Cat Haters

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I hated cats because I was so misinformed about them. I started to understand them by watching a small stable feral colony on our property. Kitten came in because with no eyes opened she kept scrabbling out from where the mother cat had her I put her in a tub and told my husband to watch her. I came in hours later to find them sleeping on the sofa. I told him to take her back outside to her mother. My husband started to tear up and so did I. That is how quick it happens folks. So I took on not just a cat but hand raising one. She got the name Kitten when the neighbors said as soon as she wasn't a kitten anymore we'd shut our pie holes and throw her outside like they did theirs. to prevent this we named her Kitten. Therefore she will always be a kitten.

Cats are miserably misrepresented just about everywhere in the media. The truth is they are smart and trainable and anything but aloof and distant. There will always be cats in my home.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
BTW you can either shut up or piss a cat hater up by repeating all their vile ideas but substitute the word dog.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2014
I never knew anyone who hated cats and wanted to cause them harm.  However, none of my family members are devoted animal lovers like me.  My parents grew up in a third world country so they see pets as frivolous.  My mom constantly encourages me to take my cats somewhere and abandon them and she's completely serious.  Having a cat and living with her when I was younger was so hard for me!  I had to keep the litterbox in my room next to my bed for 4 years because everybody else thought it was so disgusting (It actually didn't smell at all so I didn't mind too much).  I once asked her why she hated cats so much and she said that she doesn't hate the animals themselves, she just didn't want to take on the responsibility of cleaning after them, spending money on them etc.  I can't really blame her because she grew up so poor that spending what money you had taking care of an animal sounded ridiculous.  She would never actually hurt my cats, she doesn't doesn't understand my affection for them.       

I've also met people who don't particularly care for cats, like they prefer dogs and they think cats are boring.  I think they're mistaken, but at least they're not out shooting at cats.  I will, however, like you less as a person if you mention this to me. Haha


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I had an ex boyfriend who offered to drown my cats for me when they were interfering with my sleep so much I was falling asleep at work. Since he had his own cat he seemed to love, I asked if he was joking but he was deadly serious. So much for that relationship!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2014
I had an ex boyfriend who offered to drown my cats for me when they were interfering with my sleep so much I was falling asleep at work. Since he had his own cat he seemed to love, I asked if he was joking but he was deadly serious. So much for that relationship!
That's what serial killers do!  Creepy! Btw, have you checked up on his cat lately?  I would be concerned. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
That's what serial killers do!  Creepy! Btw, have you checked up on his cat lately?  I would be concerned. 
I actually did keep in touch with him and many years later, when she was about 17, he found her passed away by her food bowl. He teared up telling me about it. I've never understood how he could love one cat but think others so worthless. Anyway, I didn't want to put my dear guys at risk so it was best not to take any chances.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I was tossing ball with my cat on yard today as that cat kind of makes a dance where he shreds the lawn while reversing every time when he wants me to toss ball to him, then I toss the ball, he catches it and brings it back, runs further away and does the dance again.

I don't know how that can be boring compared to tossing ball with a dog, but I don't understand logic of cat haters so how could I possible understand that our 'sport' is boring.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
Have you ever taken a moment to just observe and take note of a person who claims to hate cats?

When my daughter was little - maybe 6 or 7 years old? - we were visiting a friend who owned two cats. They were actually her son's cats who was away at college. During the hour or so we were at her home she made so many demands of the cats that it was becoming annoying! 

"Get of the chair"!

"Get down from there"!

"Go eat your food"!

"Leave us alone"!

"Be quiet"!

"Go away"!

My daughter was just staring at my friend with an unbelievable expression on her face when she suddenly blurted out, "Why are you such a control freak"?

Every time I hear someone 'yell' at their cat, I can't help but remember that day. I've come to the conclusion that people who 'hate' cats do so because they ARE control freaks. They don't really hate the cat - they hate not being in control. Control issues are psychological issues and, if they aren't dealt with, can exacerbate. Perhaps that is the motivation behind animal abusers? When they hurt or kill an animal, they feel they have achieved control over it.

Ironically, it's not the cat, but them, who is out of control!

Several months ago, a neighbor stopped by to visit and brought a friend along. When he (the friend) came in, he said, "Oh cool! You have cats"!  I assumed he was a cat-lover. A short while into the visit, Keeker stretched out on the coffee table and settled into a nap and this guy reached out and flicked him on the butt! Of course, my cat jerked his head up and looked at me like, "What was that"?

I asked the friend to never do that again! He chuckled and said, "I was just messing with him". I said that he was disrespecting him and that was something I wouldn't tolerate.

