Cat Pneumonia For The First Time


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2017
Hello! My 11-month old cat just got diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia after taking an x-ray. They gave us some antibiotics and synbiotic.
This is the first time for both me and my cat so I have some questions:

1)Do most cats that get pneumonia usually get better after taking medication? How high are her chances of recovery just with medication?

2)Is cat pneumonia contagious to humans?

3)Is there anything I should keep in mind when giving my cat her tablet medication (first time as well)? They told us to place the tablet on her tongue, use the syringe and fill it with water to help her "push" the tablet in.

3)Finally, how can I prevent this from happening next time? Do I need to do anything at home to prevent it or is it just something that happens?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, and welcome!
I don't think it's contagious to humans, but hopefully another member knows about that for certain.

Did your vet say anything about a steam tent or putting the cat in a bathroom with a steaming hot running shower? Is your cat eating and drinking normally - this is really important.

Did your cat just come from a shelter? That's how many cats get this. Other causes could be FIV or FELV, or if your cat was recently under anesthesia? Does your cat vomit a lot? Did she/he aspirate some grass? Did he/she just have an upper respiratory infection (URI)?

Due to possible aspiration issues, would your vet consider having you use a pill pocket rather than a syringe filled with water?

Ask your vet what they think caused this, that might give you a better idea of how to prevent it, if possible on your part. Has your cat been dewormed?

For instance if there was a URI, you'll want to eliminate dusty litter, keep a clean (not dusty) house/living area, eliminate scented candles and air fresheners, stop using spray cleaners, start using non scented laundry soap, etc.

Did your vet say anything about confining the cat to a small area or a large dog crate to restrict exercise during recovery? Are they having you come back in for a follow-up appointment and repeat chest x-rays?

For the future, keep your cat up to date on vaccinations. Spay or neuter, don't let your cat roam due to a higher risk of parasitic infection, and don't force liquids or foods into your cat due to the possibility of aspiration pneumonia.

Good luck and I'm sending LOTS of healing thoughts!!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Although there are a few forms of bacterial pneumonia that can be transmitted from cats to humans, it is fairly rare. It is almost always transmitted via a bite, or by kissing infected kitties...remember, they groom, and are covered in spit! Just keep your hands way from your mouth after handling your cat, and wash them well, and you have almost NO chance of catching this! And MOST forms are not transmittable at all.

Many, many cats who get pneumonia and also recieve treatment do very well, indeed, and recover completely. Just be sure to give medications as directed and for the full time directed! And, as Furballsmom Furballsmom said, steam will help with the congestion.

There is just no easy way to pill a cat. I've even resorted to dissolving the pill in water, and administering via syringe on MANY occasions. The trick with this is to place the syringe between the cheek and gum and going SLOW. This prevents aspiration and choking. If she stops eating, you can also mix pate style canned food with water and feed her like this. And she may, if she is very congested and can't smell her food.

I'm so sorry that it took a health scare for you to find TCS, but I'm really, really glad that you did! You are no longer alone with this. We will be with you every step of the way!

When you have a moment, go here New Cats on the Block and introduce yourself and...heavens, what is her name? the community.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2017
Thank you so much! My cat, Muning, is doing pretty well right now. Aside from a bit of labored breathing and coughing, she's still eating, drinking, playing and doing everything normally. I was actually hesitant about taking her to the vet in the first place because of this! It seemed like there was nothing wrong at first glance.

The vet just told us they suspect it is due to bacteria and didn't mention anything about putting her in a steamy bathroom (but I'll definitely try it!) or restricting exercise. She got spayed a couple of months ago and has no other issues with her health before this.

I tried giving her her medicine tonight using the way I described, however, it didn't work as smoothly as I hoped. The vet told us if this was the case, we could dissolve the tablet into some honey water. We did that and we messed up pretty bad because she started coughing after. I think it went down the wrong pipe. She's not coughing anymore and is taking a nap right now.

We have a follow-up appointment with the vet tomorrow so I hope everything's okay. I'm worried sick about her.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
It takes a time or two to get that syringe thing down. If she's stopped coughing and is comfortable, you'll be ok, in all probability. Let us know what the vet says!


TCS Member
May 17, 2018
I lost a kitty to chronic pneumonia about 10 years ago. Only advice I have that I did not see others mention is to make sure her food and water dishes are kept super clean as well as the litter box area. This is especially important if you have other cats.

The kitten I brought home a couple months after the other passed became sick almost immediately. My vet took one look at her xray and put her in an oxygen cage for 3 days. She recovered fully. We disinfected ALL of the cat dishes and set up a freshly cleaned and disinfected litter box. All 3 were fine after that. It took a solid week for the kitten to get totally well. She also took antibiotics the entire time.

Muning should be fine. It just takes time and care.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I give my kitties pills wrapped in a bit of American cheese. It helps to squish it around the pill with your fingers a little bit first. I've also tried placing it in a small amount of cheddar cheese. I have split pills into smaller pieces to help, too.