Cat Eye Nerve Damage.

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 9, 2017
Hello everyone,

Few months ago a band of five kittens came into our yard, one of them had a missing eye, so I began to feed her and eventually she ended up staying in our garden.

About a month ago I took her to a veterinarian infirmary and they suggested to perform a surgery on the missing eye (stitching it close). I agreed, and so they performed the surgery and gave her the required vaccines.
I also have been prescribed to give her antibiotics for a 8 days after the surgery (to deal with any infection that has occurred), which I did.

Everything was fine, she was always active, running, playing, happy until about two weeks ago the eye that has been stitched shut became infected. So i retook her to the infirmary. There she went through another surgery.

However it was clear to me within a couple of days that she had vision problems. She became less playful than she was, moving carefully and fixed large eye pupil size. (I don't know if it's a total blindness but she sure has severe vision problem - my estimation is that she's over 90% blind)

So I took her to the infirmary for the third time, there they even consulted a cat eye specialist. After that they told me that the second surgery may have hit the nerves in the other eye and prescribed antibiotics(for infection) as well as some steroids (prednisone) to give her with the food.

I have been giving her the treatment for about a week with little to no improvement.
(I'm scheduled to take her again this weekend)

I suspect that what she has is an optic nerve (neuritis/inflammation/swelling) , which all -based on some googling- require the same treatment the vets prescribed more or less.

My father is a human doctor and he says that it can take weeks or even months to heal from this. (not sure if this applies to cats though)

Has anyone had such an experience with their cat? Do you think this will heal (with treatment)? If so how long should it take and how soon should I see SOME improvement?

There is also this thing that's been bothering me is that the cat haven't been spayed yet.
And I'm sure she can't handle mating in her condition. However she already went under 2 surgeries -with general anesthesia- in less than a month. So -based on that- do you think it is safe to spay her anytime soon? And if So when?

One final thing to note though, she is a semi feral/stray cat and isn't comfortable indoors, So taking her indoors is not an option, however she stays in our yard and doesn't leave it after the second surgery. And she isn't comfortable people holding/touching her either, therefore every time I take her to the vet is I put some food in the travel cage and shut the door behind her.

I apologize for the long writing, I'm just very VERY concerned for her.
Any advice/help would be highly appreciated.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I'm not certain about doing the spay that close to the other surgeries, that really is something that your vet should advise you on.

Now, if her vision is going permanently, you really should try to transition her to indoors for her own protection. I know, I know, but it can be done. And outdoor cats have become indoor cats quite successfully! I'm going to give you the links to some of our articles that can help you. She trusts you already, so over half of the battle is won! However, I am encouraged that she does not leave your yard, so if you think that the transition would be impossible, I'm hoping that she will stay there in safety. And now I'm babbling, because I'm worried for her. On to the links!

Should You Try And Tame A Feral Cat?
Handling Feral Cats
The Five Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside

No matter which you decide is best for this kitten, please know that I am right there with you, supporting you!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 9, 2017
I'm not certain about doing the spay that close to the other surgeries, that really is something that your vet should advise you on.

Now, if her vision is going permanently, you really should try to transition her to indoors for her own protection. I know, I know, but it can be done. And outdoor cats have become indoor cats quite successfully! I'm going to give you the links to some of our articles that can help you. She trusts you already, so over half of the battle is won! However, I am encouraged that she does not leave your yard, so if you think that the transition would be impossible, I'm hoping that she will stay there in safety. And now I'm babbling, because I'm worried for her. On to the links!

Should You Try And Tame A Feral Cat?
Handling Feral Cats
The Five Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside

No matter which you decide is best for this kitten, please know that I am right there with you, supporting you!
First of all thank you for your reply, I appreciate your concern, it really means a lot.
I'm not sure about vision going permanently but I can tell that right now she's either totally or at least mostly blind.
However, I'm doing what I can by giving her the medication she needs. Not sure how effective the treatment really is though, considering it's been over a week already and I haven't seen any noticeable improvements. Then again as I stated in the post above I understand that neurological problems can take time to heal, you now see what I'm worried about.
Did you experience something like that or know someone who did?
Because right now I need all the help I can get.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Not in cats. I have seen it in humans, and yes, it takes considerable time for any healing to take place. But it can happen. I'll see if I can locate someone who may know more than I.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I agree with your dad. It can take quite a long regimen of antibiotics and steroids before seeing improvement.

