Cat poops on the floor, and I`m going insane!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I hear ya, Laurie. I crossed out the word hate because it is more frustration, as you say. I was just a tad upset by all the negativity in the posts. Plus, one of my pet peeves is calling kitties "it." So that kinda put me over the edge. Oy...:sigh: I should have waited before posting. Thanks for pointing this out, hon. :hugs:
:alright: Believe me - it can be hard to do sometimes.... Holding off on your posts :lol3: because of emotions boiling over. We have all been there :nod: :hugs: ;)


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
what for? What diet?
They are often not great anyways.... What problem do they have, and how old is he?

When were they put on the prescription diet food? When did the pooping problem begin?
Carolina - she mentioned kitty is fat. I think she means one of those high fiber prescription foods.
I just read through this thread too, AND this is sticking way out front in my mind! These same questions came to mind :think: ????? I really do think there is a medical problem going on with your kitty. Mega vibes that you can find out what it is. :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

OH the other thing..... the self-cleaning box, could be part of the problem. IF those boxes start to automatically clean too soon (which I know of one faulty box a friend had and the cat NEVER used that box again) it will frighten off the cat and they shall never return to that box again. If they do try to take the chance and use the scary, noisy, monster in the box, litter box - they are completely stressed. Do you think that could be the problem too? :dk:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Lauren, you bring up a good point with the box....
As far as the diet goes.... Kitty could he gassy, have a tummy ache, indigestion, constipation, and just not feel well overall on that diet.... A better diet could help here, if that is the case....
Would be interesting to know if the pooping out of the box coincides with him being in this diet....
To the op: what is he on prescription for?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 6, 2006
How about the layout of your apartment? Can one cat casually sit in front of the boxes and block the other cat?

If you have three boxes all in the same place, then the other cat can sit in the room and "block" your problem cat from using the box. It's very casual when they do it--not even any hissing. They just sit there, and the problem cat knows that he's being watched.

Try putting him in one room by himself, with two clean boxes. See if he uses the boxes when the other cat is absent.

The "self-cleaning" box probably looks and smells different from a regular box; if he associates pooping in a regular box with pain for some reason (like maybe he had diarrhea or hemorrhoids at some point?) then he'd be more likely to use a box that didn't remind him of the regular box that he associates with pain. What if you were to try a box that looks and smells very different from the regular boxes he's used to seeing? If he has a phobia, that could help (cats can get the weirdest phobias--my cat Tiny is afraid of sneezes.)
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TCS Member
May 8, 2013
I am having the same problem. my cat is 5 years old I adopted him as a stray when he was 4.  I have tried everything and nothing works my next step is to see if he will go in an empty box.  I have found that it doesn't matter if you discipline or if you love it it's gonna do it anyways.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
I am having the same problem. my cat is 5 years old I adopted him as a stray when he was 4.  I have tried everything and nothing works my next step is to see if he will go in an empty box.  I have found that it doesn't matter if you discipline or if you love it it's gonna do it anyways.
You really need to start a new thread for your problem.  If you post a new problem in someone else's thread, you will get few replies. 

What types of litter have you tried? What type of box are you using? Have you cleaned the spots with an enzyme cleaner? Have you taken him to the vet? Is he and indoor/outdoor cat?

If you discipline, it will probably make the situation worse.  Most cats can be re-educated to use a box.
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TCS Member
Jul 19, 2013
I understand and feel your pain!

My 12 year old cat Louie, diagnosed with hyper-Thyroidism began poopng on the floor several months ago and now won't stop.

Luckily, he continues to urinate in the box.

Unfortunately, other than stating what you've probaly heard before, take him to the vet.  Maybe there is some underlying health issue.


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2013
I rescue cats so I had to find a solution to the problem because feral cats and kittens are unaccustomed to litter boxes.  Actually, 90 % of them use the litter box first time every time.  But there are exceptions.

First clean up the poop.

Lay newspapers around where the poop was.

Set litterbox (clean) on the papers in the same location where the poop was.

Make sure you have put down enough papers so about four feet of newspaper sticks out from under the litter box in all directions.  Sorry, I know it makes a mess, but you want the problem solved, right?

You will most likely wake up the next morning, check the area, and see that the cat has avoided the box and papers and pooped next to the whole set-up, on the floor.  Usually this is a one time thing.

