Cat Health Never Improves


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 1, 2018
The spasm when your cat is urinating could be a symptom of a urinary infection or kidney infection which is causing her pain which explains her colapsing and probably unable to extend legs due to the pain in her bladder or kidneys.

Please take your cat to another vet, and get her urine and kidneys tested, it could also be a cyst putting pressure in the bladder or kidney region and is pinching a nerve. Your cat doing handstands when trying to urinate suggest there is an area around her bladder or bowel that is causing some sort of pain making it uncomfortable for her to pee or poop, and the lethergy or colapsing suggests to me the pain is bad enough that it affects her ability to be able to stand properly .

As a human i had a cyst size of an egg on my left ovaries which caused sharp zapping pains which would make me dizzy, it also was placing pressure were my legs and fingers were going numb, also i had to go to the bathroom alot a freqently had to urinate even when i just went to the loo, i had to run back again cause i wasnt finished. Please get an ultrasound too.

Poor kitty :( She looks so sweet but misserable :(


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 7, 2016
I second the notion that you need to get a new vet. I can't imagine that anyone could look at your little cat and think there is nothing wrong. You did mention that the lab results might indicate a vitamin deficiency, so right there you've got one problem. Deficiencies can cause all sorts of weird issues. Is something being done about that?

Also, the problem could be more than one problem, the symptoms may not be a result of just one issue. This can sometimes make diagnosis difficult. Are you the person taking this cat to the vet and talking to him or her? You seem to care very much about Baby, but others seem involved and there is a difference of opinion! If you haven't already, maybe you need to take this bull by the horns and march Baby right into a feline vet yourself. I get being loyal to someone who has helped you in the past, but this vet is doing this baby no good at all.

Please post updates, I am very curious as to what's going on here. Good luck with your quest to bring this kitty back to health!


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
I hope you’ll figure out what’s wrong. And let us know here when u do. You’re kitty’s skin and nails look really bizarre. And the behavior. I can’t help but wonder if they’re unrelated. What would manifest externally and cause the fur to be that way and the claws to grow like that but also cause spasms. Hopefully someone can give u answers soon. He must be suffering from this.
I totally agree...that cat is suffering..poor kitty needs A VET...advice on here is great...but this cat plainly as can be seen...NEEDS A VET ASAP:please::gaah::think::petcat::geekcat: