Cat On Metacam Everyday, Best To Give Morning Or Night?

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
OK.....I'd be far more concerned if it were the States.

One point (put it in your 'back pocket' for future ref) - while he's on Metacam, don't allow the use of "Convenia", a long-acting injectable antibiotic. This combination seems to be a favourite of many British Vets....despite the fact that each is contraindicated for use with the other! No one seems inclined to read the fine print. Here's a post I recently made about the potential effects of this combination: Convenia side effects?

Just so you know, you shouldn't take any comfort and certainly any confidence in the 'Don't worry....we'll keep a close eye on his kidney results' (SDMA levels), because this is a false reassurance. By the time the lab results show a lessening of kidney function, the damage will have been done - and, kidney tissues ("nephrons") do not regenerate. Cats (and humans) 'come' with lots of extra nephrons (spare parts, if you will) and, as time goes by and nephrons die off, the others 'waiting in the wings' step up to the plate and take their place. Cats (and ourselves) have enough of these 'spares' to last a normal lifetime.....nephrotoxic events do shorten the full-function lifetime of the kidneys.

FWIW, there's a new NSAID, not yet approved for cats (but shown to be effective and safe) that you might want to share with the Vets, though any use of it would be off-label. (Consummate/'Quality' Vets today have membership in online forums of their own...perhaps, if yours do so, they might 'ask around' to see if anyone is using this for cats.) Anyways, here are a couple of references for you
The manufacturer of Metacam have an enormous 'hold' over the Veterinary industry.......

There are some very effective 'natural' anti-inflammatories too...we used to have someone here who is very well versed in such. Here's a post of hers on treating arthritis (post #14) Bro and advanced arthritis and prognosis. Many people use Krill Oil, and for human arthritis, too.

The universally-accepted rule around the use of Metacam in cats is to use the least amount possible to achieve the desired result. Some people use it on alternating days.

Anyways, just some thoughts - hopefully of some help.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
OK.....I'd be far more concerned if it were the States.

One point (put it in your 'back pocket' for future ref) - while he's on Metacam, don't allow the use of "Convenia", a long-acting injectable antibiotic. This combination seems to be a favourite of many British Vets....despite the fact that each is contraindicated for use with the other! No one seems inclined to read the fine print. Here's a post I recently made about the potential effects of this combination: Convenia side effects?

Just so you know, you shouldn't take any comfort and certainly any confidence in the 'Don't worry....we'll keep a close eye on his kidney results' (SDMA levels), because this is a false reassurance. By the time the lab results show a lessening of kidney function, the damage will have been done - and, kidney tissues ("nephrons") do not regenerate. Cats (and humans) 'come' with lots of extra nephrons (spare parts, if you will) and, as time goes by and nephrons die off, the others 'waiting in the wings' step up to the plate and take their place. Cats (and ourselves) have enough of these 'spares' to last a normal lifetime.....nephrotoxic events do shorten the full-function lifetime of the kidneys.

FWIW, there's a new NSAID, not yet approved for cats (but shown to be effective and safe) that you might want to share with the Vets, though any use of it would be off-label. (Consummate/'Quality' Vets today have membership in online forums of their own...perhaps, if yours do so, they might 'ask around' to see if anyone is using this for cats.) Anyways, here are a couple of references for you
The manufacturer of Metacam have an enormous 'hold' over the Veterinary industry.......

There are some very effective 'natural' anti-inflammatories too...we used to have someone here who is very well versed in such. Here's a post of hers on treating arthritis (post #14) Bro and advanced arthritis and prognosis. Many people use Krill Oil, and for human arthritis, too.

The universally-accepted rule around the use of Metacam in cats is to use the least amount possible to achieve the desired result. Some people use it on alternating days.

Anyways, just some thoughts - hopefully of some help.
Very informative and interesting reads.
Thank you for sharing (I do mean this sincerely, no sarcasm here).


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Laser is essentially needleless accupuncture, and has proven very effective for cats. Actually, they do well with the regular accupuncture, as well, some snuggling down and purring away. Now, I can't ask a cat for details, but I've had two friends undergo invasive surgery using accupuncture. One had a C-section, the other had an appendectomy. Both reported a complete lack of pain, and I take leave to doubt that any "placebo" effect would be strong enough to overcome either of those procedures.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 8, 2018
Thank you for replies.

He is on this for long term pain management. We have spoken with our vet extensively about other options but this we have been advised is the best. I agree, pain management options for cats is very lacking. Balancing managing the pain with his quality of life has been fraught with worry.
We have blood work taken and SDMA test done regularly so that we are able to monitor his kidneys more closely.

I do sometimes feel like I’m robbing Peter to pay Paul. Helping one issue but potentially creating another.
Super old post but I drive far to a cat vet who is constantly going to conferences and learning all she can about cats and she says metacam daily is absolutely safe but the doses regular vets give us NOT. She does a very low dose daily and has tons of patients on it for pain. She strongly dislikes solensia and other injectables