Keeker settled back into his nap, and within five minutes this idiot flicked him again! This time, on his head! Ohhhhhh, HECK NO!  I immediately got up, walked to the door and opened it and, while looking at this jerk directly in his eyes, told him to Get out! He thought I was kidding until I told my neighbor to take his friend back to his place because he was NOT welcome. The guy got all snarky and said he couldn't believe I was 'getting all crazy over a cat'.

I told him that by disrespecting my cat, he was disrespecting me and that he could either walk out the door like the man he thought he was, or he could be carried out by the coroner! Either way, he WAS leaving! 

I usually don't get that jacked-up, but this guy pushed me a step beyond my limits.  How coincidental that I later discovered he had previously been convicted of domestic abuse! Typical narcissistic control-freak behavior!

Has anyone else had a similar experience? And how do you feel about my theory? 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Have you ever taken a moment to just observe and take note of a person who claims to hate cats?

When my daughter was little - maybe 6 or 7 years old? - we were visiting a friend who owned two cats. They were actually her son's cats who was away at college. During the hour or so we were at her home she made so many demands of the cats that it was becoming annoying! 

"Get of the chair"!

"Get down from there"!

"Go eat your food"!

"Leave us alone"!

"Be quiet"!

"Go away"!

My daughter was just staring at my friend with an unbelievable expression on her face when she suddenly blurted out, "Why are you such a control freak"?

Every time I hear someone 'yell' at their cat, I can't help but remember that day. I've come to the conclusion that people who 'hate' cats do so because they ARE control freaks. They don't really hate the cat - they hate not being in control. Control issues are psychological issues and, if they aren't dealt with, can exacerbate. Perhaps that is the motivation behind animal abusers? When they hurt or kill an animal, they feel they have achieved control over it.

Ironically, it's not the cat, but them, who is out of control!

Several months ago, a neighbor stopped by to visit and brought a friend along. When he (the friend) came in, he said, "Oh cool! You have cats"!  I assumed he was a cat-lover. A short while into the visit, Keeker stretched out on the coffee table and settled into a nap and this guy reached out and flicked him on the butt! Of course, my cat jerked his head up and looked at me like, "What was that"?

I asked the friend to never do that again! He chuckled and said, "I was just messing with him". I said that he was disrespecting him and that was something I wouldn't tolerate.

Keeker settled back into his nap, and within five minutes this idiot flicked him again! This time, on his head! Ohhhhhh, HECK NO!  I immediately got up, walked to the door and opened it and, while looking at this jerk directly in his eyes, told him to Get out! He thought I was kidding until I told my neighbor to take his friend back to his place because he was NOT welcome. The guy got all snarky and said he couldn't believe I was 'getting all crazy over a cat'.

I told him that by disrespecting my cat, he was disrespecting me and that he could either walk out the door like the man he thought he was, or he could be carried out by the coroner! Either way, he WAS leaving! 

I usually don't get that jacked-up, but this guy pushed me a step beyond my limits.  How coincidental that I later discovered he had previously been convicted of domestic abuse! Typical narcissistic control-freak behavior!

Has anyone else had a similar experience? And how do you feel about my theory? 
I think you make a very valid point. My mom dislikes cats because she calls them "sneaky". I have been in disbelief about that for decades but your theory fits her well. 

My dad wanted to do something nice for her years ago so he hired a cleaning service to come in a couple of times a week. She cleaned the house before they got there so they wouldn't think she had a dirty house. he wondered why he bothered. 

I have not had a similar experience but I'm with you on that. If that was me, he would have regretted that very quickly. People like that wouldn't mess with a dog or a child but for some stupid reason a cat is fair game to them.  


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 19, 2008
Cat haters must be very sad to not have met a cat. We are so lucky that we know and understand the love, comfort, companionship and everything else a cat can bring to someone life. Killing cats is appalling, bragging about it even worse, I can't believe some on would do that. Cats are beautiful, intelligent and loving. I miss my pussycat.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I actually had a co-worker show me a picture of a cat lying dead in the road and laugh, saying is this one yours?  All my life I've heard how sneaky they are, how mean, how untrainable. My own family says to take my ferals out and dump them in the country. They've obviously never seen a cat starve to death, or get killed because it was unfamiliar with it's surroundings. It was when I read that some kids had put a kitten in a garbage can and then stoned it to death that I became an advocate for cats. They are so misunderstood because most people will not be bothered to try. Now I do what I can, I spay and neuter even those that aren't mine, I treat their wounds, and I try to feed the world(it seems like!) Now, I AM THE CAT LADY! And proud of it!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 19, 2008
Have you ever taken a moment to just observe and take note of a person who claims to hate cats?

Several months ago, a neighbor stopped by to visit and brought a friend along. When he (the friend) came in, he said, "Oh cool! You have cats"!  I assumed he was a cat-lover. A short while into the visit, Keeker stretched out on the coffee table and settled into a nap and this guy reached out and flicked him on the butt! Of course, my cat jerked his head up and looked at me like, "What was that"?

