Cat had a "seizure" to a harness! Can someone recommend one?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 25, 2015
Hello and thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer

I'm a 1st time cat owner and am trying to figure out what to expect out of our lil furry feline friends.  I've made a couple posts already about my cat Merlin, and have been offered some excellent advise. I've had Merlin for about a year.  He's approximately 6 years old and I'm his 3rd owner.  If it matters, I was told by the sister of the original owner, who gave him to me, her brother was a drunken jerk and would abuse him.  

 Right now I'm trying to figure out how to let him go outside without putting him at much risk.  This whole time I've had Merlin, he hasn't shown any desire to go outside.  That changed all of a sudden about a week ago and now he's obsessed with going outside.  His previous owners (The sister of the original owner) use to let him go out with some regularity, and I'm guessing he's finally gotten comfortable enough with his environment here that being an in-door cat isn't cutting it for him any more.  

Unfortunately, I live in a condo building next to a Forrest preserve and a very busy street.  So the idea of opening the door and just letting him out like his previous owners isn't an option.  I've taken him outside a couple times (As I followed him around) and he loved it.  A little to much to from the looks of it.  During out last trip outside, he sort of bolted away from me.  He didn't stay far and I got him right away, but it was sudden enough and far enough that it scared me out of letting him run free.  I went to the pet store and bought the most expensive harness they had, thinking it should be the best.

I went to put it on him tonight and I got a fight.  He hissed, and growled and struggled with me putting it on him.  At the time I thought it was a pretty normal reaction for a cat being put in a harness for the first time.  After I got it about half way on, he started gagging uncontrollably.  Although there seemed to be plenty of room, I thought I had it on to tight and adjusted it.  I took a few minutes to pet him to calm him down.  Which seemed to work and he settled down enough for me to get it completely on him.  

He wasn't thrilled about wearing it until he realized I was taking him outside.  Once outside he seemed fine and became more interested in everything that was going on around him.  I connected him to a retractable leash and followed him around for about 15 minutes.  In that time we came extremely close to a possum (To close for comfort) that suddenly appeared out of the bushes.  Merlin just stood his ground and growled at the thing as it walked away.  We also saw a skunk about 40 feet away a few minutes later.  I've heard coyotes and have seen some huge raccoon's in the Forrest preserve too.  So the chances of me just letting him out is zero. 

Merlin seemed to be having the time of his life slowly exploring, when he started venturing to close to a large creek with heavy foliage.  I didn't want him getting to close to it and stopped following him.  I did not yank on the leash or anything, but he went to keep walking and couldn't because I had stopped.  All of a sudden he started fighting with the harness and jumping around like mad.  He was going crazy enough I was worried he might get out of the harness, so I picked him up to try and calm him down.  As soon as I picked him up though, he started gagging again uncontrollably.  

I decided Merlin had enough excitement for one night, but was willing to sit outside my place (Our common hallway is exposed to outside) and let him roam up and down the hall.   I put him down and for a second he seemed fine, when he practically had a seizure.  He started gagging and upchucking like crazy (More spit than puke) and suddenly, and very literally, started climbing the brick exterior just outside of my apartment door.  I opened the door to let him in and I have never seen that cat move so fast as he ran inside.  Once inside he went nuts and started climbing all over things, jumping around, all while upchucking.

I got the harness off him and he almost immediately calmed down.  Unfortunately for the next 20-30 minutes, I followed him around, cleaning his upchuck as he had this "seizure".  At this point I'm assuming his reaction was due to the stress of wearing a harness.  Although I'm not sure.  He is obviously not feeling very well as I would approach him and give him a couple reassuring pets, when he would walk away from me and keep his back to me (Which I took as a sign of his displeasure with me) and would upchuck a little more.  

Eventually, he wound up laying down on one of my pillows on my bed.  I left him alone for about an hour and then approached him.  I stroked him gently on his forehead, which he usually enjoys.  He was clearly not himself though, and almost seemed depressed by his reaction as he just laid his head on my pillow.  After a few minutes though he got up and jumped into my bath tub.  Which as near as I can tell was his "safe place" at his original owners.  I took it as a sign he wanted to be left alone, so I figured the best way to deal with him at the moment is let him approach me.