Clean up poop and set the whole thing up again, but this time move it over on top of the new location of the poop.

Tlhe cat will probably hit the newspaper this time and try to cover the poop with newspaper, so  i leave extra loose newspaper.  The cat will continue to pretty much hit the newspaper every time for a month or so

and then try the litterbox and see that he likes the box better.  If you have lots of cats, other cats may also start using the paper instead of the litterbox just to try it out but in the end they all use the litterbox. 

So it's a pain in the ass but it works.  Make sure you keep boxes reasonably clean.  After all would you want to use a filthy, stinking, overflowing toilet?  Cats like to be clean.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
I rescue cats so I had to find a solution to the problem because feral cats and kittens are unaccustomed to litter boxes.  Actually, 90 % of them use the litter box first time every time.  But there are exceptions.

First clean up the poop.

Lay newspapers around where the poop was.

Set litterbox (clean) on the papers in the same location where the poop was.

Make sure you have put down enough papers so about four feet of newspaper sticks out from under the litter box in all directions.  Sorry, I know it makes a mess, but you want the problem solved, right?

You will most likely wake up the next morning, check the area, and see that the cat has avoided the box and papers and pooped next to the whole set-up, on the floor.  Usually this is a one time thing.

Clean up poop and set the whole thing up again, but this time move it over on top of the new location of the poop.

Tlhe cat will probably hit the newspaper this time and try to cover the poop with newspaper, so  i leave extra loose newspaper.  The cat will continue to pretty much hit the newspaper every time for a month or so

and then try the litterbox and see that he likes the box better.  If you have lots of cats, other cats may also start using the paper instead of the litterbox just to try it out but in the end they all use the litterbox. 

So it's a pain in the ass but it works.  Make sure you keep boxes reasonably clean.  After all would you want to use a filthy, stinking, overflowing toilet?  Cats like to be clean.
Why not just show them where the box is repeatedly instead of leaving them to discover it in that complicated way? What I do (and takes much less than a month) is isolate the new cat in one room, and place in the box after each time they sleep or eat.  I show them how to dig in it using their paws and my own fingers. If there is a mishap outside the box I clean the spot with enzyme cleaner and move the poop/pee to the box so that they can associate the smell of the poop/pee with the box.  I also try to be in there as much as I can during this time and pick them up and move them into the box while they are eliminating inappropriately if I can. Doing this, it usually takes less than 24 hours before they at least go once in the box and less than 72 before they are using it consistently.  


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2013
You know, that sounds like it just might work.  I can't really monitor cats because I have a lot to do. 


TCS Member
Oct 2, 2013
Wilmington, NC
Sorry, should have said, basically, it's the scent that helps create a calming environment. But it is also a scent that is associated with "this is my space, this is my home, this is a good place" kind of scent - NOT a territory scent, which is what pee and poop are. So it makes the smell "wrong" for territory marking (which is exactly why you don't want to use it near a litter box).

In combination with the Dr. Elsley Cat Attract litter or litter additive - which is a scent that draws cats TO the box - you might have a solution. (We had a cat pee outside the box. Took her to the vet, she got the all clear for any kind of bladder/urinary problems, so we treated it behaviorally. The cat attract REALLY helped!!! In the end, we figured out it wasn't behavioral though.
Her teeth hurt - she was in pain, and that was her way of telling us. Now we get her dentals every six months, and there are no more peeing problems).

I know it's been a long time ago since you made this post. Just stumbled across it in trying to research problems I am having with my 3 year old female. I am currently trying a product from Vitality Science. Vet as checked her and nothing showed up with any stool issues. I am using the cat attract cat litter, have two more boxes then I have cats which makes 8 boxes, 3 of those are pretty good sized. She always pees in the litterbox so although declawed if this were an issue I don't think she would go in it at all. I'm keeping her in my home office at night. I put another cat in with her so she doesn't get lonely. They all get along very well. I just wondered how you found out about her teeth. I am planning to take her next week to another vet for a second opinion. I really feel in my heart there is something health wise not behavioral. Her poop looks liek none of the other cats, it's very small, when she does go to the litter box she will go into 3 boxes and do just a little in each one. She did this in the hall last night. I wish I had taken a picture to show the vet but didn't think about it till after I had cleaned it. I use the Nature's own to clean. I use the Feliway. She has been on the Feline Comfort for 5 days now this is the Vitality Science product.  Her poop has never looked too hard, it's not like diarreha either but more on the soft side.  This whole time I have felt like she has been trying to tell me what is wrong, which is why I was curious to know how you discovered your cats teeth were hurting?


