cat in heat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 24, 2013
hello again :) i've posted several days ago about my femal cat spinney. she was pregnant and lost her kittens. and since she was meowing and in heat. i took her to the vet and i asked him if she can mate once again.( i love my cat and i will take care of her kittens) . i called him today and he told me that she mated with a tom cat but she is still in heat!!! i wonder how many days does she will stay in heat ??it's been two weeks?? is it normal. and i would like to know if she misses home bcause i sure miss her :(


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 12, 2012
Orlando, Fl
This site and its' members are Pro Spay/Neuter. I would really urge you to have your cat spayed for her health and the well-being of the kittens. I know you love her and would adore the kittens but think of it like this: If you really want more cats, instead of having your cat give birth to five or more kittens, go adopt 5 kittens or cats from the shelter. For every kitten that your cat produces, that is one less home that an otherwise homeless cat or kitten will not have.

Also, spaying your cat means she cannot get uterine cancer, or any other cancer/illness that involves the reproduction system.

To answer your original question, I have no idea why she would still be in heat. I was under the impression that the act of mating, whether successful in a pregnancy or not, would bring a female out of heat...

ETA: I am wondering what kind of vet promotes active breeding and keeps tom cats at his/her clinic for your cat to breed with??
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 24, 2013
Thank you for ur kind answer. sadly where I live (far East) don't have shelters for animals to adopt. either u go to the pet shop and buy one or u have to buy one from someone who already have cat/dog. Also my vet is really old and sometimes i feel i know better (with all my respect). he dn't have a tom cat in his clinic but in his house. i'm really worried about my cat and to be honest i don't trust any vet and lose my spinney instead of spaying her. i'm really confused. i don't know what to do


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 12, 2012
Orlando, Fl
I'll admit, I don't know enough about your country to give you further advice, so hopefully more people can come along to assist you better. However, I still stand by having her spayed or not letting her mate. What happens when she has male and female kittens? Then those kittens mate and produce more kittens (maybe sickly babies from inbreeding?) and then those kittens, etc. You will quickly find yourself in over your head. It will be expensive for food expenses, much less vet expenses if someone gets sick.

You could very well lose your kitty due to pregnancy complications as well. So the best thing would be to just enjoy the cat you have. I am sure she is lovely! You can put all of your effort into loving and caring for her which would make her very happy, I am sure.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I would go get her back. Who knows what he's doing with her? If she mated, she should be out of heat, and if she didn't mate, she should still be out of heat by now (but will probably go back into heat again soon). I find that vet kind of suspicious, even considering different cultures. Why would he take her to his house and not send her home after mating? It's weird.

But, yes, for her health it would be best to have her spayed (but maybe not by that vet. . .). If there's a vet school near you, they should be able to do it safely. Or just a good trustworthy vet. And, yeah, be careful when she has the kittens, because you don't want the brothers and sisters mating with each other, or the sons mating with their mother.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 24, 2013
thank you sooo much i got her back :) she slept all day and the vet told me that after mating she stoped eating and she was looking all over the house like if she's looking for something or someone. the minute she saw me she was so excited and she came to me and wanted me to pick her up( i have siamese and she always climb on my lega and show her affection to me by putting her head in my neck) when she got home she ate normally..i think she was calling for me. again, i'm glad i suscribed myself in ths site because it's really helping me with my baby :')