I want to try and let him go outside but in a way I can be assured is safe.  I feel horrible about putting him through this... Unfortunately based on his reaction to the harness, I don't know if letting him go outside is going to be possible.  Can anyone recommend a good harness that won't completely stress a cat out about wearing?  Once again, thanks in advance for anyones help
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sherry brooks

TCS Member
Jul 18, 2015
Crossroads of California.. Manteca...
oh my goodness, can only imagine how you and your furbaby must have been feeling.. I would use a pet stroller..  I have a harness for my Sassy but I feel much safer with him in the stroller.. I am able to put him on the patio and just let him relax and enjoy all the smells and sounds around him... I also had a little "sun room " built for him.. Nothing fancy.. it is attached to my bedroom window..  a screened little box big enough for him to stand and move around and for me to put a pillow in for him... He can go outside and take naps during the day and enjoy the warmth or sit at night and enjoy the stars and other animals walking around at night... I know he is safe and getting so much pleasure and enjoyment.. If you cant build a "sunroom.." they sell cattery cages online... that you can place on your patio...  I think your furbaby is very lucky to have a human who really cares and is willing to help him ... It might take a while for him to learn that he is safe with you... Like you Sassy is the first cat for me.. I had no clue what to do and what he was trying to tell me... I had to read everything I could get my hands on..( didnt have the internet that many years ago... lol)  but you sound like you are a natural... Enjoy each moment... when he knows he is truly safe with you, your heart will be so full of love and peace... There is nothing that compares to the love of a cat...
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 25, 2015
I don't know any vet's, but yes I can look into it.  Can I ask why you feel something is "off"?  My assessment of his reaction was pretty much based on the fact his first owner abused him for the first 3-4 years of his life.  The jerk went as far as breaking his leg at one point.  Now he walks with a limp.   His sister told me her brother thought it was cool Merlin was "tough enough" to walk around on a broken leg. Anyway...  I assumed he was completely stressed out by the harness and it caused a horrible reaction.  Can you share your though process on why he needs to go to a vet.  


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I agree that he needs to see a vet. That level of gagging, freaking out etc is not normal. It's highly improbable that a harness could cause that strength of reaction. I'd be wondering if he'd got bitten/stung, or come into contact with a toxic (to cats) plant. Please get him checked out ASAP.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
You really should find a vet. Trying to find one when your cat is actually sick is very difficult and stressful. Plus, he probably needs his shots, not to mention de-worming, flea meds---the usual routine stuff. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to have the doctor take a look at his leg to see if anything can be done to make him more comfortable, especially as he ages.

But in this case, I don't think he needs to see a vet over this situation (that is, IF he seems fine from now on. If he still seems "off" or in any way not normal, you should get him in to see the vet ASAP). I've seen cats react like that to wearing a harness; I don't think it's terribly uncommon. Cats don't react to stress very well. You could gradually get him accustomed to wearing the harness so it doesn't stress him as much (like, have him wear it for 1 minute, then 2 minutes the next day, etc.), or you could skip the leash walking altogether. If you have a deck, you could make some kind of enclosure so he can sit out there and get some fresh air and sunshine.
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I've re read your OP. Looking again, I can see W Willowy 's point. I misunderstood the exact sequence of events. I think just try to keep him calm, and reintroduce the harness very gradually. He will learn to accept it in time.

Sorry for the confusion :anon:

This article may help :-
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 25, 2015
Thank you for the reply and the suggestions.  Having Merlin for a year, I don't know if either of your suggestions would work out though.  I already keep a window open pretty much 24/7 and he regularly sits in the sill watching all the movement outside.  My condo association would probably have a fit if suddenly there was a screened in box sticking out of a window.  And knowing Merlin, and I don't see him cooperating very well in a stroller.  

And thank you for the complements.  I'm sort of a sucker for an underdog... or "undercat" as the case may be.  His 1st owner was a complete psycho from what his sister has told me.  He would get drunk and abuse Merlin.  Going so far as breaking his leg.  Now he walks with a limp.  When his 2nd owners (The sister of his original owner) took him in, it was suppose to be temporary while the brother went to jail for something.  When he got out he never asked for Merlin back, but I was told that the one time he visited them, Merlin freaked out and hid for a week.  