I asked the friend to never do that again! He chuckled and said, "I was just messing with him". I said that he was disrespecting him and that was something I wouldn't tolerate.

Keeker settled back into his nap, and within five minutes this idiot flicked him again! This time, on his head! Ohhhhhh, HECK NO!  I immediately got up, walked to the door and opened it and, while looking at this jerk directly in his eyes, told him to Get out! He thought I was kidding until I told my neighbor to take his friend back to his place because he was NOT welcome. The guy got all snarky and said he couldn't believe I was 'getting all crazy over a cat'.

I told him that by disrespecting my cat, he was disrespecting me and that he could either walk out the door like the man he thought he was, or he could be carried out by the coroner! Either way, he WAS leaving! 

I usually don't get that jacked-up, but this guy pushed me a step beyond my limits.  How coincidental that I later discovered he had previously been convicted of domestic abuse! Typical narcissistic control-freak behavior!

Has anyone else had a similar experience? And how do you feel about my theory? 
This reminds me of a time my 'then' best friend came over for a barbecue. I never particularly happy with her treatment of cats, she had two as well as her dog, who was the apple of her eye (I don't like dogs). One was skin and bone and the other was all over me in a way you could tell he wasn't used to the attention I paid him, poor things. Well it was at a time my cat frank had been diagnosed with FIV and he was only allowed out in the garden on is lead supervised. She asked if we could take him out, so we did and I let her hold his lead. What really annoyed me was she was trying to walk him as if he was dog, pulling him this way and that, trying to get him to follow her, he was trying to go his own way, pulling against her and she was pulling him so hard he fell over more than once and she laughed. I told her to stop and let him go where he wanted to go, all he wanted to do was sniff around his garden, mark his territory and sit under his favourite bush, she laughed at me and said she was walking him. I snatched the lead away and took him inside. I told her if she can't treat my cat right she can't be allowed to associate with him, she looked at me like I was mad. I allowed her to stay for the barbecue, she never came back to my house and she is no longer a friend of mine.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Have you ever taken a moment to just observe and take note of a person who claims to hate cats?

When my daughter was little - maybe 6 or 7 years old? - we were visiting a friend who owned two cats. They were actually her son's cats who was away at college. During the hour or so we were at her home she made so many demands of the cats that it was becoming annoying! 

"Get of the chair"!

"Get down from there"!

"Go eat your food"!

"Leave us alone"!

"Be quiet"!

"Go away"!

My daughter was just staring at my friend with an unbelievable expression on her face when she suddenly blurted out, "Why are you such a control freak"?

Every time I hear someone 'yell' at their cat, I can't help but remember that day. I've come to the conclusion that people who 'hate' cats do so because they ARE control freaks. They don't really hate the cat - they hate not being in control. Control issues are psychological issues and, if they aren't dealt with, can exacerbate. Perhaps that is the motivation behind animal abusers? When they hurt or kill an animal, they feel they have achieved control over it.

Ironically, it's not the cat, but them, who is out of control!

Several months ago, a neighbor stopped by to visit and brought a friend along. When he (the friend) came in, he said, "Oh cool! You have cats"!  I assumed he was a cat-lover. A short while into the visit, Keeker stretched out on the coffee table and settled into a nap and this guy reached out and flicked him on the butt! Of course, my cat jerked his head up and looked at me like, "What was that"?

I asked the friend to never do that again! He chuckled and said, "I was just messing with him". I said that he was disrespecting him and that was something I wouldn't tolerate.

Keeker settled back into his nap, and within five minutes this idiot flicked him again! This time, on his head! Ohhhhhh, HECK NO!  I immediately got up, walked to the door and opened it and, while looking at this jerk directly in his eyes, told him to Get out! He thought I was kidding until I told my neighbor to take his friend back to his place because he was NOT welcome. The guy got all snarky and said he couldn't believe I was 'getting all crazy over a cat'.

I told him that by disrespecting my cat, he was disrespecting me and that he could either walk out the door like the man he thought he was, or he could be carried out by the coroner! Either way, he WAS leaving! 

I usually don't get that jacked-up, but this guy pushed me a step beyond my limits.  How coincidental that I later discovered he had previously been convicted of domestic abuse! Typical narcissistic control-freak behavior!

Has anyone else had a similar experience? And how do you feel about my theory? 
You were nice You opened the door before ejecting him.

Many years of horse rescue often you would see any other animals living in the same or worse conditions. There is so much a correlation between animal abuse that I believe that AC will now contact CPS in some cases. It should probably be standard. Animals are also commonly used by jerks like yours as leverage against partners.  The I'll take it or kill it type threats.

There are people who are not cat haters but rather like cats for all the wrong reasons.