Hey everyone. I'm sure you all have united and strong feelings about declawing, but I know the facts and I am not interested in hearing them from you. Here is the situation... My kitties name is Mya. She is 1 year old. At age 6 months, she was declawed. The surgery went fine except 6 months later a couple of her paws started regrowing the claws. We took her back to the same vet who offered to re due the paws for free. She ended up having complications like her bone sticking out a little and the glue wouldn't hold because she chewed it constantly. She was in a cone for almost 2 weeks. A month later her paws look really good, but my concern is that she constantly hold up her front paws. She isn't eating much, and sleeps more than normal. She also won't play or anything. I know, I know "it's because she hates you for what you did to her". I do not need these types of responses, I need to know if anyone had similar experiences or knows the possible causes. We are worried about her contantly licking her paws still and holding them up even though they look FINE from the outside. Let me know if you an help. Is it nerve damage or is this somewhat normal>??