Cat peeing on 1 Piece of furniture


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 26, 2015
We have had our cat for 1 year now.....He is neutered and declawed(I know, I know) and has been since about 5 months old. (we are guessing his age now is 18 months)

  We brought a used Futon into our house for the playroom in the basement. The litter box is also down there. After about a week he started peeing on the futon. I cleaned and sprayed and everything for a few months to no avail. So last week, I threw out that futon mattress completely and bought a brand new one. I covered the new mattress with a waterproof encasement, then another soft cover for comfortable seating.   Not 2 days later, the cat peed on the new futon!   Now what do I do?   He never goes on anything else in the house....except for a pile of towels that came home from the lake and were left on the floor, but I don't blame him there.   He is still using his litter box. I also moved the littler box from downstairs to upstairs. He is still peeing in the litter box, but once a day he pees on the futon.    HELP!!!   


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
What are you using to clean the pee?  You need to use a good enzymatic cleaner that will remove all traces of the urine and its odor.  You may not smell it, but he sure can.  Have you tried a black light to be sure you are getting all traces of the urine? 

I had a cat that was peeing on my sons bed repeatedly.  Two things that worked:  I kept me out of that room for 2 weeks unless supervised.  The door was closed during the day.  When he was in the room with my son, I put a shower curtain liner on the bed and placed a food bowl with a few treats in it.  Cats don't like the feel of the shower curtain liner and then secondly they don't like to pee where they eat. 

Can you keep him out of that room for awhile and get the area cleaned really well?


TCS Member
Aug 30, 2015
I have a female cat that pees on a leather chair that I sit in; and, another female cat that will pee on backpacks, luggage or any other such otem if it is left laying around. I have no idea what to do about either one of them. I had just purchased a new set of luggage, (black canvas style), and the one has gotten into my closet and peed on them. Now I purchased a new black leather chair of which I sit to watch t.v. and,second cst has peed on it repea[B[/B]tedly. PLEASE....someone HELP!!!!!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
M moonbeamer123 Is it possible that your cats are involved in a territorial dispute? I had two neutered males who did this until they finally accepted each other. It was very frustrating in the meantime though. Are your two girls spayed?

It is always worth checking out for an underlying health issue so your first stop should be at the vet to make sure your girls don't have a UTI. If it is behavioral, getting a few Feliway diffusers might really help. These emit pheromones that have a calming effect on cats. Depending on how large your home is, you might need several. Also, they do take awhile to work so don't expect changes right away.

Do your cats use their litter boxes at all? It might be that they don't like their box and/or the litter. Also, how many boxes do you have. It's recommended that you have one more than the number of cats you have, so that would be three. There are litter attractants you can get that encourage cats to use the box - one I often see recommended is Dr. Elsy's.

It's important to follow all the clean-up tips that shadowsrescue gave in the previous post. That's essential to keep them from seeking out the same spot under the illusion that it's an acceptable place to go.

Good luck with this! I know how frustrating it can be!