Alberta
This might sound like a strange one, however Delilah has spent all day fussing over me.

I have a form of muscular dystrophy, severe enough to be in a wheelchair. It's very severe in one leg. She's been curious about my wheelchair and the bathing aids in the bathroom since we got her, but we figured last night that she had finally connected me moving with the chair, as she runs to it now when she wants me to get her something.

However today, I woke up to her digging at the blankets over my leg. I pulled them back, and she latched onto my leg, and began to lick it. She spent the better part of an hour licking it and would not stop no matter how many times I tried to move her. When she finally went to sleep, she did so by laying on top of my leg and still refused to move. Now it's been on and off, if I ever sit back on the bed and stretch my leg out, she's back to licking and fussing over it. She won't even play with her toys.

I'm guessing she's sensed my disability and is trying to fix it in her own way, especially since she's gotten obsessive over it, but is there anything I can do to get her to stop? I only ask because it's already distracting her from eating at her normal schedule she's had since day one, and she does seem a little stressed when she's fussing over me.

It's a long shot to ask this of you guys, but maybe someone has a suggestion somewhere. Thank you.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Aren't they amazing... Cats may seem 'aloof' but they know their stuff, they care when it counts and their intuition is second to none.

It's likely that she will settle down of her own accord.  If she's smart enough to sense what's going on, she could sense when to let go of it.

However I would try flower essences.. you could even drop them on your leg for her to lick off.  It is always tricky for me to suggest which ones to go for as I'm in Australia, and I tend to get individual essences made up into what I want, but I believe in other places there are specific essences already made up. 

I know they're a bit esoteric for many people, but if you're into them, or like the idea, I'd look into it.

And give that gorgeous Delilah a big hug from me....