Cat goes out on leash but will not stop crying to go back out


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2016
We have a 12 year old that we take out on a leash for 2 hours every morning and 1 1/2 hr every night.  She goes out with her sister.  But we bring her in and she fusses all day and night to go back out.  If I am up at 2am, she starts crying to go back out.  She doesn't seem to want to settle down at all.  The other two will sleep almost all night. 

We have a cat porch for her that she can go out to all day with a cat door. 

She doesn't seem to EVER SLEEP!  OK, sometimes but it seems like she is up all day crying to go back out.

She is spayed.  Hates her brother and sister. 

At my wits end - I cannot keep spending 3 1/2 hr taking the cat out on a leash anymore.  Thinking of a nice safe cat yard but afraid we'll spend hours building it and money and she'll circle it like a caged tiger.

When she does go out, she paces for a while and then will SLEEP!

We call her hell bent - hell bent to get outside. 


kitty chew

Kitty chew
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2016
Hi there, i am having a similar problem with my two cats. I started taking them in the garden when i am outside, but they started finding ways to escape. I've had to keep them inside now, and they are driving me crazy carrying on and trying to get out. They also have a catio, and another on the way, but i don't think it will stop them going on. Maybe in time your cat will settle down. I had a stray that got used to being locked indoors at night. It took a while though. Good luck!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 11, 2015
USA- North-East
Aw that sounds so frustrating for the both of you =/
Her deal is she probably doesn't like the other cats and wants to go outside to be away from their smells and territories. Also, naturally cats do love the outside. It's different then just a catio. Catios are usually small and sometimes there's not even grass.

Cats love to sunbathe, climb, stalk, hunt, etc. They love the smells, and the fresh air. I think building a fence would be your best bet. Fences are expensive, but usually raises the value of a house. You need to make sure it's secure. My parents built a fence and their cat managed to find a space small enough to fit through where the fence meets the gate.

I don't let my cats out at all because I live in a very busy apartment complex. I do have a balcony that I can probably turn into a catio, but that will encourage them to go out and it's way too dangerous if they managed to sneak out. They are happy to just look out the window (for now).
Over time your cat may settle down. Keep her on a tight schedule and take her out at the same time everyday. I would think she'd get use to that and learn to accept it.

You can also play with her more; it sounds like she has lots of energy.
I do think the best thing would be to have a secure fence. Will she be completely satisfied with the space? I'm not sure. How big is your yard?