Cat peeing on bed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 20, 2013
So I got my kitten Ringo from the humane society back in June. After a week of having him he peed on my comforter, so I washed it. Then he proceeded to poop on it, so I washed it again. He then pooped on it again the same night I put it back on the bed - so I threw it away. It has since been about 3 months and he has never messed outside of the litter box or had any problems at all so I deemed it safe to purchase a new bed set since it is starting to get more chilly here. 

2 nights after I put it out I walked into the bedroom and caught him in the act of peeing on it. All of this pee has soaked through my mattress and its disgusting. 

I dont believe he has any sort of bladder infection or anything since he is completely fine except for peeing on comforters. And its not just my bed either, I took the comforter off and put it by the door so I could take it to the laundromat and saw him go over there and pee on it again, so now the urine is soaked into my carpet. 

Also, his litter box is clean because I had just cleaned it out like the morning of the night he peed on it. 

I could really use some help since I live in an apartment and cant afford for him to be peeing so I don't lose my deposit or anything. Also I dont want to drop another $150 on a bed set and have him pee all over it again. And getting rid of him is absolutely not an option either, he may be ornery and pee on my stuff but I can't just give him up.

Also, he won't pee on any other blankets except for comforters. Sheets and throws and fuzzy blankets are all fine - its just the comforters he pees on 
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TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Welcome to TCS. You need to use an enzyme cleaner to get rid of ALL the odor.  What kind of litter are you using? Have you taken him to the vet to rule out all UTI? Has he been neutered?

The fact that he is using only the comforters indicates the litter is not acceptable to him, in my opinion. Please, take him to the vet for a check-up.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 16, 2013
Many local pets stores like pet co ext....... havea product to stop cats form spraying. I keep forgeting the name of it though check local pet stores to see if they have it. It is safe for all cats but how ever only works in 95% of cats leaveing only 5% that its dose nothing for.It comes Iin a plug in and spray can. So try add that in the area your cat gose. I would suggest the plug in to stop the kitten form going in other areas. Now for your beding wash it as you are already probbly doing but also try a product call natures miracle for the areas of the bed you can not wash. That will remove the odor. Cat's do tend to go back to the same area they have sprayed in before. So with the plug in and odor remover hopefully the only area the kitten will go in is the litter box having the smell of the litter box their in the area you wish him to go in. that would be my guess on how to fix it.