TCS Member
Mar 19, 2014
Gold coast Australia
hey, i dont know if you are still having this problem but i was having the exact same thing with my cat, shes only 5 months old but it was really bloody annoying... i tried a lot but what i found worked was actually taking her to the litter after she has eaten, she usually poops a short while after eating and sometimes would remember the litter tray but 2 thirds of the time it would go in the bedroom or my partners study. after a few weeks of consistently taking her to the litter a short while after eating she now goes there every time. hope that helps :)

also, on a side note. you said you have 3 litter trays?? if one of them is different that could be confusing for the cat. make sure all three have the same litter. 


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Welcome to TCS, natty. The original poster has not been on the site since the day after the first post. So, I don't think you will get any response from him/her.

Very good advice, though. If your kitten was very young when you got her - less than 12 weeks - she really didn't have time for mama to teach her cat manners.  I invite you to introduce yourself and your kitten in the New Cats on the Block section. Please include some pictures and your kittens name.


TCS Member
Aug 15, 2014
If it is any consolation, I am having the same issue.  It is my bossy female that is doing the deed.  She does it when nobody is around.  She used the box for a year then all of a sudden decided to not use it to poop.  I give her love all the time and clean the boxes all the time.  She is not declawed and has never been outside.  Sometimes she will even hold it until I am in the basement and the minute I turn my back she will find a new random spot In the basement to drop her deuce.  It baffles me and I am just like you so I feel your pain.  If you ever get an answer, other than people telling you to quit stressing out your cat....and stop hating....LOL  Let me know.  I know exactly where you are coming from.  This is my spoiled cat and she is a total princess and has NO reason to do this but I am thinking that she is doing it just to be a brat. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 6, 2006
Maybe she wants a separate box for poo. Some cats are weird like that... Try adding a second box?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 21, 2012
I am having a similar problem. I am trying new things to find out why is he acting like this. I will take him to vet today and see if he is having any medical issues. Also, I have changed the brand of the litter but it is the same quality and I am willing to buy new brand and quality today. I also managed to change the location of the food in the place where he usually pee on it (ofc after cleaning the spot). I Have 2 letter boxes and I have switched between them but he still pee in that same spot. I also, have manage to place a wet towel soaked with cleaning liquid into another suspicious places for me to avoid him from peeing into that place (and it worked for me.) Luckily for you (as I assuming) you have a vast place unlike me.The place he pee on is next to my bed and sometimes on my sheets.

So you need to try harder and observe. Be patient and try out everything.
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TCS Member
Dec 23, 2014
Wow, are we related? I am having the EXACT same issue with my cat, to the T! Down to two cats, my problem child being overweight, him pooing outside the box since he was a kitten, everything. Did you ever figure out a solution? I have tried different litters, multiple boxes, praise for the one time a week he poos in the box, to stalking him every morning to avoid his accidents. Of course, I can't watch him every second and, sure enough, if I turn my back for two minutes, he'll run and poo on the ground. The litterbox we have now is a damn tubberware that goes under a bed, so it's not too small and we use a fine litter, he's not declawed so he doesn't have joint issues. It's in a quiet room, far away from the food bowl and my other cat, has never had an issue. Kitty number 2 does not bully him (quite the opposite, my problem cat bullies the good cat!) so the box isn't off limits to him.... I am at the end of my rope, I'm so confused about what I'm doing wrong. Goes without saying, I clean the box daily, so please PLEASE! Any help!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Has the litter box always been under the bed? He might not like it there. Does he pee in the box? Believe it or not some cats want a different box to poo in. I would start with changing the litter and the box and putting a second one in a different spot with a little of his poo in it on top. With two cats you are supposed to have three boxes, but I have always got along with two. Good luck and keep us posted!


TCS Member
Dec 23, 2014
Sorry, I should clarify a bit more, the tubberware is the long kind that fits under a bed, the litter box isn't actually under the bed; I was merely saying that to give you an idea of how large it is. I cannot believe that two or more need to be used for two cats (my fiance and I share one bathroom :p) But I have a spare, so I'll try putting it back out today and see if this helps the problem at all. 
