cat litter box problems


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2011
Western NY
Hi everyone,

I joined this forum because I need some help. I have an approx. 10yo male cat who in the last 6 months or so, has all but refused to use the litter box to defecate. As far as I know, he still urinates in the boxes. I have had him to the vet on more than one occasion and has recieved a clean bill of health every time (checked his urine, did bloodwork, fecal samples, etc). I have 4 cats and 4 boxes right now. I added another box for about 2 mos, but it made NO difference at all...I didn't really have room for the extra so I removed it. He has 3 kinds of litter to choose from (Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract, which worked for a while, cheap clumping litter, and a corn based litter), and I clean the boxes once or twice daily. I have been making sure I give him attention, thinking that may have been part of the problem, but no changes. No changes in the household, food, etc in a long time. He is epileptic, but hasn't had seizures in a few years. He had been doing excellent with his health lately. Food location is not real close to litter boxes, it's where it has been for over 4 years, and I really have no where else to move either to keep dogs out of them. But again, this is not anything that is new. He goes right NEXT to the litter box. If I move the box out to where he is going to, he picks another spot nearby. Boxes are relatively new, bought when we started running into this problem. I will occasionally find piles near a door or by the water dish (in the kitchen, boxes are in bathroom), but very rare. I'm at my wits end here, and considering euthanizing him if I can't find a solution. I know not the best thing, but I have a 4yo child too, and I can't have him finding and playing in cat poop! And I would never consider passing it off to someone else. He gets along well with the other kitties, they all play together, sleep together, etc. Same as with the dogs. He even likes to play w/ the rabbit. Does anyone have any other suggestions for me? I really don't want to put him down, but I can't take these cat piles. I'm sick of stepping in them in the dark when I can't see them!!! Thanks in advance! Also, let me know if you have any other questions about the situation.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
He could have constipation. It hurts or is difficult to poop so he blames the box.

He could have arthritis in his spine, hips or legs. Again, it hurts to poop (painful to squat) so he blames the box.

Arthritic can also be a cause for constipation. Ask your vet about putting him on cosequin for cats and see how he does in a few weeks, and put him on an all canned diet if he isn't already, for starters.

Retraining by keeping him in a small space (such as a large dog crate) with room only for his litter box, bed, and food and water dishes may be neccesarry, but I'd look into the arthritis and constipation factors first, as a cat with either of those does need sufficient exercise.

If it's territorial in nature feliway plug in diffusers may help.

I wonder what kind of changes there might have been in your household about 6 months ago..could be something very minor to you that might seem major to a cat so dig deep.

Welcome to the forum, please keep us posted on your senior boy


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
I wonder if you could leash and harness train him and take him outside like you would a dog?
What are you using for litter boxes?

As for your kid playing with poop… I was scooping the litter box at that age. There's no reason for a normal 4 year old to think feces of any kind is a toy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2010
I agree, if he's doing it by the box, he knows its the right area and is getting there in time, but is probably blaming the box for something unpleasant and would need to be retrained.

In addition to perhaps a bout of constipation/joints, not sure if it relates since w/ buddies it was pee and poo but the cat was perfectly fine until another one of his cats started cornering the poor kitty in the litterbox and bullying. Took a while before he realized thats what happened.


TCS Member
Feb 4, 2011
TAKE THE HOOD OFF THE BOX. Some cats don't like it. If there is no hood and he is still going where he isn't supposed to, is there something that is upsetting him in his environment? Some cats will pee and poop where you dont want them due to upset. Dont put him down because of this. That is just sick. Obviously something is wrong. Try to find what it is and make it right. If all else fails try to find some one who will take him, and if no one can (been in that boat), find a no kill animal shelter for the cat. Just takes a Google search. Don't be so inhumane and cruel.


TCS Member
Feb 4, 2011
Recently had a behavior problem with my cat and didnt know if it was going to work out but found a solution to his issues. I'm glad for that. The awesomeness of a cat can be truly worth it. Sometimes it just takes time and empathy to figure out what it is and address the problem appropriately,