Cat changed her mind about my boyfriend? Help!


TCS Member
Mar 27, 2013
FYI - I just played it also.  Casper, who was raised by people from kittenhood didn't react at all.

Cocoa, came right over and was all ears.  She looked VERY concerned and agitated, for her.  Cocoa, is a rescue; had been living on the streets for an undetermined amount of time although we all suspect she was someone's pet at some point in her life, as she is far too well socialized to have been feral at all.

I turned it off about 30 seconds into it; did not want to upset her more than necessary.
I also played it for my cats both are from good breeders and were hand raised and kept with mom until 12-13 weeks. They were both passed out on the couch and the sound did wake them up from their slumber which is unusual because they are usually dead to the world when they nap. Frank is my scardy cat and he sat up and looked slightly concerned when he heard the sound but didn't jump of the couch. Ava, my kitten, who is very adventurous ran over to my computer to see what the noise was, but wasn't bothered. They both promptly fell back asleep as soon as I turned it off LOL. 

This leads me to accept the hypothesis that cats who have lived on the street are more bothered by the app.