Cat Has Mass In Stomach, Not Sure What To Do Now


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2018
I have an orange tabby cat that is about 5 years old. Yesterday he started having issues. He began throwing up around 12-1pm. Now him throwing up is a pretty normal thing that has occurred from time to time over the past few years. Was never anything that really worried me as people told me "cats throw up...".

Fast forward into the day and he woke up from his sleep and again he started throwing up but this time it was like a white foam. I guess you can call it bile. He had eaten earlier in the morning but had basically not eaten again since he first threw up and then went to sleep.

He was also making some strange meow sound and would become agitated when you try to touch him in any way. I got worried and decided to take him to a 24hr clinic to check on what the deal was.

They took some X-rays and when the doctor came back she said it appeared he had a very large mass in his stomach. She said he may even have more then that in there but an ultrasound would be needed to see what exactly was going on. She said he would most definitely need surgery and when I asked how much was this all going to cost she bluntly and nonchalantly said thousands of dollars. I could barely afford the $600 for his X-rays last but am just shocked at all this. He was literally running and playing and being his normal self less then 24hrs before this incident.

So now IDK what else to do. The doctor was very blunt and was honestly ready to put him down last night. I was not ready to do that as he still seems fine. I took him home and he was still not his old self as of this morning. He wasn't eating, drinking, and he normally follows me to the bathroom when I shower but he just hid under the bed today.

I guess my question is now what do I do with this sick kitty? I do have a small bit of savings on the side but don't know just how expensive this can get. Should I get a second opinion? Any help with this is much appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I'm so sorry you're going thru this and that your cat is ill.
What I would personally do, would be to at least get the ultrasound, to see what I was dealing with. The ultrasound may show something that is (even if expensive) very treatable with a good prognosis and gives your cat a chance for a long life. There are some organizations out there that can help with vet care if you can't afford it.
I will urge you to try to get your cat to eat though, and not just wait it out as you figure out your next step. When a cat stops eating, they will develop Fatty Liver Disease, and it's onset is very fast and can quickly turn deadly. You might be able to entice him with something other than his regular food. Not sure what your cat eats but wet food is usually much more enticing then dry, diluted tuna water and tuna pieces might get him to drink and eat, plain chicken or beef baby food (no garlic, no onions) might work also.
I can't tell you much more beyond where I (personally) would start. And I can't in all conscience tell you what your "ultimate" decision should be. You just need to make the decision that is best for you and your cat. I'm also not a vet so I can't give you much more insight to what is wrong. I do hope your cat can pull thru though, and I wish you all the best.
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Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Cats are masters of hiding illness, meaning the sudden discovery of a devistating illness is not uncommon. They will act like everything is okay right up until the moment they can't fake it anymore. I am so sorry for your diagnosis and prognosis.

I would start by taking him to your regular vet and having them check out the x-rays you already had taken. Ask the clinic to either send the results to your vet or give you a copy of everything. If you don't have a regular vet then a second opinion at the clinic or from another vet. Anytime we are talking possibly life ending problems you should get a second or even third opinion from a source you trust to validate it. I wouldn't do the uktrasound until after talking to my regular vet, in your position.

Thoughts and prayers with you in this. :vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
One thing I forgot to mention, if you have your own trusted vet, bring him there to re-evaluate the clinics tests and prognosis, before proceeding with further diagnostic testing. And this will also help if you cat is still not eating or drinking, your vet may want to give him fluids and something that can help his appetite.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2014
Call a local cat rescue organization or Humane Society, or ask at a pet shop if they know of a vet who is not expensive and may be willing to take payments.