Cat has no interest in watching birds or fish


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 5, 2016
My cat, Trinity, has no interest in doing anything except cuddling with me and laying in the sun. I have purchased pet fish for her to watch; she ignored them (except when I was watching them, then she'd come stand by me and emulate my behavior). I have very busy bird feeders on both floors of my house. She will lay near them, but with her back turned. Every now and then, a bird will catch her interest for a few moments, but mostly she doesn't even look at them. The only thing that seems to get her to perk up is the possibility of food, from one of those roll-around treat-dispensing balls to me cracking open a Fruit Roll-Up (yes, she loves those). Other than the treat ball and occasionally chewing on a ribbon, she won't even play.

Trinity is nearly 15 years old and has some kidney problems (she's stage 3 renal failure). Is ignoring possible sources of entertainment because of her health condition? She has also mostly stopped grooming herself, although this is not really a new phenomenon; she's never been very fastidious. Maybe she's depressed? Is there anything I can do to get her to be interested in something other than just shadowing me and waiting for me to come home to snuggle?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 23, 2015
She sounds like an old cat.  Does she seem content in what she does, regardless of her lack of interest in typical cat interests? 

TBH, my mother's 16 year old cat is very similar.  She follows mum around (or my stepdad) and insists they sit down for cuddles.  If they are doing other stuff she cries.  She is a bit senile, too.

My advice would be to care for her the best you can, give her the love she asks for when you can and don't worry too much as long as she seems happy.

I would say even my younger cats lack interest in these things sometimes.

Editing to add: The grooming thing may be a sign of worsening health issues, might be worth asking your vet about it.
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Not grooming is very often a sign that a cat isn't feeling too well - not surprising when she has stage 3 renal failure.

Old cats are often sleepier than when they were younger, but again, the lack of interest could well be related to her illness. Be sure to discuss these behavioural changes with your vet, as they may be an early indication that her treatment plan needs tweaking.

It's great that she's still interested in food, and that she still loves her snuggles. Keep in mind that she's an old lady now. Some behavioural changes are simply part of the aging process.

In short - do mention these thing to your vet, but I wouldn't be overly worried by them either :)