Since the 2nd owners already had a couple cats, they pretty much just ignored him and just fed him.  Letting him do his own thing.  In all honesty he was a pretty mean cat while they had him (He still gets his moments).  He would beat up on the other cats and generally hated people.  After going to my friends house during the 2+ years they had him, he and I sort of bonded as I would play with him.  Although when he plays, he plays rough.  

Eventually the husband got tired of the 3 cats destroying his furniture and wanted to get rid of them.  Unfortunately they put the oldest one down because he had gotten to old and sickly.  While the the 2nd one was fully grown, he still looked like a cute adolescent kitten, and he had no trouble finding a place for him.  Because of Merlins temperament and troubling behavior, he struggled with finding a place for him.  One day he told me he might have to put him down because he couldn't find anyone that would take him.  That's when the wife and daughter went to work on me to take him.  After about a month of saying "No", I finally broke down and accepted him.

Since I've had him, I've always tried to respect his troubled history.  I wanted to try and socialize him the best I could, so I made a point to pick him up and pet him often.  Although at the first sign he wanted down, I would let him freely jump off me.  After about 6 months, I got him to the point I could pick him up and pet him for an extended time.  While he would purr away.  Now he'll crawl on my chest and cuddle as I pet him.  Although he's usually only "cuddley" for about 5-10 minutes after he's woken up from a nap.  Since I've had him, he's even fallen asleep on my chest (Although it was only twice).   I managed to snap a picture of it and sent it to my friends, his 2nd owner.  Who was AMAZED that he'd sleep on me.  

I'd like to think I've given Merlin a home he can feel safe and secure in.  Seeing how badly he wants to go outside lately though, I can only imagine he's reached a point where he's extremely bored with being an in-door cat.  As I said, I'd like to try and let him go outside if I can do it safely.  Unfortunately based on his reaction to that harness I don't know if it will be possible. 
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
It sounds like you've given Merlin an amazing home. He is so lucky to have found you. Don't give up on the harness. All that happened is that you rushed things.

Find a treat he goes crazy for, and only give it to him when harness training. Start by just stroking him with the harness, letting him sniff it etc. Then move to one paw in the harness, then two paws, until he's wearing it undone. Then gradually do it up and instantly remove it. Start off by building time up second by second - always 'reading' him, and going back a step if he tenses up or seems stressed.

Next he has to get used to walking on a leash inside. Only when he couldn't care less do you venture outdoors again. Yes, its slow, but it can be done. All you need is patience and faith.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
My only concern is that the stress may have caused something like a seizure or something like athsma.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
My only concern is that the stress may have caused something like a seizure or something like athsma.
Sure, I can absolutely see that. I just got to thinking about the extreme stress reactions I've seen in my animals over the years. So long as he gets back to his usual self and stays that way, I don't think there's any cause for immediate alarm.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 25, 2015
I'd like to thank everyone for their replies and comments.  After reading them, I think the best overall course of action would be to take him to the Vet.  I spoke with the previous owner and told her what happened, and asked if he had ever been to a vet.  She felt what happened to Merlin was simply a strong adverse emotional reaction to the stress of wearing a harness that somehow reminded him of her brother.  She also said he had never been to a vet that she knew of.  Because he's never had his shots I think it would be best to do that, and hopefully see if a vet could do anything about his limp.  Although I would think not.  Since his reaction was dramatic, and rather traumatic, I think I'm going to give him sometime to get over it before I take him to the vet though.  Maybe a week or so.

Merlin mop'ed around the house for a day or so after he had his "seizure".  He is a rowdy cat, but it seemed like it took a lot of the fight out of him.  He almost seemed confused and like his feelings were hurt.  My best guess is he needed a day or so of assurance that he was going to be ok, and I wasn't going to start being mean to him.  After a couple days he bounced back and he's very much like he was before he became obsessed with going outside.  He focuses on the door, but he doesn't seem to have that intense desire to go outside.  

I also might have figured out a solution on how to safely let him go outside.  Although I don't think it's ideal, it's the best idea I can come up with to insure he doesn't have another "fit" or is in some unsafe situation.  My condo buildings common hallway is exterior to our building and is exposed to the outdoors.  My idea is to get 2 child safety door cage's and put them between the railing and the building exterior at opposite ends of the hallway... and let him roam between them.  Honestly, I'd love to be able to let him play in the grass and bushes, but I felt horrible about his reaction to the harness and can't think of a better solution.

Once again... Thank you to everyone for their comments.
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