Cat Cold (need help!)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 28, 2022
Hello fellow cat lovers,
[I'm going to provide as much detailed info as I can. Cause I need help]

I just recently adopted a cat from a shelter (march 8th) for reference. When I adopted her they told me that she had a "cat cold" and gave me antibiotics (7 days supply) Keep in mind I have never owned a pet and had no idea how to administer the antibiotics They said I could just apply the required amount to her wet food or administer it in her mouth. All this had me worried about adopting a sick cat. I understand this isn't the cats fault but I explained to the shelter that I did not want to adopt a medical bill as I have my own to deal with and they assured me "cat colds" are perfectly normal.

Shortly after arriving home, I attempted to give her the antibiotics by mouth with the provided syringe (she hated this) as she didnt really know me and it required me to make her more uncomfortable in her new home. So I resorted to giving it to her in her wet food.

For the first week she had mediocre diarrhea, She woke me up a few times when she went to the bathroom in the litter box from her "number 2 sounds
" if you get my drift. Over the course of the first week I kept her on the same wet food as I read change in diets can cause diarrhea. It didn't go away.

Starting week 2 (day 8)
she still had diarrhea so I went and bought some wet food that was extremely expensive and it looked like a definite upgrade over the pate she was eating before, I had her on that food for about 2 days and it seemed like her diarrhea got worse (it was literally small chicken chunks in broth with some veggies) so I asked a friend and he said to put her on dry food. So i did.

She has since been on dry food.. She has not had a single day where its normal poops.. I check every time she goes and sometimes I think she is getting to normal as its becoming mostly solid then back next one diarrhea..

Going on day 20
She is still sick with this "cat cold" her symptoms are as follows
Nose drips (when she shakes her head Ill get droplets from her nose)
Sneezing (occasionally throughout the day)
does not play AT ALL (I've tried feather, mice on a string, toys etc.. this could be her personality as she is an EXTREME cuddle bug)
She is under weight (she was like that when I got her, I'm trying to put a few pounds on her)
She is still eating and drinking water on a normal basis that has not diminished at all.

Someone please help me understand, is 20 straight days of her having this cold normal? I really don't want to take her to a vet as that can get expensive very fast... help!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
You need to call the shelter ASAP (I would have called them the first week or the first time she had the runs.) Stop switching foods. She needs a vet ASAP but the shelter should pay for it. Plus you need a copy of her medical records from the shelter.

In all my 40 years of being around cats none of my cats have ever had this kind of “cold!” In honesty it doesn’t sound like a cold. The closest to that is when one of my cat occasionally sneezes (cat cold) or when I adopted one kitten with a very mild cold or eye infection.... he had eye boogers for a couple of months. As a senior he still sometimes gets eye boogers but they are rarer.

I’m wondering if this is an immune thing, a food allergy plus pneumonia thing etc. You don’t give antibiotics for just a cold anymore then human doctors prescribe antibiotics for colds. Yes the dr prescribes us antibiotics for bronchitis or pneumonia we got from the cold but antibiotics do not work on colds or a flu.

At the very least get a copy of your vet’s medical record for your cat; then go after the shelter for the $$$. (Maybe in small claims court at the very least.) You might want to fax or email them just so you have a legal record. They should be responsible for the vet bill & I’m thinking their adopting a sick cat out sounds shady!

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 28, 2022
Ill call the shelter tomorrow and speak with them. I don't have the resources to take a shelter to court unfortunately, They did provide me with he shot records and a few other documents ill look through them.

From what I know they DO have a clinic there at the shelter, ill see what they recommend. As a single person living on my own in an apartment I cant afford huge medical bills especially for a brand new cat I've had less than 30 days...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I hear you (though I’m a single person on SSI/disability.)

carecredit is an option in the USA and I don’t think you need a lawyer to go to small claims court. Hopefully the shelter will see the mistake they made and give her a free vet visit with some tests to figure out what is going on!

I’m guessing your poor cat is to sick to feel up to doing anything right now. 😢