Cat is mouthy and bites at legs


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Nov 1, 2015
So I got my Maine Coon mix, Billy the Kid, about two weeks ago. He likes to follow me and my fiance around the house, from space to space. In the beginning, from time to time, he grabbed at our legs with his mouth and hissed. He once even got his claw stuck in my pants and started in on a bit of a yowl (didn't progress into a growl though) To me this feels like he is fearful? But it's also aggressive.. 

He has gotten kicked before because he'll get too close to our feet, so maybe he's nervous of that happening? (He seems to be getting progressively more okay with light brushing against him with our legs and feet as we walk) Other feelings on it might be that he's trying to tell us he's ready for more moist food - he gets super excited about moist food, and even people food! He gets right up in our space whenever we have something good to eat.

Sternly saying his name or doing and "ah-ah!" sound don't phase him... not one bit! So now I've been trying to ignore him, when he does it...The cat behaviorist at the animal shelter suggested that he might have been reinforced in this habit of nibbling. She suggested to toss a treat a little ways away from me as I walk off, to show him it's a good thing when a person walks away.

Similar to this, he can get mouthy when stroked down his backside at times. This doesn't concern me as much, as he usually does it to tell me he doesn't want to be touched there right now. Also, he can get mouthy on my hands if they happen to be there and he's frustrated about something. For example, I played some cat sound videos for him and he was trying to find out where the sounds were coming from. He was digging into my bed, where the speakers of my laptop were (smart cat!) But he seemed so frustrated and then saw my hand, so mouthed on it. It didn't hurt and he doesn't break skin or anything.

He's been getting better as the days progress. I sprayed the house with Feliway, which seems to have helped. We had another foster for about a week that we introduced him to and he seemed to keep him in order and calmer. (He went back to the shelter today to go up for adoption.) 

Tonight, a friend came over and she was loving on him. She gave him treats, which he is a big food addict and then he laid down next to her. He kept being mouthy on her hand, even when she wasn't touching him. Then she left and as I walked from the front door, he bolted at me and nipped at my leg. I attempted ignoring it. I then grabbed the treat bag to put it back and he meowed at me to give him some. I didn't and again, he mouthed on me. 

What is going on with him? Insecurity? Over-stimulation? Aggression?

I'm thinking about adopting this cat, but his behavioral issues make me nervous...


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 5, 2015
Houston mo
Hello , I have a stray and he does the same to us. I think the cat been abused. Our stray had his tail broken By door slammed and bitten by a dog. We feed him and self medicate him by herbs. Please do not hit the cat or push him away. He might get more aggressive. Mostly our stray mouthy and bite like your cat . But break the skin. This happen when we do not have his food ready right Away or we touch his back and tail. Remember pets personity is base on how they was raised as kittens. Pets can have flash backs on negative situations in their past.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Nov 1, 2015

Glad to see I'm not the only one dealing with a similar issue. I was suspecting the same thing - that he was abused. He had a broken back leg that was never tended to and it healed wrong... My fiance has stood near him wearing steel toe shoes and he has hissed at my fiance (who is good with Billy and cats in general and has never done any harm to him). I felt that perhaps that was how he was injured... a man with boots kicked him. 

But the mouthiness does need to stop and I feel it can be if he is worked with. He has already proven he can get better with it. Just need to figure out exactly what is going on.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 5, 2015
Houston mo
He might be in pain from leg. Chronic pain can make any being aggressive and stress out. Just do not touch area that cause pain like the back and leg. Our cat ,kirara was declaw and bites. Because she in pain. We give her fresh lemon water for clean teeth and inflammation. Apple cider of vinegar is great for inflammation to. One to two drops of either one per a day in food. Patience is great to. If u can,take him to a vet to check him out. But they might suggest putting the cat down. Your cat is in my thoughts.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 5, 2015
Houston mo
Also cats don't like their backs touched over and over again. They like their neck and face feather massaged by fingers. Also top of their head. Also get him a scratcher and a kicker toy. Kicker you can make from an old sock filled with tissue paper and tie with a string at the end. Put catnip in or on it. Get smartycat's catnip stray.