cat pooping on carpet problem


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 19, 2012
First and foremost, id like to say thank you all for embracing me here. I've had a cat while I was a child for only a few years and recently bought THE cutest exotic short hair for myself to take care of as a pet. He was born in january so he is still a baby. Everything is fine healthwise he had an eye issue but that's because he was growing and one of his eyelids would push under the other and irritate the eye but he no longer has that problem because he grew out of it as of a month ago. The pass 2 months have been a little weird for me because he started to poop and pee on the living room carpet. I've tried everything. Trust me when I say this. I play with him, comb him, clean litter, change the plate for food, cuddle with him, everything I can think of. The thing is though, at my house when he started to poop on the carpet I found some training videos to help me out. What I did was keep him in my room with his litter box and did not let him out. After every meal, nap, and play time I would put him in the litterbox to let him know this is where he is supposed to use the bathroom. It was successful and he started to use the litterbox correctly. I let him out here and there and would come back to the room when he needed to go (THANK GOD!). We recently moved houses and kept him in the old house while everything was being moved. I would visit him many times a day and recently I noticed the living room floor without any carpeting, had a pee stain on it. So we took him to the office room of my restaraunt where I can see him more often and brought his box here for him. He successfully uses the litterbox here as of 2 days ago where he started peeing and pooping on the carpet in the office! STILL we play with him,feed him, clean him, comb him, cuddle, you name it and he still uses the carpet. I've only changed the litter twice but he isn't picky about his litter whatsoever. Thinking this was the reason I switched the litter yesterday and he still used the carpet. If anyone has any idea please let me now what to do I would truly and greatly appreciate it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
This is a forum, not a chat room, and it sometimes takes time for people to answer, especially if they do not know what to say. I will tell you that the solution to your cat's problems almost certainly lies with you not changing his litter, even though you think he doesn't care, he does, deeply. All cats do - they are among the cleanest animals on the planet. And would you like to use a dirty toilet, not just once but several times? He is telling you he wants somewhere clean to do his business. Many cats need two boxes, one for pee and one for poop, and will use other places if this is not provided. The trouble now is that he has used the carpet, it smells of him and he will continue to do it unless you clean it very thoroughly with a special enzymatic cleaner. Even if you can't smell it after normal cleaning, he can. Do all this, and I amn sure his behaviour will change.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 13, 2012
This is a forum, not a chat room, and it sometimes takes time for people to answer, especially if they do not know what to say. I will tell you that the solution to your cat's problems almost certainly lies with you not changing his litter, even though you think he doesn't care, he does, deeply. All cats do - they are among the cleanest animals on the planet. And would you like to use a dirty toilet, not just once but several times? He is telling you he wants somewhere clean to do his business. Many cats need two boxes, one for pee and one for poop, and will use other places if this is not provided. The trouble now is that he has used the carpet, it smells of him and he will continue to do it unless you clean it very thoroughly with a special enzymatic cleaner. Even if you can't smell it after normal cleaning, he can. Do all this, and I amn sure his behaviour will change.
I agree with all of the above, and adding that it could be a health code violation keeping a cat & cat litter box in a restaurant.
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TCS Member
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Jul 19, 2012
In the restaraunt dining room and kitchen yes, but a complete seperate office room is definitely allowed.
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TCS Member
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Jul 19, 2012
The 2 boxes sounds very interesting. This morning while I was in bed my cat jumped infront of my face and laid down and purred so I could cuddle with him and pet him. I was half asleep so I completely ignored him and right after he walked to the litter box and tried to pee right infront of it. Luckily I heard the scratching and was able to pick him up and place him in the box. Could this be the reason? And the littler is not a problem. He used the box 4 times yesterday suprisingly.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Are you using a large enough litter box - some cats need room to turn round, scratch etc. And I would still go for two boxes if you can, keeping them both really clean. But it does sound as if you are getting on the right track. He is a cat who obviously needs attention and lots of loving and will do anything to get it!
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