Cat from the shelter


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 4, 2011
Port Chester, NY
I am new here, and so happy to read everyone's posts - so much information! I always had pets as a kid, but that was many years ago. I adopted Sasha from the shelter a few months ago, she is a beautiful Calico cat, in good health, front paws declawed (so she will have to wait until I put new fencing in around my garden to go out! ) and about 2 1/2 years old. When she came home she sprayed around my bed (that is where she sleeps) and on the front of the sofa, but that isn't surprising, just territorial. I suspect that she was not just abandoned but also abused as she is very skittish and can be jumpy and does not like any change in our simple little routine! The smallest thing will cause her to spray so I use all the tips and tricks that I have read here to try and change her behavior! We will get through this, annoying as it may be, she doesn't do it solely to piss me off! I wonder if cats have any memory about things that have happened to them? I suppose they must do else they would not have trigger points. I asked the vet (I took her for a check up to make sure that the spraying wasn't a sign of a UTI - thank goodness she is in great health), but the vet didn't know. Is there anything that I can do to give her a sense of security? (I do use Feliway spray and infuser). I know it will take time to build up her trust again.
I would like to take the folks who just "throw away" a pet and give them a dose of their own treatment!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2010
Is she spayed?

I have a kitten, Luna, who was abused by who ever had her first. I do believe cats have memories of what happened to them. Luna has gotten better over time, but sometimes she still will be scared of something. So just give your cat some time. If you can figure out most of the things that seem to scare her, see if you can not do them, or do them quietly. Like Luna would freak when we'd make a sudden movement from sitting in the chair, to standing up. So we get up slowly to answer the phone now, or whatever.

You said you're using Feliway. I used that for
, it did help him. It also worked with Luna. It had no effect on Midnight.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 4, 2011
Port Chester, NY
Thanks. She has been spayed, so it is unusual that she sprays, my Mom thinks she is a boy! Sometimes I can tell what has upset her, and sometimes it is baffling - last night she came upstairs, ate the dry food that I put in the place where she usually sprays next to the bed and then sprayed!! I put down "wee wee pads" so that at least I can just pick them up and throw them out!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2010
So Florida
Did you orient her/him to a litter box? You should have one on each floor. I wouldn't put down the P pads as that may locate the cat to a specific area. You might try different litters. Cats do like clean boxes.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
here is what I would suggest. Do you have a small room or bathroom you can confine her too for a little bit? I have a safe room for any new cats that happen to arrive. It is a small bedroom with no hiding places. Lots of toys, scratching posts, litter etc. This will help your girl feel safe. Try different litters like Cat Attract to start. Plug in that felaway diffuser you are using.

Keep her in this room and give her lots of attention in there too. When she is using the box regularly (wait for at least a week) then you can open the door and let her roam with you kinda watching her without her thinking you are In the beginning out her back in her room when you are gone and at night. Play interactive games with her often and before bedtime.

It sounds like she is stressed and needs to feel safe. So start over like you just got her today and let her have a sanitary room to retreat too. I always keep a litter box in that room even when I start opening it up. And other boxes in the house in safe places so they won't feel exposed when they are using them.

I wish you good luck keep posting
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 4, 2011
Port Chester, NY
Thanks. She has a clean box on each floor of my house, and uses them regularly which is what makes it baffling! Last night she tried twice to spray the side of my bed, and when I saw her tail go up and quiver I said "no" so she ran off - she knows it is not allowed! Silly cat, but I love her to bits.