I think you can go ahead and have her spayed. But do plan to keep her inside for 3 days after the spay, and make sure you leave with 3 days of pain meds. She will need the time in a safe place to heal.

It is alot of surgeries in a short time, but hopefully that will be the end of it.

Thank you for caring for her!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
And do let us know how she gets along, both with the spay and her vision!
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 9, 2017
Hello, sorry for the late update, just been a busy week.

I didn't see any significant improvement of the cat's eye/sight yet, but I've taken her to the infirmary few hours ago, the vets there performed a menace reflex test to which she reacted as she should react. (at least now we know that she isn't 100% blind)

However they told me that she has a severe vision loss and instructed me to continue to give her steroids for 2 weeks in smaller doses. They also informed me that I can either see improvements after several months or the condition may remain as is. (I will continue to update)

As for her spay, they told me that I can spay her, but I'm gonna wait another about 3 weeks ,just to be safe. (she shouldn't mate until then anyway)

I appreciate anyone who's genuinely concerned for her, really thank you, it means a LOT.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Oh, this is excellent news! It's wonderful that she has even a little vision, but I shall light a candle that it can improve somewhat! As for the spaying, asap, of course, but three weeks should be good. Even if she were to mate in that time, it would be early enough to terminate the pregnancy without undue risk. Thank you for caring so much about this little stray/feral.

Have you named her yet? Have any pictures? We'd love to see them, and if you would like to, you can follow this link New Cats on the Block and introduce yourself and the kitten (and any other furries in the family) to the community.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It's good to hear that she has sime vision, and hopefully the steroids will help. Spaying in 3 weeks' time should be fine!
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 9, 2017
Hello, just wanted to update about what's happening.

I planned to spay the cat 11 days ago but then she got sick, so I had to postpone the surgery until Yesterday. (after she have finished her antibiotics and healed)

Yesterday I spayed her (at a different vet), the operation went well and for now I'm keeping her in a cage (a dog intended cage -which is big enough- with food, water, a litter box and a blanket). I'm also planning to keep her inside the cage for as long as possible and as long as she doesn't resist it.

However, I asked this other vet to check her sight, he said that what happened to her eye is a known complication/side-effect from her second eye surgery. He also doesn't believe that her vision/eye would improve even though he assured me that she still has little vision left.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Thank you so much for the update! She will be a much happier kitten now that her hormones won't drive her nuts! And can you imagine what that poor little thing would have gone through without you? Trying to rear kittens as a feral and without good vision would have been a nightmare for her. Bless you! SUCH a good Christmas present you have given me!
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 9, 2017
Hello everyone, thank you very much for following me until now.
I'm sorry to report that the cat has died. Not from sickness or a medical condition but she was apparently kidnapped and killed by a stray dog while she was in the back yard, at least that's what the bite on her neck says.
I appreciate you all for following along this post.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

Since she was just spayed earlier this week, I thought you were keeping her in a large dog cage for now?

Do stray dogs come into your yard often?
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 9, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

Since she was just spayed earlier this week, I thought you were keeping her in a large dog cage for now?

Do stray dogs come into your yard often?
She was in a cage, but she began resisting it -violently- about 3 days ago which lead me to let her out.
Stray dogs can't access the front yard ,where she used to stay, but during the night apparently she decided to go to the back yard where stray dogs can roam -she rarely went there.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Very sorry to read this. We'll close the thread now. If you'd like to post a tribute to this little kitty, we invite you to do so in our Crossing the Bridge forum. RIP, little one.
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