Cat lethargic with decreased appetite and diarrhea


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 29, 2014
My cat Midnight is a 13 1/2 year old believed to be an american shorthair (she was a rescue). The last few days she hasn't been eating much and has been a bit lethargic. Shes also vomited once in the past 3 days and has had diarrhea the past 2 that I have noticed (I have 2 cats so it can be hard to tell) when I have seen her she doesn't seem to be straining or having any issues and she is urinating normally. Vomiting for her isn't very unusual, if she eats dry food first and/or is being picky about her wet food she tends to as my vet calls it "scarf and barf" so I didn't worry too much about the vomiting until I noticed the diarrhea. She has also been eating less. It isnt abnormal for her to suddenly get picky about her wet food, however she is turning her nose up at treats even unless I pester her with them, and for the last 3 days all i've been able to get her to eat is a few treats and some tuna. Her water intake has decreased some but she is still drinking water as well. She also seems to be licking her lips a bit which I heard can be a sign of nausea.

Her history is mostly clean until a few months ago. She had never had any medical issues until she was diagnosed hyperthyroid ~6 months ago. Since then she has had iodine 131 treatment so in the past 6 months shes had blood work done 4 times. We also opted to do a urine kidney assessment prior too the iodine 131 to make sure her hypothyroid was not making CRF. Since the Iodine treatment at her 1 and 3 month checkups all of her blood work was perfect. She has had some tooth issues but it hasnt seemed to be a problem for her. Also lately her eyes seem to be a bit runny. I asked my vet at her last checkup and she said not to worry about it. Lastly she does have a small lump near her abdomen under her skin. She use to be a very heavy cat but thanks to switching her diet and i'm sure with the aid of her hyperthyroid she is at a healthy weight now. When I consulted the vet about the lump she did examine it, and told me it is not in a spot related to any of her major organs or breast tissue, nor has it changed shape, consistency, or size and the vet told me she believed it most likely to be a fatty deposit, and advised me that if it was her cat she would not bother with a biopsy unless it changed in any way or seemed to grow.

Anyway I am at a loss for what this may be since she had the same symptoms minus the diarrhea a few months ago conveniently before her last thyroid check-up and the vet just advised me to try a few different foods to tempt her to eat and give her half a tab of pepcid ac and she seemed back to normal withing a day or 2. So I am not sure if this is the same thing and I should just let it run its course or if I really need to take her to the vet again since money is tight and its so hard to bring her in and pay just to be told to let it run its course. However even at 13 I am afraid of losing her since her and her sister mean so much to me (My 2nd cat is perfectly fine during all of this btw). Any help or advice would be appreciated. I am so worried about her.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I would get your girl back to the vet so she doesn't become dehydrated and for a good check up.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I agree, and honestly, in your title you said lethargic, well with a combo of vomiting and diarrhea, she is already on the side of dehydrated and does infact need fluids.

So for starters she should be taken in for fluids, and take it from there.

The vet knows her history, remind her that your cat is precious to you but to please be aware of finances, see what the vet recommends.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 29, 2014
Thanks for the replies. I talked to my husband about it and hes agreed we can take her to the vet ( I guess rather then me sitting here crying about it. its easier to just let me spend the money) I have checked her for dehydration physically, her skin is still snapping back into place pretty quickly and her gums are still fairly moist. but either way Im going to call first thing tomorrow for an appointment,


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 23, 2013
Bountiful, UTah
Definitely take your girl to the vet.  Cats are very good at hiding their sickness.  Especially in an older cat.